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skinny bastards unite


kinder and gentler
May 20, 2020
Member Number
lake erie
I've lost 4 lbs.

I didn't have 4 lbs to lose.

everyone told me i'd gain weight at 40, but I just went from 134 to 130 at 38.

I've been eating oatmeal creme pies 2 at a time every night. The for resale proper sized ones. I had a giant bowl of custard yesterday, we've hit the custard place probably 3 times this week and there's 4 quarts in my freezer. had a reeses egg. wife made pork loin last night, ate that, a salad and some fancy rice deal she made.

I probably eat like 4K calories a day and I'm losing weight.


and for the fatties
Yeah, at about 35 I ballooned up to about 165. I try to eat as much ice cream and such as I can in a day.
I hear not snorting a pound of coke a week helps...

Also, you being in your 30's makes so much more sense as to why you pretend to be an internet badass.
From 15yrs old to 27 I weighed 145lbs at 6'2". At 27 I got my now exwife preggo and I gained 45lbs in that 9 month time. Now i'm stuck at 190, doesn't matter what I eat I don''t gain weight.
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Half a load of bread and mayo with dinner every night.
Sooooo..............wtf is the issue ?

I am certain there is some sort of man-bun website that might actually take this serious or maybe even give a shit. Big fucking deal, you got a high metabolism, a real job where you burn a shit ton of calories in a day or a lifestyle conducive to burning calories. I mean, are you trying to get fat ?

If it is an issue, go see a Dr. I'm sure it's the COVID that is doing it. If you fell off a bridge into a river and drowned it would be reported that it was COVID.

Reality ? Get over it, or get on with it, like find out from a REAL Dr why your doing what your doing. Asking a bunch of internet dipshits that will NEVER give you reasonable advice/knowledge/compassion ain't going to get you jack shit.

BTW, either your already dead, or your headed that was fast. I looked it up on YouTube
I've lost 4 lbs.

I didn't have 4 lbs to lose.

everyone told me i'd gain weight at 40, but I just went from 134 to 130 at 38.

I've been eating oatmeal creme pies 2 at a time every night. The for resale proper sized ones. I had a giant bowl of custard yesterday, we've hit the custard place probably 3 times this week and there's 4 quarts in my freezer. had a reeses egg. wife made pork loin last night, ate that, a salad and some fancy rice deal she made.

I probably eat like 4K calories a day and I'm losing weight.


and for the fatties

My best friend was that way - tried in earnest to gain weight for years, stayed skinny.

Some time around his low 40s, shit changed - now his body holds him accountable.

Suggest being really cocky about it now - zero chance karma will bitch slap you for it :laughing:
In. 6' lankosaur here.

Since starting the farm 6 months ago, I went from 142-147 daily fluctuation to 138-142. But I'm way leaner and bigger which is weird. I didn't look skinny fat before but my shoulders, abs, pecks etc were not cut. I just looked like a normal thin person. Now I look like a tall fly weigh. I'm definitely top heavy. Most of the work I'm doing it upper body intensive. I've broken the welds on my post driver 3 different times now, slung 3 pallets of ready mix, fed two pup trailers of 3 string alfalfa, used 20k lbs of 32' drill stem, and run more than 2k ft of cable off a 5k spool that's not fixed to a bearing of any kind. Lol

I'd say I probably lost water weight if anything. Not sure how it works but I get compliments now, so I guess I'm looking healthy again. The most I've ever weighed was 155. I was a 30 waist at that weight and it took a ridiculous amount of work on both the gym and nutrition side to get there. I'm just a very thinly framed person. Which does give the right ratios at the lighter weights.

Anyway, I'm happy with how I look. I feel strong, but I'm very sore and still deal with a lot of pain.
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I haven't seen 150lb since the 6th grade...some of y'all need to eat a sammich.
In. 6' 160 - 165. All upper body; skinny fawking legs.

I was 6' 130 in high school, but was in very good shape.

I've been sort of lazy. If I still had all my innards, I'd probably be fat with skinny fawking legs.
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