Yes, either rear steer valve can be used with essentially any pump (I generally recommend against P pumps if it can be avoided). There is a common misconception that to run front and rear steer off of a single steering pump requires twice as much pump capacity but since you can only ever fully use front or rear at a time in a single pump system, you don't need any more pump flow to additionally run rear steer than you would need anyways for a good front steering full hydro system.
While there are some alternative options, this 4-port rear steer setup is the most common plumbing arrangement for a single pump system. The rear steer return feeds the front so you can use both at the same time but during simultaneous operation, the available pressure gets split between the two so if the steering stalls, you just have to remember to let off the steering wheel or the rear steer momentarily:
I don't know what flow or pressure a stock sami pump is producing but it is probably not a lot. However, considering the 1.6 motor is not producing a lot of horsepower, I would recommend a TC pump as the best option since it is smaller displacement and therefore going to consume less HP than a P or CBR pump.
The 12V pump you shared above is a viable option but with a fixed flow rate of 1.5 GPM, it is going to be fairly slow to act. I do have customers using similar pumps and one of the only real issues with it other than speed is that the solenoid coils tend to not be great at dealing with the elements.