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May 19, 2020
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Farm lands and horse's asses
Seattle/CHAZ is this generations version of the Beer Hall Putsch.

MSM, Facebook, and Twitter are this generations versions of Joseph Goebbels.

Deep state intelligence officers and loyalists in the military will be this generations version of the SS.

Pack the court well enough and the constitution no longer matters.

Shit's gonna get wild.
Its not going to stop until they find out what the 2nd is really all about. For the record this is just a fact not a threat or an encouragement of any kind.
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The media needs to stop fueling the fire or when they re-elect trump here in a few months this country is going to be a war zone
The media needs to stop fueling the fire or when they re-elect trump here in a few months this country is going to be a war zone

LOL THe media thinks they are protected they don't read history, the first to disappear into the camps and gulags are the media. If you stage a coup the first thing you do is take over the TV and radio stations, well they have already done that, now they just have to take over the government and it is all over
LOL THe media thinks they are protected they don't read history, the first to disappear into the camps and gulags are the media. If you stage a coup the first thing you do is take over the TV and radio stations, well they have already done that, now they just have to take over the government and it is all over

yep then they kill the media to prevent information from disseminating.
Its not going to stop until they find out what the 2nd is really all about. For the record this is just a fact not a threat or an encouragement of any kind.

whatchu talking 'bout? CHAZ had their own 24 hour armed security (puget sound john brown gun club was the main one) and they even killed a kid after he drove around for HOURS, cops won't show up to no cop zone, "security" only knows how to shoot first and has no other authority.

the communists are plenty happy to have arms for themselves "we've got ours, we aren't worried about further gun control"
Its not going to stop until they find out what the 2nd is really all about. For the record this is just a fact not a threat or an encouragement of any kind.

A) it got shut down because they utilized the 2nd amendment, formed their own militia and smoked a few people. The E patriots may want to study that and take some notes there.

B) zero of the e patriot/freedom fighters yapping on the internet showed up to take their country back


Chaz or whatever was not the application of the 2nd I was referring to. Chaz was also not the they I was talking about. Those morons are nothing but useless pawns. The "they" is the power behind antifa, blm, and the other marxist groups.
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Chaz or whatever was not the application of the 2nd I was referring to.

Why not? They kicked the local authorities out of an area and they took it over. What application are you talking about? I thought the 2nd was there to keep a tyrannical government in check and that's what they did.

Chaz or whatever was not the application of the 2nd I was referring to.

yeah, they certainly used pre-existing militia to enforce control over several blocks of the city after driving out the local authority via strongarm tactics.

How is that not exactly the definition of the 2A in it's anti-government capacity :confused:

also, no they didn't get shut down after they killed people. they got shut down after being led by a councilwoman to the mayors house (which is a serious threat to the mayor as a former prosecutor, OMG!?!?!? :shaking: ) or if you believe trump, because he said the feds were going in without them.
Actually, they are trying to make sure shit like Nazi Germany doesn't happen again.

You got >< close to it. Blind follow sheep...
Actually, they are trying to make sure shit like Nazi Germany doesn't happen again.

You got >< close to it. Blind follow sheep...

you dumb fuck 🤣

didja know that uncle joe is actively pushing for a government takeover of domestic manufacturing using the pandemic as justification? Something trump "activated but did not use" will not be "activated and used"...that is absolutely something that nazi germany did. they didn't say "people of germany, recover as your locality best sees fit!" no, they said "the state will assume the role of your mother and your father"

THAT is what nazi germany did.
CHAZ is a perfect example of what happens when you carry left-wing idealism to it's extreme. All of a sudden, it looks very right wing. Wingers are the problem and both parties right now need to purge them instead of embracing them.
CHAZ is a perfect example of what happens when you carry left-wing idealism to it's extreme. All of a sudden, it looks very right wing. Wingers are the problem and both parties right now need to purge them instead of embracing them.

well they were pretty happy with the elimination of private property and subjegation to the use of force. not sure what is right wing about that :rasta:
well they were pretty happy with the elimination of private property and subjegation to the use of force. not sure what is right wing about that :rasta:

Building borders to keep everyone else out after previously screaming inclusion and open borders. Establishing your own police force after previously crying to defund the police. Using violence against anyone with opposing ideas.
Building borders to keep everyone else out after previously screaming inclusion and open borders. Establishing your own police force after previously crying to defund the police. Using violence against anyone with opposing ideas.

well, if borders and police are right wing, then that is the whole of the world.

violence against opposing ideas is certainly more left wing though, at least over the last 100 years specifically.

edit: if you are just saying they are hypocritical trash, i absolutely agree. but that is pretty typical left wing as well
well, if borders and police are right wing, then that is the whole of the world.

