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Prince Gavin's preamble to "drastic measures" today


Central California
May 19, 2020
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Central California
So what are the predictions that would cause a loon like Gavin Newsome to use the word drastic?

What could be on the table for him and his fucks that follow him? Schools closed again, closing of retail in the Christmas season, tighter cerfews than the 10-5 one already in place?

Make you predictions now, cause whatever they are, it IS happening this week. No reason to preamble it if not.


California Gov. Gavin Newsom on MondayState of California via YouTube
“Red flags are flying,” California Gov. Gavin Newsom at the top of his Monday COVID-19 press conference.

Newsom ran through the state’s dismal coronavirus numbers, warning that, “If these trends continue we’re going to have to take much more dramatic, arguably drastic action. If these trends continue, the potential for a stay-at-home order for those areas in the Purple…more in line with the stay-at-home order that folks were familiar with at the beginning of the year.”

With Monday’s updates, over 99% of California’s population was in the Purple, or most severe, tier of Newsom’s reopening order.

In terms of the timing of the orders, “Those are being assessed in real time,” said Newsom, before stressing should not think in terms of weeks, but days.

As to what threshold could trigger further action, “We are looking at intensive care capacity as the trigger for further action,” California Director of Health and Human Services Dr. Mark Ghaly said.

The governor went through projections that indicated the number of COVID patients in California’s hospitals could double or triple in the next month. Even more frightening, he indicated that state models show that California ICUs will be overwhelmed. In Los Angeles, that tipping point is projected to come in mid- to late December. (See chart.)

“This is in absence of improved…efforts,” stressed Newsom. He noted that Californians could still “bend the curve” with their actions.

There has been an 89% increase in hospitalizations over the past 14 days. Newsom said projections are, without any further interventions, that ICU patients will jump up 76% over the next two weeks.

There were 380 newly hospitalized patients reported Monday for a total of 8,578. That’s a rise of 4.4% day over day. Along with the 4%-plus daily rises last week, the result makes the state’s hospitalization graph appear nearly vertical.

A number of hospitals, said Ghlay, had already begun making decisions to cancel elective procedures. He said the Central Valley, parts of Southern California may be among them.

There were 14,034 new cases reported on Monday. The seven-day average of daily COVID infections is north of 14,000. For comparison, the seven-day average during summer coronavirus peak period was 9,881.

Newsom said the number of daily tests delivered in the state continues to increase, which is good news. Over the weekend, testing was “north of 223,000 tests per day,” he said. The bad news is that, even as tests have risen, the state’s positivity rate has as well.

California recorded a 6.2% positivity rate over the past 14 days. That the rate of positivity is growing even as the number of tests is, as well, is concerning. It means that there is a larger pool of daily COVID-19 infections each day not being discovered.

There were 20 new deaths reported in California on Monday for a total of 19,141.

“The high case rates that we have seen in the past few days have not even begun to impact hospitals yet,” said Ghaly.

“We anticipate, given Thanksgiving gatherings, that we will see another surge in cases,” said Newsom.

Dr. Anthony Fauci offered his own take over the weekend on NBC’s Meet the Press, saying as the result of Thanksgiving gatherings and travel, “We expect unfortunately, as we go into the next couple of weeks into December, that we might see a surge superimposed on top of the surge that we’re already in.”

“The projected rate of increase” due to those actions and others, said Newsom, is unlike anything the state has ever seen.

Given that, “Everything is on the table” in terms of restrictions, said Ghaly.

The governor said his office has been in conversation with local health officers about how to be more “surgical” with a new stay-at-home order based on the past seven months’ experience.

Unfortunately, “Some of the tools in the tool kit that were available to us early in the summer are not available to us now,” said Newsom, citing mutual aid (hospitals helping each other with capacity) and financial aid from the federal government as levers that are now unavailable.

The governor then announced a series of actions meant to help small businesses, including a three-month stay on state tax due dates, loans and grants.

He also previewed a potential light at the end of the tunnel saying, “We are expecting 327,000 doses of Pfizer vaccine in the next few weeks. That’s California’s portion of the first wave of the vaccine.”

The governor said detailed plans for Phase 1 distribution of the vaccine will be out “this week.”

