Stoked about Ruger and Marlin
Definitely not mad about that.
I wonder if the sandy hook lawsuits had something to do with that? If it does then can they even continue the name?
I am very disappointed, I am a faithful rem shotgun shooter. Sure quality has been up and down but hate to see them change again and will parts still be available in 20 years.
Looks like there's still hope for Marlin, Bushmaster, and Remington ammo, but Round Hill Group is a real estate investment group. I suspect Remington firearms will be pieced off, and nothing but a name within 5 years.
I wouldn't piss on Cerberus Capital Management if they were burning, unless my pee was somehow flammable, they killed an American Icon.
If Bill Ruger was still alive, he'd help author legislation banning tube mag fed rifles, like the 336
So, would they use a rotary magazine like the 96/22, 44, etc.?
Bill Ruger authored the 1994 high cap magazine ban. Because he was a backstabber.