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Rules for thee but not for me


Upgrayedded user
May 19, 2020
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Farm lands and horse's asses
let's see some examples of our government not following their own decrees.
Pelosi getting hair cut and shampoo despite government imposed shutdowns. Tries to lay blame at salon owner when it was the salon owner who took video and made it a story.

Philly mayor bans indoor dining, goes to indoor restaurant.

The muffin munching mayor of Chicago. Go ahead and riot but not in my neighborhood.
Ah, found it!

The whine, bitch, and moan thread.

Any pics of them licking any doorknobs?

I'm glad we are all talking about the important things!

It's refreshing that you refer to destroying peoples livelihoods while the actors that manufactured those decrees do not follow them as "whine, bitch, and moan." Finally some honesty that you dont give a damn about people.
I thought you mask-deniers were all gung-ho about not giving a damn about people. Lol.

Amusing to say the least.

It's easy to understand that you are confused but I'll simplify it for you. We don't give a damn about you. :flipoff2:
I sed stahp. Y u so mean.

I didn't care much for you on the other board but here lately you have turned into a fucking full on troll pos of shit, fuck off.

I cannot imagine how much one must hate themselves to stick around somewhere where no one wants you.

I feel like you are the kind of person who looks into a mirror then spits onto the reflection.

You must really know that you are a fuckwad and like being told so everyday.
I didn't care much for you on the other board but here lately you have turned into a fucking full on troll pos of shit, fuck off.

I cannot imagine how much one must hate themselves to stick around somewhere where no one wants you.

I feel like you are the kind of person who looks into a mirror then spits onto the reflection.

You must really know that you are a fuckwad and like being told so everyday.

The original fuckwad penis?
We need these morons to keep up the hypocrisy. They are daily, converting more of their own base to support Trump. What makes it really stick is when dumb liberals try and justify it. They’re the Trump cheerleaders :lmao:

Pelosis haircut just turned thousands of hairdressers that supported her, against her. Congratulation, they just jumped on the Trump train:smokin:
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We need these morons to keep up the hypocrisy. They are daily, converting more of their own base to support Trump. What makes it really stick is when dumb liberals try and justify it. They’re the Trump cheerleaders :lmao:

Pelosis haircut just turned thousands of hairdressers that supported her, against her. Congratulation, they just jumped on the Trump train:smokin:

What made it worse is that pelosi demanded an apology from the salon.

There's your govenment gaslighting.

During the height of this shit Northam was on tv all the time preaching about staying at home, not traveling, ect while he was taking regular trips out of state to his vacation house in the Outer Banks.
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