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New York Attorney General - Suing to force dissolving of the NRA


white collar hillbilly
May 28, 2020
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Video at link.

BREAKING: NY AG Letitia James files lawsuit seeking to dissolve the NRA, accusing the organization of “years of self-dealing and illegal conduct that violate New York’s charities law and undermine its own mission.”

“I filed a lawsuit to dissolve the National Rifle Association for years of self-dealing and illegal conduct. We are seeking to dissolve the NRA for years of self-dealing and illegal conduct that violate New York’s charities laws and undermine its own mission. The NRA diverted millions of dollars away from its charitable mission for personal use by senior leadership.”

I definitely agree. And if the reasons given are accurate, then I say let it move forward... not like the NRA has stood up for much wrt 2nd amendment recently.
I definitely agree. And if the reasons given are accurate, then I say let it move forward... not like the NRA has stood up for much wrt 2nd amendment recently.

As long as the same can be applied to all branches of government...Pelosi and her husband along with the Clinton foundation and Biden.
As long as the same can be applied to all branches of government...Pelosi and her husband along with the Clinton foundation and Biden.

Defense attorney for NRA: "What's the issue? The NRA acted no different than any elected official... "
Some of you are so God Damned righteous . . . .. Helller McDonald vs City of Chicago. N R Fucking A bitches with the 2AF. Please name what the fuck you have done to litigate and protect our freedoms. And voting or bitching here like a pussy fart does not qualify. Fucking idiots/ hypocrites. Flame away. But post up your contribution to the cause or STFU. :mad3:
Some of you are so God Damned righteous . . . .. Helller McDonald vs City of Chicago. N R Fucking A bitches with the 2AF. Please name what the fuck you have done to litigate and protect our freedoms. And voting or bitching here like a pussy fart does not qualify. Fucking idiots/ hypocrites. Flame away. But post up your contribution to the cause or STFU. :mad3:

Can you repost in English?
Generalismo Cuomo hates all things guns and freedom of choice in general...He is probably pushing this...But if the NRA is doing what the AG claims, they deserve judicial action..
Some of you are so God Damned righteous . . . .. Helller McDonald vs City of Chicago. N R Fucking A bitches with the 2AF. Please name what the fuck you have done to litigate and protect our freedoms. And voting or bitching here like a pussy fart does not qualify. Fucking idiots/ hypocrites. Flame away. But post up your contribution to the cause or STFU. :mad3:

Do you smell burnt toast? Because I think you just had a stroke.
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Some of you are so God Damned righteous . . . .. Helller McDonald vs City of Chicago. N R Fucking A bitches with the 2AF. Please name what the fuck you have done to litigate and protect our freedoms. And voting or bitching here like a pussy fart does not qualify. Fucking idiots/ hypocrites. Flame away. But post up your contribution to the cause or STFU. :mad3:

Try some vagisil... :flipoff2:
NRA should move to Virginia, quite possibly the epicenter of the firearm 2nd amendment battle.
Negotiating Rights Away is long overdue for replacement. I hope they collapse under the weight of their own corruption, and the Fudds are left with nobody to protect their hunting rifles at the expense of the rest of gun owning America.
The fact that they're going after the NRA proves that they still make a difference. Like em or not, the dems are scared of the NRA.
The fact that they're going after the NRA proves that they still make a difference. Like em or not, the dems are scared of the NRA.

not necessarily... they are a figurehead of a movement, regardless of their influence... Shoot, I'd argue they've shifted left quite a bit in recent years.
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Can you repost in English?

I believe he's saying that the NRA has been worthless for 30 years and you should donate money to the SAF.

since the NRA just hopped on that one after the SAF filed the suit and did the hard work.
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I believe he's saying that the NRA has been worthless for 30 years and you should donate money to the SAF.

since the NRA just hopped on that one after the SAF filed the suit and did the hard work.

Really cause the court docs say they both signed on as Friends of the Court on the same date. SAF isn't mentioned before then. Initial suit was brought by the Cato Institute.


I may have missed something though.

Either was I think we would be worse off without the NRA. There is no other gun group that has the impac they do regardless of the internal politics or prior cases. GOA and SAF do good work but does feel like they are on the same level as the NRA.
NRA should move to Virginia, quite possibly the epicenter of the firearm 2nd amendment battle.

They're based in Fairfax, VA and they did absolutely fuck all to fight the anti-gun legislation here in VA. VCDL was responsible for the vast majority of protesting, litigation, and other pushback against the new legislation here and the NRA showed up at the last minute before the major protest trying to take credit.

Even a key part of one of the bills targeting gun ranges targeted the NRA's range in Fairfax and the NRA barely fought against that. Fuck Wayne LaPierre and fuck the NRA.
I paid my NRA $25 dollar dues for years, then I got bombarded with guilt trip bullshit in the mailbox every week asking for more.
These days I support the VA for Veterans, Paralyzed Veterans of America and the local Vietnam Vets.
Shameless plug. https://www.pva.org/
That description fits a lot more organizations than just the NRA


I don't support it or condone it when the Red Cross does it.

I don't support it or Condone it when the United Way does it.

And I sure as hell don't support it or condone it when the NRA does it. They need to clean house.
mcdonald, not heller.

Okay so in that case the NRA already had a lawsuit against Chicago filed the day after Heller. Seem they also filed 4 other lawsuits against various states. At some point the lawsuit the NRA had was merged with the SAF lawsuit. So without going through each lawsuit and determining who did what it's not exactly accurate to say the SAF did all the work and the NRA did nothing.

I don't support it or condone it when the Red Cross does it.

I don't support it or Condone it when the United Way does it.

And I sure as hell don't support it or condone it when the NRA does it. They need to clean house.

I agree. The AGs lawsuit to dismember the NRA instead of just bringing criminal charges against the perpatrators proves this is political and not justice for criminal acts.
Okay so in that case the NRA already had a lawsuit against Chicago filed the day after Heller. Seem they also filed 4 other lawsuits against various states. At some point the lawsuit the NRA had was merged with the SAF lawsuit. So without going through each lawsuit and determining who did what it's not exactly accurate to say the SAF did all the work and the NRA did nothing.

except I remember gura talking about how the NRA told them to drop their case because they deemed it too risky.

and gura was the lead counsel.

on behalf of the SAF.

they were appealed separately to the supreme court, and merged there.
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