More evidence being ignored by MSM

Ok, I'll humor you. Give me one policy position currently held by the biden campaign that is right of Reagan.

Should be easy if Joe is more conservative than Ronald. Don't dodge it. Answer it it up

Actually, Biden doesn't have any policy positions. (Unless you count anything to make him money as a policy position) At this point he doesn't hold any positions because he doesn't know what day it is. I'm not really afraid of him making drastic changes to our government because he (and his wife) are just average crooks like Hillary. I'm not afraid of Kamela for the same reason. They will all steal from the taxpayers, but that's been done forever.

The real danger coming is the fact that, once in, he will shut down all investigations into voter fraud. Then all future elections will be fixed. That means the house and senate also. The next president that hates our country (like Obozo) will destroy it. I'm glad I'm getting older. Maybe I'll kick before it all comes down.

BREAKING per guest on @seanhannity
’s radio show: “The FBI, Texas Rangers & US Marshals are all at the SolarWinds HQ in Austin, TX” looking at their systems. Notes the Executive VP sold 57k shares [$1.2M] on 11/9. The CEO, Kevin Thompson, had sold 700k shares [$15M] 10 days later


About that Major SolarWinds CyberSecurity Threat... This is a Must Listen. SOUND ON:

2/ and has reportedly surrendered his passport to US officials. Indicates they may have been aware of the breach long before it was disclosed. To put it mildly, this is an important one to watch. H/T to @TheSharpEdge1
for the link.
Interesting, anyone valid date this ?

soler winds.jpg

soler winds2.jpg
I ask again, are you sure the FBI "ORION" is the same one referenced in the SolarWinds accusations? Duplicate system names are extremely common.,and many higher education institutions

Hackers breached U.S. government agencies via compromised SolarWinds Orion software

A “highly sophisticated” hacking group has breached the U.S. Treasury Department, the U.S. Department of Commerce’s National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA), other government agencies and private sector companies (including, apparently, FireEye) via compromised SolarWinds Orion software.
A supply chain attack

According to reports by FireEye and Microsoft, the hacking group managed to insert a backdoor (signed with SolarWinds’ legitimate certificates) into a DLL file used by the SolarWinds Orion platform, which organizations use for IT monitoring and management.

“Although we do not know how the backdoor code made it into the library, from the recent campaigns, research indicates that the attackers might have compromised internal build or distribution systems of SolarWinds,” Microsoft noted, and added that the backdoor was distributed via automatic update platforms or systems in target networks.
Once inside, the attackers moved laterally and proceeded to steal data.
According to Microsoft, they used administrative permissions acquired through an on-premises compromise to gain access to an organization’s trusted SAML token-signing certificate and they forged SAML tokens that impersonate any of the organization’s existing users and accounts (which allowed them to access to on-premises and cloud resources). They also made changes to the organizations’ Azure Active Directory settings to facilitate long term access.
SolarWinds has confirmed that SolarWinds Orion Platform software builds for versions 2019.4 HF 5 through 2020.2.1, released between March 2020 and June 2020, have been compromised and that a “clean” version (2020.2.1 HF 1) is now available for download.
“An additional hotfix release, 2020.2.1 HF 2 is anticipated to be made available Tuesday, December 15, 2020. We recommend that all customers update to release 2020.2.1 HF 2 once it is available, as the 2020.2.1 HF 2 release both replaces the compromised component and provides several additional security enhancements,” the company noted.
The U.S. Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) issued an Emergency Directive instructing “all federal civilian agencies to review their networks for indicators of compromise and disconnect or power down SolarWinds Orion products immediately.”
Who’s behind these attacks?

SolarWinds’ customers include US telecoms, all five branches of the US Military, various US federal agencies (including the Pentagon, State Department, and the Office of the President of the United States), more than 425 of the US Fortune 500 companies, and many higher education institutions.
FireEye says that this campaign may have begun as early as Spring 2020 and the attackers gained access to government, consulting, technology, telecom and extractive entities in North America, Europe, Asia and the Middle East.
Washington Post sources say that the hacker group behind these attacks is APT29 (aka Cozy Bear), which has ties with the Russian Foreign Intelligence Service. Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov said that Russia had nothing to do with the attacks on the U.S. Treasury and Commerce departments.
UPDATE (December 14, 2020, 8:40 a.m. PT):
SolarWinds has filed a report with the U.S. SEC, in which it stated that “the vulnerability … was introduced as a result of a compromise of the Orion software build system and was not present in the source code repository of the Orion products.”
Also, that it “currently believes the actual number of customers that may have had an installation of the Orion products that contained this vulnerability to be fewer than 18,000,” and that the attackers likely breached the company by compromising company emails (they use Microsoft Office 365 for its email and office productivity tools).
You have nothing to fear, Joe is a Reagan Republican from 1985 maybe just a bit farther to the right.

