Mom moved into a retirement home, an apartment building with a dining hall and some entertainment. I had to go with her to get her land line hooked up at the AT&T store, nope, they only deal in cell phones now. Had to call an 800 number, jump through some flaming hoops, step in dogshit and pay $95 a month for a fucking land line. Then I found out that her facility has a Cox bundle option, phone, www and TV, for $75 a month. I couldn't tell AT&T to fuck off fast enough.
Similar experience with my Father and AT&T. They fucked up shit is all I can say. Got the olde fellah the Direct TV so he can watch tennis, and a Verizon home station cell hot spot thing that you plug a conventional hand set into. $25/month. Handset is what he is used to and will go out with. 94 yo and Alzheimers.