I lay a lot of blame at the feet of the christian church doing dumb shit that barely made sense in a pre-industrial economy and sure as shit doesn't now. .
Examples? I'd reckon in modern society, with the reduction in church attendance, reduction in religious participation in society, and the demand for secular people for the government to provide by force the things that the church used to provide voluntarily that it's the opposite problem.
I get it, the further east (europe and asia) you go it's a more 'pre-reformation' mindset where the church is the government. That has not for a long time been the relationship in the west (western europe and N. America).
Prior to Constantine the Christian church was anti-government authority (Bishop of Milan is who set that precedent if you'd like to know). The late Roman empire co-opted the church, but with the disintegration of the western Roman Empire the Church provided, mostly voluntarily (yes, there are many middle-ages examples to the contrary) an alternative to the government of the day. Post reformation and counter-reformation the western Christian Churches including the Roman Catholic Church was always a third column. Again, voluntarily, not coerced (except by social pressure). In North America that has been the rule for hundreds of years.
Caring for the sick and poor isn't dumb shit. Using the Government Gun to force everyone to inefficiently care for the sick and poor is dumb. Using the Government Gun to enforce morality vs. cultural pressure in most cases is also dumb.
Go look around the world in history over the last 200 years or so.
More (post-reformation western) religion=less government
Less (post-reformation western) religion=more government
Please find examples to the contrary, but make sure to note the ratio between those contrary examples vs. the ones that prove the thesis.
What were we talking about again?
Oh right, tools...