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Pornhub made the list

Discover blocked donations to Kyle Rittenhouse legal defense.

Also, it's impossible to not do business with a company supporting BLM or other liberal poison. Once one company does it, they all follow suit to look trendy and inclusive. This is unfortunately where we are as a society.
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The companies don’t really have a choice. BLM learned from Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton’s legalized extortion. There’s no upside to the company not donating....
The companies don’t really have a choice. BLM learned from Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton’s legalized extortion. There’s no upside to the company not donating....

Many of us boycott or at least make sure the company makes no money from us if they support BLM/antifa/etc.
Many of us boycott or at least make sure the company makes no money from us if they support BLM/antifa/etc.

Understand and agree.... but boycotts from this side of the isle tend to die out quickly and get very little press... so mathematically, it’s probably safer for the company to support BLM than to not.
The companies don’t really have a choice. BLM learned from Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton’s legalized extortion. There’s no upside to the company not donating....

Yep. You are dammed if you do and dammed if you don’t.
[486 said:
;n125072]who pays for porn?

who da fuck uses a Discover Card ? What about Ujizz ?? You Jizz ?? whatever, there is tons of Korean midget interracil beast sex porn thta only donates gizim . . .
I not buying the list, I clicked on the chick FIL a link and nowhere did it say they supported blm or antifa. They just basically said they are against racism :homer:
Gotta admit, it's a sweet Trojan horse they're riding. I'd bet money that 90%+ people don't know anything else about their platform other than "black lives matter". Do black lives matter? He'll He'l they do, so of course I support BLM!

*reads BLM platform* Wait... WTF?

They're a straight up Marxist group masquerading as "Black Lives Matter" and if you disagree with anything about their platform then obviously you don't think black lives matter and therefore you are a racist.
They're a straight up Marxist group masquerading as "Black Lives Matter" and if you disagree with anything about their platform then obviously you don't think black lives matter and therefore you are a racist.

and give us money
if you don't donate enough you're 400% worse than hitler and 9/11 combined
You're going to be like the token Flat Earther now, huh? Bring it up in every conversation? :homer:

Just remember what I said when you go to jack off on pornhub and can't find anything that isn't incest, interracial, gay, or prostitution after you have to click through a BLM banner on the front page.
Well duh, pornhub is owned by jews

Where do you get this shit?:laughing:

Do they own Xvideos too?

You're going to be like the token Flat Earther now, huh? Bring it up in every conversation? :homer:

Dang Jews.:laughing:
Where do you get this shit?:laughing:

Do you really not know this? Pornography is synonymous with jewish people like banking, running a law firm, or owning a music label.

You want me to think about you while I spank it?


Only if you can't find anything on the pornhub homepage that isn't interracial gay incest porn.

You're passing, so I guess gay incest porn it is for you.
Do you really not know this? Pornography is synonymous with jewish people like banking, running a law firm, or owning a music label.

Only if you can't find anything on the pornhub homepage that isn't interracial gay incest porn.

You're passing, so I guess gay incest porn it is for you.

So why exactly are the Jews pushing interracial, gay incest porn on us? To rule the world?
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