So in 2020, you voted for the 1986 version of Joe Biden? You're dumber than I had initially thought.

Actually it makes sense now, you and Joe Biden think it's 1986 still. Yours stems from naivety, his is from dementia
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That Detective is the right question .

No way. Why would there need to be some kind of sophisticated attack like this when the Democrats can have their illiterate inner city folks do it for them by stuffing ballots and not enforcing state laws. Get off the conspiracy theory BS and look at how simple this was to actually do. No hacking needed. There was no algo in the machines to flip ballots. I would bet that the machines were purposely misconfigured to dump ballots out for adjudication and things like that, but no hacking was needed for any of this.
No way. Why would there need to be some kind of sophisticated attack like this when the Democrats can have their illiterate inner city folks do it for them by stuffing ballots and not enforcing state laws. Get off the conspiracy theory BS and look at how simple this was to actually do. No hacking needed. There was no algo in the machines to flip ballots. I would bet that the machines were purposely misconfigured to dump ballots out for adjudication and things like that, but no hacking was needed for any of this.

But hacking could offer additional guarantees, perhaps?
No way. Why would there need to be some kind of sophisticated attack like this when the Democrats can have their illiterate inner city folks do it for them by stuffing ballots and not enforcing state laws. Get off the conspiracy theory BS and look at how simple this was to actually do. No hacking needed. There was no algo in the machines to flip ballots. I would bet that the machines were purposely misconfigured to dump ballots out for adjudication and things like that, but no hacking was needed for any of this.

If having a machine siphon off votes from one candidate to another wasn't going to cut it, then other methods had to be put in place. That would explain why the down ballot votes weren't effected. They didn't have time to mark all the votes so they just did the top one. Many states removed the party line vote this year for unexplained reasons.

I bet if they ever actually get to inspect the machines down to the hardware level they will find some interesting things. We probably haven't had a legitimate election in 20 years.
But hacking could offer additional guarantees, perhaps?

Not really. I don't think the machines were hacked or had some nefarious software changes made. I think a combination of incompetence when configuring and testing the machines and criminals who knew how the system works (mail-in ballot fraud, etc) was plenty. It's recount-proof now.

The laws in the states, written by incompetent morons, assure that a full hand recount is neither called for nor possible. Arizona admitted that about 3,000 voters could not have citizenship verified either way, but they refuse to throw out their votes. In WI the law says that if a mail-in doesn't have a signature, or it can't be verified, that the clerk *can* send it back to the voter for a signature or whatever is missing. It doesn't say "shall", it says "can". The level of stupid by all of these people is incredible, but not surprising.
The Dominon CEO says that the machines are not hacakble, and if they were hacked there would be a log showing it. And the R questioners just move on to the next retarded question.
The Dominon CEO says that the machines are not hacakble, and if they were hacked there would be a log showing it. And the R questioners just move on to the next retarded question.

hahaha.... Not sure what is more entertaining.... elected officials trying to ask questions on topics they know nothing about.... or people providing horseshit answers knowing they'll be accepted.
The Dominon CEO says that the machines are not hacakble, and if they were hacked there would be a log showing it. And the R questioners just move on to the next retarded question.

Pretty sure there is a video of them violating one they bought on ebay in a matter of minutes.

Bring one to DEFCON and lets test his claim.
No way. Why would there need to be some kind of sophisticated attack like this when the Democrats can have their illiterate inner city folks do it for them by stuffing ballots and not enforcing state laws. Get off the conspiracy theory BS and look at how simple this was to actually do. No hacking needed. There was no algo in the machines to flip ballots. I would bet that the machines were purposely misconfigured to dump ballots out for adjudication and things like that, but no hacking was needed for any of this.

You're partially correct...there was no hacking. They preformed exactly as programmed 😉
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