“We’ll be seeing a lot more of you this week,” said the governor.
The Queen Grisham put out some sort of drive on the 27th. Today the counties can start working from Red to Green so far the only Green county is Los Alamos the other 32 are Red. :mad3:


State announces tiered ‘Red to Green’ system for N.M. counties in next phase of COVID-19 response

Nov 27, 2020 | Press Releases
Framework enables counties to reopen further when meeting key health metrics

SANTA FE – In an effort designed to provide local communities the flexibility to operate more day-to-day activities, the state of New Mexico will transition to a tiered county-by-county COVID-19 risk system on Dec. 2, enabling local communities to shed burdensome restrictions as soon as public health data show the virus is retreating within their borders.

The shift in the state’s “reopening” framework will come after a two-week “reset” period, in which state health officials enacted the most heightened level of statewide public health restrictions upon places of business and day-to-day activities in an effort to blunt the spread of COVID-19 all across New Mexico.

“The county-by-county framework enables counties, and the businesses and nonprofits within their borders, to operate with fewer restrictions when they slow the spread of the virus and drive down test positivity rates,” said Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham. “It’s been a difficult year and an especially difficult past month. We must remain as vigilant as ever to contain and beat the virus; we also must look for ways to lessen the burden on our communities wherever possible, while never swerving from our top priority – protecting New Mexicans and saving lives.”

An amended emergency public health order will be executed Monday, Nov. 30, installing the new framework with an effective date of Wednesday, Dec. 2. The current operative requirements of the state’s two-week “reset” will be in effect through that time.

The spread of COVID-19 remains a statewide emergency. Hospitals and health care providers all across New Mexico have reported great strain in responding to the escalating illness and mortality caused by the continued spread of the virus.

The county-by-county framework will permit counties – and the businesses and nonprofit entities within their borders – to operate under less restrictive public health measures when health metrics demonstrating the extent of the virus’ spread and test positivity within those counties are met.

In order to prevent and mitigate the effects of the spread of the virus, and to ameliorate the unsustainable resultant strain placed upon the state’s health care system and personnel, counties where the virus is more prevalent will operate under more restrictive public health measures.

Likewise, counties where the virus has been or is being suppressed will operate under less restrictive measures.

Counties will operate under one of three levels: Red, signifying very high risk; Yellow, signifying high risk; and Green, signifying medium risk.

The New Mexico Department of Health maintains an official map displaying each county’s current level on its designated COVID-19 webpage, cv.nmhealth.org. To capture an average over a period of time that accurately conveys the state of the spread of the virus in each county, the agency updates this map every other Wednesday.

When a county fails to meet the specified metrics for a given level upon the biweekly update of the map, it will begin operating at the next most restrictive level within 48 hours. When a county meets the specific metrics for a less restrictive level, the county may begin operating at that level of restrictions upon immediate effect of the department’s biweekly update of the map.

The two key health metrics that will used to determine where a county sits within the tiered framework are pulled identified within the state’s gating criteria, the set of public health data points tracked and measured by the state Medical Advisory Team and others: The per-capita incidence of new COVID-19 cases and average COVID-19 test positivity over a statistically meaningful period of time. These are also the same metrics the state has used to classify counties for the purposes of gauging the risk level for limited public school reopenings and limited nursing home visitations.

As of Friday, Nov. 27, 32 of the state’s 33 counties are at the Red Level. At this level, almost every category of business or nonprofit entity may operate – but with limited capacity and reduced operations, owing to the very high risk of viral spread.

The map will next be updated Wednesday, Dec. 2, and every other Wednesday thereafter.

The public health requirements for each level – and reminders about definitions of businesses and other entities within the state’s emergency public health order – can be found here.

“Nothing about this virus has changed,” said Gov. Lujan Grisham. “And what we can all do to fight it – and to help members of our local communities avoid infection and get back to more safe day-to-day activities – hasn’t changed either. Avoid gatherings. Wear a facemask. Avoid spending time with non-household members. Stay at home whenever – whenever – you can. These are best and indeed our only tools as we seek to prevent and minimize the illness and suffering and death so many of our neighbors in this state continue to grapple with.”

No matter a county’s level, the following requirements remain in place statewide:
  • Facemasks are required to be worn in public.
  • Businesses that accrue a significant number of positive COVID-19 cases within their workforce in a two-week span are subject to temporary closure by the Department of Health.
    • An essential business may be permitted to continue operating if the Department of Health and Environment Department determine the business is a necessary provider of goods or services within the community in light of geographic considerations.
    • Businesses that test each employee every two weeks and regularly provide contact training data to the Environment Department shall not be subject to closure under this framework
    • This applies only to food and drink establishments; close-contact businesses; places of lodging; retail spaces; and other other businesses which members of the public regularly visit.
    • The closure process is triggered if four or more rapid responses occur within a 14-day period.
I wish he'd catch the covid and die. What did they used to do in the old days, tar and feather? We should bring that back.

