I drink beer and eat bacon. But I don’t consume pasta bread or sugar. Gravy counts as liquid bread because it’s just milk and flour, so I don’t eat that either. I think we’re the same-ish age. Let’s see who’s the last one shit posting on the ibb 🍺
No pasta or sugar either, breads we do eat though. The only gravy i make is no milk, flour. I use sour cream (sm amnt) in place of milk and then tapioca starch, aromatics, soy, a pinch of salt and water. Sometimes we'll use almond milk if there's no sour cream.
I like mexican food so we'll make chicken dishes and fish a lot, and sometimes vegetarian. Black beans, avos in abundance, cheeses i still love, olives jalapenos etc.
Fruit (fresh summer, frozen winter) any and all berries but especially blueberries, pineapple, kiwi, bananas and any/all citrus except grapefruit (which i love)... but no apples
Protein (chkn, fish mostly)
Vegg (squashes, yams, sweet potatoes, bell pprs but not green as i hate those, brocc n cauli, carrots, radishes, cukes etc)
Eggs almost daily (free range if on sale)
Nuts (walnuts cashews macadamia almonds)
I've sworn off lunchmeat sausage bacon pork etc except for the occasional beef/pork roast, but very infrequently.
I'm a sucker for a great sourdough and classic rye breads.