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Portland/Seattle/Denver counter crew.


RIP 2/1/2023
May 19, 2020
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Right behind you
With the shitty "counter entry" and sabotage elements deployed by the shit heads in the PNW, seems like a suspended snow plow at speed could get it done. IBB should start a non-profit funding source...you know...as an engineering program to "support" "the movement". :flipoff2: Who had that 274-41 (I think) that needed to be rebuilt?

EDIT: I tried to figure out WTF you're talking about - this thread is gooful's search result #2

You cared enough to start a thread - do you care enough to make it meaningful? :homer:
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Sorry, I was pretty "tired" last night:laughing:. So the whole RHAZ autonomous zone in Portland thing, they redheaded boards to the ground with nails in them and built their typical trash walls. They ran the cops off, wont let anyone record anything unsanctioned or directly scripted to promote their bs. I heard cops say their barricades were enough that police cars wouldn't make it through. Seems like a snowplow on a beater pickup could get it done.
Sorry, I was pretty "tired" last night:laughing:. So the whole RHAZ autonomous zone in Portland thing, they redheaded boards to the ground with nails in them and built their typical trash walls. They ran the cops off, wont let anyone record anything unsanctioned or directly scripted to promote their bs. I heard cops say their barricades were enough that police cars wouldn't make it through. Seems like a snowplow on a beater pickup could get it done.

Anytime I see something like this on another online media, there are always people from Portland that laugh and say that's a single block area. Is that the North Mississippi Block area ?? Any pics from the last week or so ??
Anytime I see something like this on another online media, there are always people from Portland that laugh and say that's a single block area. Is that the North Mississippi Block area ?? Any pics from the last week or so ??

While portland is a growing sore on my ass...this is on point. The camps and what not suck, they suck seeing them and all that comes along with camp life. But they are still fairly out of the workingmans path and generally unaffected by them.

But yea i remember when people thought pdx was burning to the ground and it was literally video clips of one block in front of mult. Co courthouse. Lol my parents called me, old college friends from auburn checked in etc...

It was humorous bc during that time we also had bad fires and wind storms but none of those people that checked in had any idea when i told them that was more of a concern. The fires were as close as estacada/troutdale and if the winds didnt change some outlying parts of portland would have actually burned(few co workers lost their homes in estacada). So portland was close to ACTUALLY burning parts but not many outside of the PNW had any idea. Its just how the media plays it.

Portland is sucking more and more but its not an apocolypse playground like some think.
Who gives a fuck about those cities? They voted for that progressive trash let them live with it.
Who gives a fuck about those cities? They voted for that progressive trash let them live with it.

I mean who gives a fuck about any city they dont live in. I certainly dont give a shit where you live regardless of how great your city might be compared to the city i live in. I mean i guess i should eat crow bc we all lined up to vote for this, every single one of us :flipoff2:

It is a shit hole.

Salem:lmao: meth capital of oregon. Ive been looking for property about an hour radius out from portland. Wanting to get some acreage, salem is def not on the short list even with how "affordable" it is down there.
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If there’s not enough men in Portland to chase the kids back into the basement that’s on them.
Salem:lmao: meth capital of oregon. Ive been looking for property about an hour radius out from portland. Wanting to get some acreage, salem is def not on the short list even with how "affordable" it is down there.

You ain't lying. At least I'm aware of my surroundings. I'll take our meth heads over your methed out leftist communist heroin addicts any day of the week. Stay over there.:flipoff2:
I mean who gives a fuck about any city they dont live in.


This is an attitude that always rubs me the wrong way. Everyone wants to assume that everyone that lives in a city has "whichever" mindset. I can guarantee that none of my neighbors voted for any of this bullshit. We've actually frequently had conversations about how we don't know anyone that lives around here that really agrees with the way things are being handled. I am within city limits.
Anytime I see something like this on another online media, there are always people from Portland that laugh and say that's a single block area. Is that the North Mississippi Block area ?? Any pics from the last week or so ??

perhaps turnit into "bombingham" ?
All I can say is that shit ain't happenin in my neighborhood, no matter where I live. If it's just a couple dozen idiots that the cops wont handle, how does the thousand man posse not roll out and deliver.
This is an attitude that always rubs me the wrong way. Everyone wants to assume that everyone that lives in a city has "whichever" mindset. I can guarantee that none of my neighbors voted for any of this bullshit. We've actually frequently had conversations about how we don't know anyone that lives around here that really agrees with the way things are being handled. I am within city limits.

