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Musk and Twitter

real possibility it spirals right into bankruptcy

That is a very one sided view of it. On the other side of that equation are other investors who see opportunity and if he walks and the stock tanks, they will be very happy to snap up the bargain, wait for the collective memory of Musk's involvement to fade away, and ride the stock back up to reasonable valuations. I would much rather buy Twitter stock after Musk walks than after he has bought in.
Quoting so we can review in a year. If you honestly believe that, go ahead and short the stock, or buy put options. Hell if you have massive testicular fortitude, you could sell naked calls. I have yet to see any respected analyst see this Musk / Twitter news as a negative, some even calling for a doubling of the stock price before the end of the year. I am not that optimistic, but I am in August and March calls.

TWTR has seen more press in the last 48 hrs than it saw all of last year. That sends eyeballs to the site, which drives views, which drives ad revenue. Was down from 52 to 47 today closed at 48. The stock has underperformed since it's IPO, this Musk deal may just get it out of the range. I am treating this news like I treat positive earnings which result in positive earnings gaps (PEGS). Typically we see consolidation or a small bull flag following the PEG, and then it sets a trend or outright rips.

If I was Parag Aragawal (sp?) I would be very nervous regarding my continued employment.

Nice quandry for Trumpy - IF they allow him back on Twitter, does he accept (which will totally tank DWAC)? Or does he refuse, keep trying his own platform, and lose the yuuuge exposure he would get on Twitter.
Xtremej, I think we are of the same opinion. I agree his involvement probably is a positive. I was speaking to the hypothetical situation where he changes his mind and dumps the stock, causing it to crater. (Bitcoin anyone?) Smart investors would be snapping it up at that point and it would return to reasonable valuations. Like Matts said - playing the long game.
Xtremej, I think we are of the same opinion. I agree his involvement probably is a positive. I was speaking to the hypothetical situation where he changes his mind and dumps the stock, causing it to crater. (Bitcoin anyone?) Smart investors would be snapping it up at that point and it would return to reasonable valuations. Like Matts said - playing the long game.
He already crashed the entire market buy coming out that he bought it.
Once those things go away they are never coming back.
yup, it's like that with all heavy industry
we just don't have the economy needed to set up that kinda manufacturing any more

I really pine for the huge guys like mesta and allis-chalmers to exist again even despite their obvious monopoly status
yup, it's like that with all heavy industry
we just don't have the economy needed to set up that kinda manufacturing any more

I really pine for the huge guys like mesta and allis-chalmers to exist again even despite their obvious monopoly status
allis was a great company in terms of what they made/developed. Allis developed a cone crusher in Appleton wi. They held on to that company till the end. I use the Allis style cone s. They are awesome machines. Today they are now owned by sandvik. They still build them pretty dang close to what Allis did, because they flat out work and are hard to kill.

It’s sad to see all these giants get killed by corporate greed and for shareholder value.
allis was a great company in terms of what they made/developed. Allis developed a cone crusher in Appleton wi. They held on to that company till the end. I use the Allis style cone s. They are awesome machines. Today they are now owned by sandvik. They still build them pretty dang close to what Allis did, because they flat out work and are hard to kill.

It’s sad to see all these giants get killed by corporate greed and for shareholder value.
people think of tractors when they see them but they truly had their tentacles in every hole there was

kinda like AMF and bowling alleys
they also made nuclear reactors
yup, it's like that with all heavy industry
we just don't have the economy needed to set up that kinda manufacturing any more

I really pine for the huge guys like mesta and allis-chalmers to exist again even despite their obvious monopoly status
I watched it all go away in my lifetime here.

from steel mill to scrap in 20 years.
didn't read everything, but just saw Musk is not joining the board

so he bought, got a nice 20-30% gain on his investment by tweeting, and probably sold to realize those gains
didn't read everything, but just saw Musk is not joining the board

so he bought, got a nice 20-30% gain on his investment by tweeting, and probably sold to realize those gains
Maybe, maybe not this time.

But he has a consistent track record of absolutely exploiting his Musketeers, so I wouldn't be surprised. :laughing:
He already crashed the entire market buy coming out that he bought it.

