Built another dog house, this time for my mom. She has 3 dogs and they won't share a large communal dog house space, so she needed something with separate compartments. Found a rusty flaking epoxy coated brush/fire truck tank and grabbed it for $75. Cut it all up and made it into a doghouse shaped object and ended up with a bunch of nice 1/8" steel to add to my pile of steel for future projects. Had a bunch of old tin lying around I was able to scavenge through and create the dividers for the partitions, the roof, and a floor for the cat attic, or the "cattic" as it is now known as. Bought four 200w infrared pet heaters from Big R and a temperature control off Amazon. Currently have it set to kick on below 40 degrees. It'll run for a minute or so and come up to temp and then shut off again. The boards are all pallet wood except for the two longer boards on the front, those were some old oak flooring out of an ancient farm house we tore down.
So I have $75 for the tank, $20 in screws, $160 in heaters, $20 in the temp control, and Some cut-off wheels and grinding wheels into it.... Oh and about 24' of short pieces of angle iron out of my metal pile for some of the support "purlins" on the structure.
Sadie checking to see if I'm doing it right. All this was salvaged from the brush tank.
Some decent steel to add to the pile. There's a lot more off to the side not pictured.
Mamma and Sadie checking up on me again.
Getting closer, about done with all the wood, just gotta put the tin dividers, attic floor, infrared heating panels, and roof on.
Done and at my mom's under the covered porch. She had a couple other dog houses, and a tarp and electric blankets for the dogs and it looked like a homeless tent city around there...
You can kinda see the infrared panel heater in the back. Montana approves of the new heated dog house.