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Squamch buys, builds, rides, and probably breaks, a 2023 300 XC-W


May 19, 2020
Member Number
republic of Vancouver island
I already did the buys and rides parts.


To be honest, I did a neat front flip yesterday and broke the low oil light off too. Superglued er back on this morning though, so it doesn't count.

I've got just under 3 hrs on it, which is the recommended break in period. It's mean. I haven't ridden a 2 stroke before, other than dicking about on 80s, and about an hour at a track on a yz125 a few years back until my buddy broke his shoulder. Takes some getting used to compared to the yz250f I'm coming from.

We have to register bikes here in BC, and...I have a street plated 300 2 stroke now. I won't be commuting on it, but being able to ride the roads when going trail to trail will be neat.:smokin: Of course it has no brake light or turn signals, but looking more legal than the rest of the crowd is the goal here:laughing:.

So far I've ordered an emperor racing ktm 2T armour kit, which consists of a big honking skid plate with a pipe protector built in, rad braces, and hand guards. Really nice stuff, and local-ish.

Next up will be a shinko 505 rear and a 216 fatty front tire.
Nice! Props for already thrashing it about :grinpimp:

I was trying really hard not to go hard on the first ride, then my 5 year old tried an obstacle called parachute hill. Couldn't let him try harder shit than me, so I rode 25' past him and fell over and dragged it downhill on it's side for 10 feet:laughing:. First scratch out of the way!
Picked up my package from emperor racing today. Opened it up and found a set of bright red handguards. Double checked my order form, then emailed the company at about 415pm. By 615pm my orange guards were packaged and ready for drop off at the post office tomorrow! That's some customer service!

Got the rad guards installed. Takes a bit of fettling and fuckery to get the shrouds back on, but no shit, the front mounts are like 3/8" wider each side now. Beefy. Really beefy. I was surprised they were black though, I expected raw aluminum.

On the advice of everyone, I also ordered a rad fan kit for it.

I'll try to get the skid plate on tomorrow and grab a few pics. Then eventually I've gotta get the YZ tuned up and ready for sale, or trade for an e start 125-230 for the wife.
Started installing the skid plate last night in the fuckin artic cold. I had one of the threaded inserts on the bracket spin, and then I had to drill and cut the bolt off. Ordered more inserts and I'll green lock tight them in. For now though it's hung from 3 bolts up front instead of 4.




It was freezing cold and I forgot to take a pic once it was installed. I'll roll it out and get the handguards on today and grab a few pics of all the emperor parts.
New tire went on yesterday, Dunlop Geomax AT81EX. Feels sticky as hell, and I was gonna go with another cheater, but the local shop had these, and would sell em cheaper than I can get the shinko for.

Fan kit tracking says arriving tomorrow, I'm skeptical since tracking started in Germany last week, and has no updates in Canada yet.

Really wanted to ride this weekend, but 4" of snow in town yesterday meant more like 8-10" up in the hills where the trails are, so we will wait.

Started kicking around the idea of doing the North Island 1000 this summer too. Buddy did it last summer in rzrs with his wife and daughter. We're thinking of doing it on bikes with a support truck for gear and fuel.

I never could get any decent life out of a cheater tire, first big loose rock hill climb an they just seem to melt.
Indeed, interesting design. Will that get packed hopelessly with mud/snow? Not sure your riding conditions.
I always thought those style of skids looked like loader buckets but that perforated steel mud catcher is pretty slick. I've never noticed that as a part of it before, but I live in the desert so maybe people around me just dont run it.
Well we were gonna ride today, but it was snowy as shit in the normal riding areas, so...we went to the local trials club property. Skid 100% saved my pipe. No videos or pics of me riding, but this is my buddy (who is a better rider than me) on a couple obstacles that I didn't even think of trying.
This one, you actually have to ride about 2' up the Arbutus and launch off of that to get up this face. Gnarly.

This is just a fun little pop over the stump, but still...bigger than I wanted to loop out on:laughing:

Getting a lot more comfy on the bike though, and learning to work the clutch. Getting it set up for my comfort too, missed the brake pedal tip a couple times and ate shit as a result, so I'm gonna get one of the extended ones.
My bike and the dirty 'berg at the lookout.
I love it. Added an idle screw, and turned the idle up juuuust a hair. Much easier to ride now. Had a number of good yardsales today, but managed to hammer our way through a trail i would never have dreamed of on the old yzf. Looped the bike a couple times, but overall, great. Rear tire at 3psi, front at 8, hooked up great when there was something to hook up on.



If you ride a lot of wet slippery stuff try one of the cheater tires. The Dunlop I got sticks like glue.
3psi? You running tubliss or anything?

Nope. Standard tube even.

If you ride a lot of wet slippery stuff try one of the cheater tires. The Dunlop I got sticks like glue.

That's what I have, geomax at81ex. I had a shinko 505 on the YZ250F, and that was an amazing change from the starcross that it had when I bought it.
I'm curious how that skid will hold up. With that big wing for the pipe, its a lot of leverage. I looked into a few options and kind of decided that denting a pipe may just be part of the deal. :laughing:
Good point. Yeah he's good...usually:homer:

Like I said,I'm just curious hownit works out, not doubting it. I'd like something like that for mine since the minimal skid is not in great shape and I did bust the from mount off the pipe. Probably from bashing it trying to hop downed trees. :laughing:
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