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Strange stories from out on the trail or wilderness


El Stupido
May 19, 2020
Member Number
17 miles West of Murdock KS
That thread on some other site was one of my favorites.

The story about the worthless tweaker that shot the guy wheeling reminded me of that thread.

Any new stories or old ones that were already told? Did you see Bigfoot or UFOs or ghost? Did you find a dead body or missing person alive. Did you run up on a tweaker cooking meth or a satanic cult? Did you get shot at? Missing time or other Coast to Coast Am type stuff?
I came across a bloated illegal immigrant's corpse once. Middle of August in the desert and it was NOT appetizing.

Well then..............judging from the stories on the original thread....:lmao:

Some weird drunk fuckers sometimes....not saying I am not one... But several years ago, some clown in a little green cj5 was driving like a granny coming back toward soup can from little sluice, so I took a little turnout and mashed in front of him.
little dickhead didn't like that and rode my ass right into my camp area. When ingot out of the truck, he told me to get out of his way. We were off trail in my camp area. I told dickhead this. He was drunk enough to not really notice the amount or size of us in the camp. Finally he scurried on.
Next morning, heading toward Ellis, his jeep was broke down in a little seasonal creek so offered him some help. He obviously didn't remember me from 12 hours before and declined. Oh well.

There was plenty of other stupid shit, but should not post. :D
Early 90's a friend and I were out wheeling our FJ40's, not really in the middle of nowhere but getting close. We had stopped for lunch and while sitting there I spy what looks to be a really old cabin across the clearing but a little ways back inside the tree line. We figure we will walk over and have a little look and see what it is.

We get maybe 50 yards away and something just don't smell right, It was pretty bad but we circle up wind and carry on. We get close enough to see that yes it is a cabin and yes we should get the fuck out of there like right now.

The cabin was pretty much covered with rabbit pelts, not stretched and tanned but just nailed up. Dead rabbit carcasses all over the ground, hanging from trees and stuff and some of it was fresh.

We backed away as quietly as we could, I think we back walked all the way to the rigs and got the hell out of there.

Never ran that trail again.
Some weird drunk fuckers sometimes....not saying I am not one... But several years ago, some clown in a little green cj5 was driving like a granny coming back toward soup can from little sluice, so I took a little turnout and mashed in front of him.
little dickhead didn't like that and rode my ass right into my camp area. When ingot out of the truck, he told me to get out of his way. We were off trail in my camp area. I told dickhead this. He was drunk enough to not really notice the amount or size of us in the camp. Finally he scurried on.
Next morning, heading toward Ellis, his jeep was broke down in a little seasonal creek so offered him some help. He obviously didn't remember me from 12 hours before and declined. Oh well.

There was plenty of other stupid shit, but should not post. :D

Came here to post about you :flipoff2:
September 2016 I'm on the White Rim trail in Moab, about 40 miles in. It was about 105 that day and it was maybe 3PM so it was at peak temperature. I came around a bend and saw 3 guys wearing what appeared very much like Sahara desert garb. Full greyish pants, long-sleeve shirt, full brimmed hat, and face covering. They were walking in a line, one after the other, and had one school-sized backpack between them. We rolled down the window and asked if they wanted some water out of the cooler, but they just waved us on. They didn't even talk to us or really even stop walking. It was strange.
I came across a bloated illegal immigrant's corpse once. Middle of August in the desert and it was NOT appetizing.

Found a bunch of them. Dying, dead and bloated, dead and decomposing, skeletons and pieces and parts. Not a good feeling out in the middle of nowhere. When I was working the brush up north some of those ranches are tens of thousands of acres, some are much larger. I always carried my phone with a backup battery, radio with an extra battery, spot beacon, and my garmin.
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