I'm guessing its another stay at home order, unless your rioting. In a way I don't really mind as I don't like going out during the christmass madness anyways. Kinda bummed though as we just got the kids back in school and they seemed to be doing better.

Another stay at home order that will be completely ignored by the people of this state that are not retards.

These press conferences and mandates/orders are for the dumbest and weakest members of society. The covid religion isn’t spreading like they thought it would. Yes, there are plenty that joined the cult, but no matter what the news or newsom says, people flat out know it’s bullshit.

I drive around Sacramento and surrounding areas daily due to my business. People of all political and racial demographics are everywhere, ignoring all of this shit. The news and newsom are trying to make people believe that everyone else is following suit. They’re not.
I wish he'd catch the covid and die. What did they used to do in the old days, tar and feather? We should bring that back.

I'm guessing its another stay at home order, unless your rioting. In a way I don't really mind as I don't like going out during the christmass madness anyways. Kinda bummed though as we just got the kids back in school and they seemed to be doing better.


Eldest Niece said if her kids are not allowed to go back to school in January she and the kids are going to her parents in TX so they can go to school!
Eldest Niece said if her kids are not allowed to go back to school in January she and the kids are going to her parents in TX so they can go to school!

I wish people could honestly see how far these kids are behind, how the attitudes of both kids and parents are changed, and how the inclass vs online experience is so vastly different.

There are millions of kids that will never recover from this.
Its not clear what trend they are talking about. The charts posted on Worldometers appear to show that the current wave is already starting to level off naturally. Presumably these morons were trying to time the next round of shutdowns so that they could claim credit for flattening the curve again. People are starting to wake up.
I wish people could honestly see how far these kids are behind, how the attitudes of both kids and parents are changed, and how the inclass vs online experience is so vastly different.

There are millions of kids that will never recover from this.

She is a teacher she knows how far behind they are, she says most of th teachers are just posting work sheets and at the most the kids get a 1/2 hour a week face to face with the teacher on line. My other niece's kids went back to school in TX and have shown remarkable improvement in thier grades. My FEDEX driver has her daughter riding with her because she has nobody to leave her with at home
No mingling with anyone that isn’t living with you. Now how in the hell does he think he’s gonna police that? Damn, don’t anymore of you guys that live there move to Utah. That crazy is gonna follow you here!:flipoff2:
Awesome headed to San Diego next week. This will be fun
She is a teacher she knows how far behind they are, she says most of th teachers are just posting work sheets and at the most the kids get a 1/2 hour a week face to face with the teacher on line. My other niece's kids went back to school in TX and have shown remarkable improvement in thier grades. My FEDEX driver has her daughter riding with her because she has nobody to leave her with at home
It’s pretty sad. Those kids will probably never catch back up.
He's going to call in the chinese navy off the pacific coast to shell the cities not taking this seriously. Mark my words!!:flipoff2:
I wish people could honestly see how far these kids are behind, how the attitudes of both kids and parents are changed, and how the inclass vs online experience is so vastly different.

There are millions of kids that will never recover from this.

Totally agree. The kids have made a drastic improvement in the past month that they've been allowed to attend school.

He’s going to order the killing of 10% of the population in highly affected areas to slow the spread. A controlled burn if you will.
I wish people could honestly see how far these kids are behind, how the attitudes of both kids and parents are changed, and how the inclass vs online experience is so vastly different.

There are millions of kids that will never recover from this.

two years. All these kids are two years behind because of all this. Commies want that though, you can't control an intelligent population:rolleyes:

She is a teacher she knows how far behind they are, she says most of th teachers are just posting work sheets and at the most the kids get a 1/2 hour a week face to face with the teacher on line. My other niece's kids went back to school in TX and have shown remarkable improvement in thier grades. My FEDEX driver has her daughter riding with her because she has nobody to leave her with at home

That is sad, both the mom and daughter are surely suffering because of all this.
All you parents bitching about your kids and blaming the 'online schools' have nobody but yourself to blame.

It's not the schools' responsibility to teach your fuck-trophies. :flipoff2:

My kids haven't missed out on shit (except gymnastics due to an injury) from 'rona. Still doing schoolwork daily. :stirthepot:
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