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Stupid habits that you can't seem to get out of


Red Skull Member
May 19, 2020
Member Number
Syracuse, NY
One I do, all my coworkers seem to point out is using underscores in my file names. I honestly can't remember the last time I encountered a program that needed it, yet still, every file I create I use them. They also have the date written as "20200521" but i still find that convenient and relevant.
I used to always blow my nose in TP. Took a while to break that one.
One I do, all my coworkers seem to point out is using underscores in my file names. I honestly can't remember the last time I encountered a program that needed it, yet still, every file I create I use them. They also have the date written as "20200521" but i still find that convenient and relevant.

using spaces and odd symbols in file names is the bad habit. underscores are good. We even have people at work trying to use emojis in file names.... idiots.

I have a bad habit of leaving tools and hardware everywhere. I get absent minded and I just set them down when I'm done with them, and then 10 minutes later I can't remember where I've put them! I've been trying REAL hard lately to keep all my tools organized, and to put them back where they belong as soon as I'm done using them. It's definitely feeling more organized, but it's a hard habit to break.
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I underscore file names as well.

I bite my fingernails, have since I was a little kid, 39 years old and I still can't kick it. I'll go a few days really being vigilant about it, and either driving down the road, or listening in to a conference call I'll subconsciously start knawing away and in 10 minutes back to square one.
I have a bad habit of leaving tools and hardware everywhere. I get absent minded and I just set them down when I'm done with them, and then 10 minutes later I can't remember where I've put them! I've been trying REAL hard lately to keep all my tools organized, and to put them back where they belong as soon as I'm done using them. It's definitely feeling more organized, but it's a hard habit to break.

I used to have a similar problem. I picked up a tool cart and outfitted it to hold and store a few things. It helped quite a bit. The other thing I do is when I'm working on something and can't find a tool I need. I stop what I'm doing and start cleaning. Usually after a couple minutes of cleaning I find what I'm looking for.
Smoking. Quit for a while, started back up but only a few a day. A relationship started me smoking more, got out of that train wreck but am back up to a pack a day.
One I do, all my coworkers seem to point out is using underscores in my file names. I honestly can't remember the last time I encountered a program that needed it, yet still, every file I create I use them. They also have the date written as "20200521" but i still find that convenient and relevant.

if put the date at front of a file name in that format it will sort chronologically. if you do, month, day, year then you have to do more scanning to ensure you pick the most recent one. if you do programming or autocad files this is extremely helpful to getting the most recent file, especially if people do utilize an 'old' folder keeping the only the most recent ones in the main folder
I went to type in something and a Disclaimer popped up... :confused:

I think prolly enjoying my freedom by continued breathings :usa:
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