How can one make a massive, controlling purchase of traded stock and it not be disclosed ? - thanks. I interpret your post as alluding that he came out, he did that on purpose. I question if it is inevitable.
How can one make a massive, controlling purchase of traded stock and it not be disclosed ? - thanks. I interpret your post as alluding that he came out, he did that on purpose. I question if it is inevitable.
I didn't infer anything, just stated the facts. I have been making trades on his whims for years, some I win some I lose.
It's the most aggregating part of him in the market. He can crush/boom something with a 150 character comment no one can predict.
I didn't infer anything, just stated the facts. I have been making trades on his whims for years, some I win some I lose.
It's the most aggregating part of him in the market. He can crush/boom something with a 150 character comment no one can predict.
How many years? This shit has at least been going on since the 90’s when I first got my feet wet in trading. Are ya new?:flipoff2:

Just because twitter is now doesn’t mean people didnt give interviews to paper and media. It was just a day or 3 delayed. But same fucking thing.
didn't read everything, but just saw Musk is not joining the board

so he bought, got a nice 20-30% gain on his investment by tweeting, and probably sold to realize those gains
IF he took the board position offered,
  • he is limited to less than 15% holding
  • he has to work within the framework of the BOD, and he has no friends or allies on the board
  • if he took the seat, without allies, he basically forgoes the opportunity to become CEO of TWTR (not saying that is his intention) because he is one board member with not much ammo to effect change.

By not taking a board seat, he is not restricted to 15% total ownership (I believe BOD members can hold a max of 14.8%), so is free to purchase more shares if he likes. Most analysts see this as a first step to a hostile takeover. Also the SEC rules for disclosure are different for board members compared to stock owners, so IF he is attempting a hostile takeover, he has a little more freedom to do so by NOT being a board member

He can now keep buying shares (nice dip this morning if you were hoping to get a lower cost average) until he owns enough to appoint some of his lackeys as board members, and the other large investors (Vanguard, Morgan Stanley, BlackRock) are likely to support the changes that Musk ultimately wants. None of them can be too happy with their investment - the current stock price is pretty damn close to what it IPO'd at in 2013.

Not saying any of the above reflects his actual plans, but ..........

<full disclosure - own fairly large positions in TWTR Aug and Jan calls>

TWTR opened at 45 today, now 47.50. As I posted earlier, I am treating this "news" much like a PEG - still valid. Will use 20 ema on daily as stop
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Perfect fake right, left jab.
I see him reinstalling Jack at the helm since his mea-culpa tweet

If they don't accept he dumps his stock and the stock tanks, if he buys it they lose control. Pretty well played.

Consider the board already gone. If they don't accept the overvalued offer the board is in violation of it's financially duty to the shareholders. They pretty much have to take the offer, or loose their jobs because of it. Once he's in ... I'd bet a good chunk quit or loose their jobs anyway
used to have a very low opinion of musk since he was building his company off of tax payer dollars. But I came to terms with it, and realized I shouldn’t hold anything against him for doing so. He wasn’t out begging for our money, they were looking for people to hand it to. And he’s have been stupid not to take free money. I’d take it too if I was in his position. The ones I should take issue with are the shit bags in government handing out money to subsidize a private business.
Same. The tipping point for me was when he said that the electric car scam was to finance his space effort, which I think is an existential necessity for our species. I'd support the 4th Reich if they actually built bases on the Moon....

I used to have a very low opinion of musk since he was building his company off of tax payer dollars. But I came to terms with it, and realized I shouldn’t hold anything against him for doing so. He wasn’t out begging for our money, they were looking for people to hand it to. And he’s have been stupid not to take free money. I’d take it too if I was in his position. The ones I should take issue with are the shit bags in government handing out money to subsidize a private business.
How do you feel about the ol "big 3" circa 2009ish and tax payer dollars?

Honest question b/c I don't know the answer:
- Did Tesla request that the .gov give the tax incentives for EVs - or did the .gov do it on their own?

What's a few extra mil Billion to make a statement:lmao:
Fixed. And hilarious.
How do you feel about the ol "big 3" circa 2009ish and tax payer dollars?

Honest question b/c I don't know the answer:
- Did Tesla request that the .gov give the tax incentives for EVs - or did the .gov do it on their own?

Fixed. And hilarious.
How do we think about oil subsidizes now?
The truth is murky but the .gov finances most of these operations.
How do we feel about the $150k per unit the Nikola truck is going to garner.
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