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Quickload info

Roc Doc

May 20, 2020
Member Number
Way out West.
With the ammo shortage, and me wanting a lower SD .223 round I'm going to load up some 77g SMK's. I have Vihta Vouri N140 and it lists 25.5g as max load with Lapua cases, (which is what I'm using), but Gordons Reloading software shows that load is 102kpsi, obviously way too hot. Can one of you guys tell me what Quickload says? TIA.
Vihta vouri website shows 24.7 as max

Sorry no quickload. Im not dropping $200 on it.
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Start at the bottom and work up. I've seen pressure signs (even mild pressure signs can be 70kpsi) from under max loads to far above max.

Then there is powder variability. I've had some lots where it took 2-3 grns in a 60 grn charge to bring the velocity back in check.

Chamber, throat, freebore, and leade angle will also play a role.

I've seen crazy pressure in one rifle (like 1 shot and brass is done) with zero indicates in another.

Besides, if you tune for accuracy very rarely will you find a load right at book max (or "most accurate tested") will work in your rifle.
Start at the bottom and work up. I've seen pressure signs (even mild pressure signs can be 70kpsi) from under max loads to far above max.

Then there is powder variability. I've had some lots where it took 2-3 grns in a 60 grn charge to bring the velocity back in check.

Chamber, throat, freebore, and leade angle will also play a role.

I've seen crazy pressure in one rifle (like 1 shot and brass is done) with zero indicates in another.

Besides, if you tune for accuracy very rarely will you find a load right at book max (or "most accurate tested") will work in your rifle.

I've found my nodes/low SD's usually about 10% off of max. I think I can get near 2800fps with the 77SMK's. I'm not a velocity freak, I'd rather have consistency and dial for drop.
QL at my house says your load of 25.5gr of VV N140 under a Sierra 9377G is 83,728 psi. I started in the 19.0 vicinity and worked up to ~22 for my rifle and found a happy place.
QL at my house says your load of 25.5gr of VV N140 under a Sierra 9377G is 83,728 psi. I started in the 19.0 vicinity and worked up to ~22 for my rifle and found a happy place.

How many reloads before the primer pockets are loose ? That just seems freakshow high. Not familiar with the .223 but still . . . .
How many reloads before the primer pockets are loose ? That just seems freakshow high. Not familiar with the .223 but still . . . .

Max chamber pressure for .223 is 55,000. 83k is more than loose primers.
Max chamber pressure for .223 is 55,000. 83k is more than loose primers.

Thanks :flipoff2: Just a reality check

I always back off when I am over published (reputable) loads and see scrape or scratch on the case face (bolt guns) . Interested because I have 8-lbs Vhita N140 Left over from the Obama year scares for 6mmBR and 8x57 and have been collecting range brass for years. Havent built the AR-15 yet...
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