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Shaved diff


May 20, 2020
Member Number
Northfield Vermont
Happy Tuesday. My rear diff plug must have un threaded a bit because ripped out on our last trip out. Messed up the threads, jammed another in to keep wheeling so now I need a real fix

. Was just going to weld it shut and grind it smooth. Is it worth shaving/plating?

Heres my sheetbox

If you shave it there is a high probability that it will warp the housing if you get to much heat in it to fast. May be able to drill it and tap with npt thread and use a plug with Allen head. And grind down the ring call it good.
I will say that it is annoying to change the diff fluid without a drain on my Diamond housing. using a suction pump or pulling the third are both too much effort. Maybe I am a lazy SOB :flipoff2:
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If you shave it there is a high probability that it will warp the housing if you get to much heat in it to fast. May be able to drill it and tap with npt thread and use a plug with Allen head. And grind down the ring call it good.

Ive welded plenty of armor on to front housing to know to go slow and not have weight on it when doing it. It was a allen head plug that got turned/ripped out which is why I was wanting to weld it shut.

I think Im going to pass on shaving, and just weld the hole closed and grind the bottom smooth.

I will say that it is annoying to change the diff fluid without a drain on my Diamond housing. using a suction pump or pulling the third are both too much effort. Maybe I am a lazy SOB :flipoff2:

Last time I changed the fluid was 6 years ago and it would still be in there if the plug didnt get destroyed. haha. But I can see how fluid draining would be a pita. I figured if I was changing the fluid it was because something else in there was already destroyed and the axle was coming apart anyway.

I saw a FB post today, that said if laziness was an Olympic sport, I would come in 4th so I wouldn't have to walk up the podium. Haha.
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I'd plate it. Someone makes a prebent plate if your to lazy to "custom" bend one yourself lol.. usually when the plug gets ripped out holes are close to appearing on the bottom of those flimsy shitty housings.
Shaving is a waste of time. Weld the fucker up and call it good. Replace the bottom studs with bolts to drain the housing. Use copper washers on the bolts to prevent seepage.
shaving doesn't get you much, there really isn't a bunch of room. weld up the plug, shave the drain off if you care to get it back to smooth and weld on some ~1/4 or 3/16 plate across the bottom.

I've got some pictures of my diff that i did i'll try to add when i get to the house.

the bottom takes a good bit of abuse, adding some thickness there is better than not, mostly for the large gouges
To add to this whole shaving the bottom is overrated on a Toyota . To me the only time it makes any sense is if the pinion is rotated upwards which will decrease your clearance by 3/8th of an inch . Did the whole shave deal 15 yrs ago when it was the cool thing to do, the time and effort to do it now is not going to happen for me , but I would bend and stitch a piece of 1/4" ar400 on there for just hitting shit! OP I see your in northern Vermont, I'm in the beer virus dictator state of new York , about 25 mi. West of Albany in Schoharie co. Send me a pm if you want some AR 400 to do a shave or plate it . Will have some scrap off the plasma table can send you , think it's just under 10$ for usps priority.
Cryptictoy, Im all set for now, but thanks! But lets go wheelin!

Shaving is a waste of time. Weld the fucker up and call it good. Replace the bottom studs with bolts to drain the housing. Use copper washers on the bolts to prevent seepage.

winner winner chicken dinner. Got wheeling plans now thursday after work so quick and easy is for me. Haha

I chiseled/ vice griped the fubard plug out, drained the fluid one last time, then jammed the plug back in and welded it up.



I think im going to look for a little wider axle to plate up
I'll be the anomaly, I shaved my diffs. I felt it was worth it since I had the housings out. I probably gained an inch.
I think the new fluid jinxed me, because I toasted the rear ring and pinion last night. Cant complain, as its a welded stock diff thats been in there for 6 years. Guess Ill be pulling it apart again this weekend.

UPDATE: Now with pics!


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Strange, usually discussions about shaving in here involve your chest or taint. It’s nice to see actual tech instead of the usual “Toyota” tech, so I’ll allow it. Carry on peter puffers
I think the new fluid jinxed me, because I toasted the rear ring and pinion last night. Cant complain, as its a welded stock diff thats been in there for 6 years. Guess Ill be pulling it apart again this weekend.


that sucks, sounds like it lived a long life though
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