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Salute to Irate 4x4 dogs

Johnny Longrifle

Slow learner
May 19, 2020
Member Number
Not where I want to be
Lost a friend last night. *Blue* 15 years 7 months.
He was an Australian Shepard we got as a runt at 8 weeks old.
He was a great companion and enjoyed being with the family, no matter what we did. When he was younger He went everywhere. In the summer he'd ride in the boat all day, and the winter it was in the desert riding in the truck. He was a trooper and up for anything we did as long as he was with us.
The wife works out of the house, and as he got older and more mature he became her buddy, He became an inside dog, and they fell into a rhythm , learning each others patterns. Being there for each other. The bond with her became very close over the last few years. It's been great to see them together.
Old age had caught up with him, his bright eyes showing age, the sharp contrast in his coat now shadowed with grey, his footing not as sure.

vaya con dios Blue.

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Added a pic of the same two many years ago. They really were buddies till the end.

I hate to start this dog thread too, but we have to remember our companions that are no longer with us.

Stingray, Im sorry you had to be the leader for this, and I wish you and your family peace in your loss. I hope he went without pain.

Ive had humans betray me all my life, but never a dog. I guess thats why I am such a dog lover.

RIP Blue
Thanks for moving this, I thought about it and opted not to start a new thread.

The decision has been on the table for awhile, we have a friend that had a dog that was having seizures and debilitating health issues and we knew that was not what we wanted, as any older dog He had issues, but still manageable. Planning a date to do it was tough. The fact that the days( actually one day) are numbered seemed mean, But he didn't know.
Fortunately the night before and day of was perfect, He slept through the night peacefully at the threshold of the bedroom door ( in his younger days he played guard and would bark but age and hearing lose has changed that)
The day of was reminiscing and relaxing. His last 6 years or so he's been an inside dog, content to be at the wife's side truly her companion and tolerating two house cats tormenting him.

He more than fulfilled his part in our pack, I just hope we fulfilled our part.

Thanks again for the kind words
I had to put down Pete this morning :frown:. Was pretty tough to bring him in but cancer kicked his little ass and now he has no more pain.

he was about 11, he loved fetching frisbees and whatever you’d throw out to him. Awesome dog, I’ll miss him a lot. Rip buddy.

I had to put down Pete this morning :frown:. Was pretty tough to bring him in but cancer kicked his little ass and now he has no more pain.

he was about 11, he loved fetching frisbees and whatever you’d throw out to him. Awesome dog, I’ll miss him a lot. Rip buddy.

RIP Pete.
RIP Pete

Here is a few pictures of my best bud Spanky. He was a G/S & St. Bernard mix. Dude was 160lbs of pure lap dog that loved everyone. I got him at 5 weeks old and he was my sidekick for 13 years. The hardest thing I have ever done in my life was bring him to the vet to be put down. Even 2 years later just posting this is making my allergies act up..... Miss you buddy.



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Put my guy down last year. Worst day of my life. Bar none. I haven't had a good night's sleep since. I think about him constantly.
I never understood what it was like to put down a dog (my dad handled that when we were kids). It is utterly awful. I'm sorry for everyones' loss. It's a hole that really never gets filled again.

My old husky that we put down this year is my avatar. I miss that pain in the ass, and this thread is really bringing back those memories. Ugh.
I never understood what it was like to put down a dog (my dad handled that when we were kids). It is utterly awful. I'm sorry for everyones' loss. It's a hole that really never gets filled again.

My old husky that we put down this year is my avatar. I miss that pain in the ass, and this thread is really bringing back those memories. Ugh.

It sucks. I don't know how others are doing, but I haven't been the same since.
The minute THEY pick YOU, your fucked.

And I wouldn't change a minute of it. Every new post in this thread brings back fond memories and good times.

I hope its the same for all posters.
It brings the allergies every time I open it. But I keep coming back.

To all that have passed and all the joy they brought.


Dammit I went back and looked at my post. That pretty much brought the waterworks.
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Lost my first old dog back when Corona panic started. Right now, I got another old one on the way out. Any time now.
No pain, just like the last one. Both good long lives, to live fully and die naturally surrounded by love.
I hope they both end up with my dad on the other side.
My old girl, she stayed with me for more than 13 years. Buried her in my back yard with tears flowing.
She would come just about everywhere with me. Happy, lazy, quirky, dumb as a post and super obedient. Just like most labs :laughing:

A house without a dog is an empty house so a few months later I brought home a rescue. She had a rough first year of her life, chained all the time and lived in a barn.
Friendly and happy but she's scared of just about everything and she does not like going in any vehicles :homer: Lover her to bits but I do still miss my old travelling companion.
She's 4 y.o. now, hope she'll be around for a good 10 more years.
Sigh... Had Sam (some kind of weird Chow mix... Jet black including her tongue. Named her after Samantha on Bewitched) for 14 great years. Put her down many years ago and never got another. Wife really wants a dog but when we put her cat Butch down, that sucked hard. Having done it twice now, I'm not sure I want to go through that again.

I always scroll through these threads when they come up though...
Steffi was the smartest dog in the goddamn world. Some kind of cattledog mix, we never knew what. We found her trotting around the night after the 1989 earthquake, she was this tiny 5 lb fluffball. Could not find the owner so she became ours. She went everywhere with us, and rode in the truck to jobsites with my dad everyday. He suddenly died of a heart attack in 96, a week later she dug a hole under the fence in the backyard and got out. She got hit by a car 10 miles away from the house - she made it 8 blocks away from his service yard. She was trying to find him.

I miss Maxwell Copperbottom (AKA Max) to this day. He protected all the children he met and was a genuine clown. He had a heart attack and died at the emergency vet. One of the shittier days of my life. I guess it's payment for all the good ones he gave us.

My current running buddy is Maggie Louise (AKA Snout). She's about 7 months now in the photo probably 4 months. She goes everywhere with me but work. She is hard headed but spooky smart. I had a blue heeler when I was a kid and to this day is the reining champ of dogs in my life. I just moved out to where I had enough room that I don't feel like I am cooping her up, so I'm super excited to have another heeler.

maggie 1.jpg
Damn I hate this thread, But something always compels me to check in and hear the stories, and see the companions that turn this group of hard asses into blubbering little kids.

Sorry to all for your loss.
Yeah, I hate to see new additions, but it's good to visit with the old ones. And that one guy ^ up there who has a wild dingo in his hammock. :flipoff2:
Lost Brody 2 months ago to a spleen tumor. I still tip toe through my bedroom in the middle of the night to the bathroom to not trip over him. I can't take it upon myself to move his bed just yet.

He was a great dog I rescued from PBB. He came everywhere with me.

December 2012 - September 22, 2020

My old girl, she stayed with me for more than 13 years. Buried her in my back yard with tears flowing.
She would come just about everywhere with me. Happy, lazy, quirky, dumb as a post and super obedient. Just like most labs :laughing:

A house without a dog is an empty house so a few months later I brought home a rescue. She had a rough first year of her life, chained all the time and lived in a barn.
Friendly and happy but she's scared of just about everything and she does not like going in any vehicles :homer: Lover her to bits but I do still miss my old travelling companion.
She's 4 y.o. now, hope she'll be around for a good 10 more years.

Your old girl looks just like mine 😭 I hate this thread, sorry for your loss
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