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Star Citizen...legit or just gonna become the biggest flop of all time


walk home clown
May 19, 2020
Member Number
Red Bank, NJ
So for total disclosure I was an early backer of the game, Feb 2013 my account says. I wanted to believe for soo long but it has gotten to the point of ridiculous-ity.

The first wake up call for me was when the guild/corp I am in won a contest to attend PAX East in Boston and we got a chance to have a sit down interview with Chris Roberts with a few other guilds. This was in 2014 when he was still answering questions and talking about his plans for the game. The event at PAX went off like a fart in church, their tech and IT team really blew it and almost ruined the demo they were trying to preview that night.

I stopped actively backing the game that weekend, and when I lost my job later in the year I sold off all but one of my ships. I still want to believe six years later, but come on. Thoughts?
It's going to be horribly dated by the time it's actually done, if it's ever actually done.

For reference, GTA 5 was the most expensive game ever produced at $265 million. Star Citizen was coming up on $300 million in December, not sure where it's at now. Imo they're going to release Squadron 42, never release SC and laugh all the way to the bank with all the millions they raked in. I'm sure the Crytek lawsuit cost them quite a bit as well.
Honestly had no idea what you were talking about until half way through post 2 :homer:

I have a CD of Redneck Rampage somewhere, pretty sure it's Win98 compatible.

Hope this helps :flipoff2:
It's going to be horribly dated by the time it's actually done, if it's ever actually done.

For reference, GTA 5 was the most expensive game ever produced at $265 million. Star Citizen was coming up on $300 million in December, not sure where it's at now. Imo they're going to release Squadron 42, never release SC and laugh all the way to the bank with all the millions they raked in. I'm sure the Crytek lawsuit cost them quite a bit as well.

I've been playing some of the alpha and what they have put out is PRETTY impressive
I am on the fence. I don't think it will live up to the hype, so it will either come out mediocre as fuck, or it will be one of the biggest games in recent memory, at least for PC. I figure it will gather a dedicated following regardless and probably exist out of the mainstream like Eve or something.
They passed $300m in crowd funding this weekend which is mind bendingly insane. Their Alpha 3.9 is out but I haven't had time to download and try it.
Cliffs for the WTF are you talking about crowd?

What is the game storyline?

It's an mmo combing first person shooter and space combat, not really story based. What it's trying to do is unprecedented though. If it ever actually launches and follows what they've been promising, it's a persistent universe over dozens of planets, moons, areas of space, space stations, ect without loading in and out. At least that was the original idea, but they've continually changed the size and scope of the game, delaying the launch year after year. It was supposed to launch like 6-7 years ago.

Realistically, the technology doesn't really exist yet to do what they want to do with it. It's more likely they're just fleecing donations at this point. Awesome concept in theory, but I'm not holding my breath after nearly a decade of limbo in development.
It's an mmo combing first person shooter and space combat, not really story based. What it's trying to do is unprecedented though. If it ever actually launches and follows what they've been promising, it's a persistent universe over dozens of planets, moons, areas of space, space stations, ect without loading in and out. At least that was the original idea, but they've continually changed the size and scope of the game, delaying the launch year after year. It was supposed to launch like 6-7 years ago.

Realistically, the technology doesn't really exist yet to do what they want to do with it. It's more likely they're just fleecing donations at this point. Awesome concept in theory, but I'm not holding my breath after nearly a decade of limbo in development.

kind of gotta ask, why? is loading really that bad? 🤣
Is this game similar to Eve in any aspects?
Do not donate more until they deliver SOMETHING of value.
It's a dead end right now.
But there are enough idiots finding it daily, and putting money into it.
Honestly had no idea what you were talking about until half way through post 2 :homer:

I have a CD of Redneck Rampage somewhere, pretty sure it's Win98 compatible.

Hope this helps :flipoff2:

I still have no idea what anyone is talking about. I guess it's some kind of game?:flipoff2:
i remember when i was 14 years old and gave a shit about video games.

But many years ago it was time to put away childish things.
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i remember when i was 14 years old and gave a shit about video games.

But many years ago it was time to put away childish things

Yeah and opinions are like assholes, everybody has one and it usually stinks.

Skip the thread and post in the other 1,900 here on irate don't fuck this one up with your holier-than-thou kids games bullshit.
Most guys I raid with are in their 30s and 40s. :confused:
i remember when i was 14 years old and gave a shit about video games.

But many years ago it was time to put away childish things.

So you are heavily vested in Chit Chat ??? I know what you mean. Combat Flight simulator and the original Call of Duty were awesome . . . . . Epic Friday night shoot outs with the crew . . .
Epic Friday night shoot outs with the crew . . .

Back in the day, we did a the LAN party at a center in town. It was awesome. Battlefield 1942 I think it was had just released. It was $25 and we'd do an all nighter. There was about 20 of us. Pizza joint next door. We'd load up on sodas and pizzas and game all night. We looked forward to that every week. That was awesome.
I don't game much anymore but when i did i really enjoyed it. Probably biggest addiction was Everquest. It pretty much replaced TV for me for a few years. I followed this for a while in the early years. Have not followed it much bujt i do hope it gets done someday.
Yeah and opinions are like assholes, everybody has one and it usually stinks.

Skip the thread and post in the other 1,900 here on irate don't fuck this one up with your holier-than-thou kids games bullshit.

Wait, did you think Booger was a first-person driving game? and that's why it took you 9 days to drive it 1600 miles??:flipoff2::flipoff2:
Wait, did you think Booger was a first-person driving game? and that's why it took you 9 days to drive it 1600 miles??:flipoff2::flipoff2:

Thats exactly what it was when the CO levels got so high I could barely keep lunch down and the truck started talking to me in this deep Barry White-esqe tone. It was like playing pole position but hauling a heavy ass trailer instead of driving an Indy car.:flipoff2:
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