Well i stand corrected. Honestly my parents live outside atlanta, grew up there...love it. Miss it. Lived in bama, loved it...miss it. My sister lives there with her family and i have many dear friends there. Other than hoping all is well in general for their lives, whats going on in there cities is almost completely off my radar and no real second thought about their local politics. Not sure if thats how you took my comment, but thats what i meant.
You ain't lying. At least I'm aware of my surroundings. I'll take our meth heads over your methed out leftist communist heroin addicts any day of the week. Stay over there.:flipoff2:

Im down in salem every so often for work, beers on me if youre inclined. Sorry no meth:flipoff2:
This is an attitude that always rubs me the wrong way. Everyone wants to assume that everyone that lives in a city has "whichever" mindset. I can guarantee that none of my neighbors voted for any of this bullshit. We've actually frequently had conversations about how we don't know anyone that lives around here that really agrees with the way things are being handled. I am within city limits.

Oh ive had to deal with theft more than i ever thought i would. Ive had to deal with it first hand. Im ready to be back in the country and yea ill be the first to admit i feel like a little fish in a big pond. Just my attitude. More focused on what i need out of daily life to feel happy. I try not to get consumed by this city and certain aspects of it because it will just eat me up.

So sackin away cash to move out and deal with a commute to work. I dont agree with the laws that seem to allow this shit to perpetuate, and you can call me whatever you want but i have ZERO interest in being any catalyst for change in this city.
Well i stand corrected. Honestly my parents live outside atlanta, grew up there...love it. Miss it. Lived in bama, loved it...miss it. My sister lives there with her family and i have many dear friends there. Other than hoping all is well in general for their lives, whats going on in there cities is almost completely off my radar and no real second thought about their local politics. Not sure if thats how you took my comment, but thats what i meant.

I was agreeing with your response. Carry on.
Oh ive had to deal with theft more than i ever thought i would. Ive had to deal with it first hand. Im ready to be back in the country and yea ill be the first to admit i feel like a little fish in a big pond. Just my attitude. More focused on what i need out of daily life to feel happy. I try not to get consumed by this city and certain aspects of it because it will just eat me up.

So sackin away cash to move out and deal with a commute to work. I dont agree with the laws that seem to allow this shit to perpetuate, and you can call me whatever you want but i have ZERO interest in being any catalyst for change in this city.
This is my problem. Everyone Is "getting ready" to leave. No one wants to stay and be the adult/wall of conflict. What will it take to get enough folks off the porch to say enough. I'd drive through whatever "autonomous zone" in an armored M1114 it I knew there was the same bail out and represent system that these anarchist get.
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This is my problem. Everyone Is "getting ready" to leave. No one wants to stay and be the adult/wall of conflict. What will it take to get enough folks off the porch to say enough. I'd drive through whatever "autonomous zone" in an armored M1114 it I knew there was the same bail out and represent system that these anarchist get.

Go to Boston. They don't tolerate this horseshit. Even though they are a "blue" state, they will punch you in the face if you are fucking around.
All I can say is that shit ain't happenin in my neighborhood, no matter where I live. If it's just a couple dozen idiots that the cops wont handle, how does the thousand man posse not roll out and deliver.

This was tried, and since Soros purchased numerous DAs across the country, a 17 year old is currently being railroaded for murder. A couple that stayed on their porch and showed off their guns are facing a similar fate.

So to answer, those that care have families and jobs and can’t afford the ginourmas legal fees. The rioters meanwhile are getting bailed out by liberal groups...or not being charged at all by liberal DAs.

you can bet your sweet ass, anyone caught fighting the current system will be nailed.
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