So some how my 24 year old kid has beat the odds, he graduated high school didn't go to collage, got a great job and somehow managed to save 250K and buy a house in Southern Ca. in 19 days him and his fiancée will be married and moving in, All of that gives me the cold sweats,
Congrats all the way around man.
IMHO, Immigration does have a problem with supply, but that's an external artificial demand. The local religious monopoly in my area is importing "asylum seekers" and making them pay $1600 for THEIR 2BD apts. they already have $15/h jobs lined up for them through THEIR friends, AND they get paid a monthly salary from the .gov for a year or so, It goes up with the more kids you bring in. It's crazy to me. We don't have as many skilled labor jobs in the States anymore, and that's one of the biggest driving factors in the wage deflation. Lack of Middle class jobs. If you get a USEFUL degree and use it, if You start your own business in the trades, or If you can carve out a Nitch market, you will be at least middle class.
Private equity has written the laws to not apply to them. They are a monopoly, just not on paper, and taxed as such. And Big .Gov isn't helping either, they collect their pound of flesh from you to keep spending it on others.
The big problem I see, in construction, is the lack of starter homes. Alot of freinds of mine bought houses out of highschool for $100k. Those houses aren't coming back with new codes, restritictions, and building costs. The median house in my area is $350k. With new building code requirements, zoning being worse, and Material costs being at an all time high. I don't see it easing quickly. Also, the big builders learned through 2008 to only build the houses you sell. Befor the Recession, they just built everything they could until they ran out of money and people stopped buying.
I'm convinced that AI will be the death of human interaction. The emails will write themselves, Jobs will do themselves, and more middle class jobs will be cut. Helping to divide the Upper/Lower class. If you make it in before AI, You'll be fine.
/rant. sorry.