violence against opposing ideas is certainly more left wing though, at least over the last 100 years specifically.

edit: if you are just saying they are hypocritical trash, i absolutely agree. but that is pretty typical left wing as well

They're hypocrites. They became exactly what they always labeled right wing.
They're hypocrites. They became exactly what they always labeled right wing.

marx even acknowledges that a certain amount of despotism is required to achieve revolution. the difference being, a working class despotic regime, who never owned anything to begin with, will simply fade itself away once private property in all forms has been removed through force. Once liberated, the capitalists will realize how wonderful life is when unbound from the notion of ownership.

they went exactly by their playbook.

edit: they are trash though. if "right wing" is private property, meritocracy, individual rights and other legacies of the enlightenment, they didn't do right wing stuff. so maybe that is where we are having our slight breakdown in communication
A) it got shut down because they utilized the 2nd amendment, formed their own militia and smoked a few people. The E patriots may want to study that and take some notes there.

B) zero of the e patriot/freedom fighters yapping on the internet showed up to take their country back



It was in a place surrounded by Seattle and then another called Washington. That place sucks, they can have it and kill each other, who am I to try and stop them.
It was in a place surrounded by Seattle and then another called Washington. That place sucks, they can have it and kill each other, who am I to try and stop them.

That's why people laugh at the right wing e patriots and know they won't do shit. They clammer to get off the porch to "fight the commies" then people take over american soil and burn shit down while beating their countrymen's asses and when asked why they didn't do anything you get "well that city is a shit hole anyway fuck them" or "they voted for it so fuck em" or "it's not in the burbs", violence moves into the burbs "it's not in my burbs...." or "I have to work in the morning" Etc....
It was in a place surrounded by Seattle and then another called Washington. That place sucks, they can have it and kill each other, who am I to try and stop them.

I 100% support this statement.

COULD i have gone up there and launched a complex assault that broke the back of the resistance and left a pile of dead commies in the streets? Yes (unless you are the ATF/CIA/FBI, in that case i severely lack the means)

DID i do any of those things on the chance that the next stalin/mao/lenin/hitler/polpot was launching his grand scheme from that location? Absolutely not. not even a little. for all the reasons booger stated
That's why people laugh at the right wing e patriots and know they won't do shit. They clammer to get off the porch to "fight the commies" then people take over american soil and burn shit down while beating their countrymen's asses and when asked why they didn't do anything you get "well that city is a shit hole anyway fuck them" or "they voted for it so fuck em" or "it's not in the burbs", violence moves into the burbs "it's not in my burbs...." or "I have to work in the morning" Etc....

that isn't the main war. not even close, those are hot battles and "the commies" absolutely DESIRE somebody to come in and crush hundreds of their peasants. they want the streets to run red with the blood of the oppressed.

the war is a culture war, it is a war over the minds of the children, and it has been going on for generations. This needs to continue to be waged with words, alternative media (if mainstream continues to refuse to come around), local level, schools, children and communities and direct self defense. Politics follow culture, doesn't lead it.
That's why people laugh at the right wing e patriots and know they won't do shit. They clammer to get off the porch to "fight the commies" then people take over american soil and burn shit down while beating their countrymen's asses and when asked why they didn't do anything you get "well that city is a shit hole anyway fuck them" or "they voted for it so fuck em" or "it's not in the burbs", violence moves into the burbs "it's not in my burbs...." or "I have to work in the morning" Etc....

Do you expect for every dumb thought to be met with the resistance of Patriots? Do they need to die fighting for shit in a foreign land? Surprise, the west coast is a foreign land to many of us, if y'all want to loot your businesses, burn your buildings, and kill each other then more power to you. We will silently stand by and watch you do it to yourselves and when there is no fight left in you we will clean it up and make it a better place. Free of your leftest ideas that we never voted for or supported or participated in destroying. It's yours until it isn't and then we will take care of that while wiping away what is left of you. But if you bring that shit to my hood even our illegals will fight you and they are truly lawless so mind your manners.
that isn't the main war. not even close, those are hot battles and "the commies" absolutely DESIRE somebody to come in and crush hundreds of their peasants. they want the streets to run red with the blood of the oppressed.

the war is a culture war, it is a war over the minds of the children, and it has been going on for generations. This needs to continue to be waged with words, alternative media (if mainstream continues to refuse to come around), local level, schools, children and communities and direct self defense. Politics follow culture, doesn't lead it.

I totally get it, but I find it amusing the e chest beating then all kinds of excuses. The same people want to play world police, so there is no consistency there.

Me personally I don't care, start an enclave of like ideals and kick the authorities out of there, just leave me the hell alone and let me do the same on my patch of the earth.

Just vote harder is the answer apparently for now Lol....
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