Gum Gardener
You are correct, I’m very blessed. I could have it way worse. I forgo a lot of things but I don’t forgo many things either. I do a ton of work myself. So even after the day is done at one job, I go home to another “job” which is some sort of idea of retirement along with trying to give the middle finger to taxes.No offense. I know you’re smart and have worked hard for what you have.
Are you doing everything you can to pay off the debt? Is it ‘tough’ or is it ‘tough while also enjoying the money I make to do the fun things I want to do’ ? There is a difference. To me, the first one is a struggle and you don’t have extras. The other is equivalent to ‘TikTok nurse makes video complaining about living paycheck to paycheck saying $200 to spend after everything is paid for.’
I don’t worry about ever going without food or basic needs. I was not completely oblivious but not 100% understanding of what it would take to pay these loans back as a young adult (kid). I do have a reliable truck and some other farm trucks. I have a side by side and a tractor. So yes, I have a few things. And will continue to work on my own stuff.
I guess sometimes, always working, just takes a toll. So no, I have no reason to complain. I just like to join the crowd on irate doing it about their own problems 😬