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Side Hustle - Plasma Table

Absolutely just like the table if you can bend 22" the first job will be 23":homer:

I have 42" 3 in 1 brake/shear/roll and I want to make a bender that uses those dies and laminated dies I can cut on the table.

I recently saw a video of a dudes 8' bender that is really slick, made out of doubled 1/4" plate with two air engine hoist jacks.

It really just needs proper synchronized hydraulics to bad ass but he does pretty good with it as is. He seems like he should be a member here...

Open throat too. That's pretty bad ass.
My latest project, a fixture table for myself. Really wish I figured out I needed more than 100psi through the plasma cutter to cut decently on thick plate before I cut most of this, but it's salvageable.

This is the type of thing that is great to make for yourself on a plasma table for cheap, but you could never beat the price from the big mfgs.


Edit: can't beat the big mfg price for selling as a product I mean. Not unless you got the plate for scrap price or something.
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Personally I'd go with a cyrious table if i were to buy new. With a hypertherm plasma
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