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Recommend: FAK


Marion Cobretti
May 20, 2020
Member Number
The Real South Texas
Looking for a comprehensive FAK to pack for the trail. I have a nice bag for one so piecing one together myself is an option. Always liked Doc’s setups. What would you recommend to pack into it other than Trojans and no fucks given?

Quality TQ that won't, or shouldn't, fail on you the one time you actually need it.


or i guess they sell a "kit" that has a gauze roll, a TQ and a 6" wrap.

guess it depends on what you are trying to save, if you have the space https://www.sammedical.com/products/sam-splint a quick splint is handy.

my personal opinion is that the bleeder stuff is the most important for things that are common camping, hiking, and such. Splint and GPS/emergency signal being up there as well for fancy people.
tampons, quick clot, scissors, super glue, saran wrap + standard kit.... I really don't remember what is all in mine and prolly should go through it to see what I need to replace or add
I have several each is a little different but for the most part they are 3x4x6 packs and have a turniquet, quick clot pack, gauze rolls, sutures, chest seal, small roll of duct tape, ace bandage, first aid shears, triangle bandages, compressed guaze for packing wounds, nasopharyngeal airway and a mouth to mouth mask. Theyre "gunshot" kits but a puncture wound is a puncture wound.
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I have several each is a little different but for the most part they are 3x4x6 packs and have a turniquet, quick clot pack, gauze rolls, sutures, chest seal, small roll of duct tape, ace bandage, first aid shears, triangle bandages, compressed guaze for packing wounds, nasopharyngeal airway and a mouth to mouth mask. Theyre "gunshot" kits but a puncture wound is a puncture wound.

That’s what tampons are for
tampons made for a shit chest seal and a worse chest decompressor :flipoff2:

it really does come down to how much space and what you 'think' might happen. I'm of the opinion that things will either stop themselves bleeding, or get gauze/TQ and anything else is not going to get addressed. my child, on the other hand, thinks that a papercut that doesn't bleed is just cause for about 5 peel-n-stick band aides :laughing:
That’s what tampons are for

Im aware that people use tampons for wound channels but compressed guaze gives you more absorbable material and takes up less space in a small pack. Each compressed guaze pack is equal to about 4 tampons and it does a better job filling wound channels that arent cylindrical. Use what you want I was just listing whats in mine.
tampons made for a shit chest seal and a worse chest decompressor :flipoff2:

it really does come down to how much space and what you 'think' might happen. I'm of the opinion that things will either stop themselves bleeding, or get gauze/TQ and anything else is not going to get addressed. my child, on the other hand, thinks that a papercut that doesn't bleed is just cause for about 5 peel-n-stick band aides :laughing:

Well yeah. Especially if they have dinos or trucks on them. The cooler the bandaid the exponentially larger the "wound" gets.
Im aware that people use tampons for wound channels but compressed guaze gives you more absorbable material and takes up less space in a small pack. Each compressed guaze pack is equal to about 4 tampons and it does a better job filling wound channels that arent cylindrical. Use what you want I was just listing whats in mine.

I think the applicator makes a tampon useful with some wounds, especially if you are applying it yourself
I start out with a AFAK, then I augment it out with a flexible splint, 2nd bleedstop bandage, 3- 00 suture kits, basic band aids, various meds/ointments and a few burn patches.

The whole upgrade doesn't add much weight at all, fits all in a rip away AFAK bag, and gives me everything needed out on the trail/hike/hunting/etc..

*edit* this is the unit I started with for one of my rigs, mounted to the cage.


I replaced the NAR Tourniquet with 2 CAT's mounted on each side of the bag.
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burn patches, or some sort of burn dress, that's a good point. while burns aren't as life threatening as severe bleeding, generally, they are probably about as common as minor bleeding and worth treatment
I think the applicator makes a tampon useful with some wounds, especially if you are applying it yourself

Definately. I have several in my big FA bag. I could probably throw 1 or 2 in each IFAK there maybe room. I just never did because there are 2 comp guaze packs in each.
Those spartan bags are almost exactly the same bag as mine. I dont know the manufacturer I got a couple from work and purchased a couple more through work. Mine all came with a CAT on the side.

I got the Spartan on sale, it was $99 at the time. usually I just buy a empty bag on Amazon, then put in a AFAK refill kit.
I got the Spartan on sale, it was $99 at the time. usually I just buy a empty bag on Amazon, then put in a AFAK refill kit.

I like their kit. $140 is a little higher than I wanted to pay. May get it in a couple of weeks. Add some extra materials when I get it.
mymedic.com is where I've been getting some of my stuff from.

Their AFAK is very well stocked. Only things I would pull out and replace is the chest seal (the Hyfin twin pack is a far thinner and better unit) and I would toss on a true CAT and get rid of the tourniquet it comes with. Also replace the black nytril gloves with white ones, black ones hide blood/fluids when you are doing triage.

Overall not a bad deal.
If you talk to your local med center/hospital, try to see if anyone has expired AED pads. BEST chest seal for cheap. They were all I would use overseas for any of my bags. Tampons belong in purses or bathrooms, not IFAKs.
Their AFAK is very well stocked. Only things I would pull out and replace is the chest seal (the Hyfin twin pack is a far thinner and better unit) and I would toss on a true CAT and get rid of the tourniquet it comes with. Also replace the black nytril gloves with white ones, black ones hide blood/fluids when you are doing triage.

Overall not a bad deal.

Yeah I think their stuff is pretty well done. Pricing isn't bad either, you can save a bit here and there, but overall reasonable.

If you talk to your local med center/hospital, try to see if anyone has expired AED pads. BEST chest seal for cheap. They were all I would use overseas for any of my bags. Tampons belong in purses or bathrooms, not IFAKs.

well crap, I can probably get a few of those then.
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