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Million Militia March


Not Sure
May 19, 2020
Member Number
Crusty's Brewing, Wa
Well they're at it again.

I really hope nothing fucking stupid happens. All the calls for "get off the porch" are being misconstrued as Trump supporters rallying again because of retardation.

Right message, wrong time. I hope the elected officials don't turn this into a more anti 2A reason to take away our rights.

EDIT: added link for our resident retard. https://www.theday.com/article/20210110/NWS13/210119965
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Hope it goes in the way of "hey there are a shit ton of normal people that are not happy with you idiots right now" and "this is what we can do without arms".

This domestic terrorist and Nazi BS need to stop now.
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Hope it goes in the way of "hey there are a shit ton of normal people that are not happy with you idiots right now" and "this is what we can do without arms".

which will accomplish nothing and everyone might as well stay home
Damn OP post where you heard this

Will ‘Million Militia March’ Try To Stop Biden’s Inauguration By Starting A Civil War? Snopes

The post included two links to pages run by an individual named Vic Freeman, who is the self-described founder of the online groups Million Militia March and the 1R3? PMC: Advanced Tactical Security & Private Defense, which featured a large image of the “1st Regiment of the Restored American Republic” at the top of the page. Various posts on the page state that they are a “security company” that aims to “defend” and “stop violence,” styling itself as an armed unit that protects against Communist forces. Members of both groups number close to 400, and posts in the group largely appeared focused on anti-mask, pro-Trump, and right-leaning political discussion.

In addition to the above post, a number of groups have threatened violence or disruptions at the inauguration. Proud Boys, a group with ties to white nationalism, have used YouTube to call on their members to “revolt” and “take over” at the inauguration. On one particular video, a Proud Boys leader said, “You show up there in Biden gear and you turn his inauguration into a fucking circus, a sign of resistance, a sign of revolution.”

The Oath Keepers, an armed, right-leaning militia group with tens of thousands of members, has also said it does not recognize Biden’s presidency, and members were part of gatherings in Washington, D.C., such as the so-called “Million MAGA March” of mid-November 2020, protesting the election results. Stewart Rhodes, a founder of the militia, told The Independent, “everything that comes out of [Biden’s] mouth will be considered not of any force or effect, anything he signs into law we won’t recognise as legitimate. We’ll be very much like the founding fathers. We’ll end up nullifying and resisting.” It is not clear if Oath Keepers will be in attendance at the January inauguration, though Rhodes did pen an open letter to Trump saying the group would fight a “desperate revolution/civil war against an illegitimate usurper” if Biden was sworn in​

which will accomplish nothing and everyone might as well stay home

prob, I guess I don't agree with the whole Biden not president deal disrupting the ingurgitation, that's not gonna do anything to help. I'm more pissed at the response by Congress on the capital deal and think it should be a good message to them that, hey we are here, we are watching, and we are not going to be silent anymore.
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people need to take a deep breath. they need to look at their own situation and ask themselves honestly and openly what it is that they are angry enough about to kill people. If they are willing to lose everything AND be seen as a traitor in a country they love (as I do) well, I guess that is a choice. But, think through what comes after IF you survive it. Watching some of these folks whose lives are getting completely turned over after wednesday should make anyone take a moment and think it through.
This is stupid and I do not support it. It doesn't matter how right your cause is or how peaceful you may be. If the media can paint you as a Trump supporter, you might as well be a terrorist. That's what they will call you anyway, and the American public will believe it. Nothing good can come from this. Not now.
It doesn't matter how right your cause is or how peaceful you may be. If the media can paint you as a Trump supporter, you might as well be a terrorist. That's what they will call you anyway, and the American public will believe it. Nothing good can come from this. Not now.

What happened last week was a once in a generation opportunity that was completely blown by a bunch of 4chan neckbeard faggots. I've never been more disappointed in my life than seeing a bunch of these idiots wandering around clueless smiling for cameras and taking confused selfies of themselves in the Congressional chamber.

On the flipside of this, you have several people who really risked everything and got off the porch for something they believed in that will end up in prison over there. There's several politicians in the MD, DE, WV, VA area that will lose their office if not worse over this.

The opportunity got 100% squandered and trying anything similar now is going to be just pointless. It's like going to a pro-gun demonstration and watching the thing be co-opted by a bunch of obese neckbeard dumbasses decked out head to toe in tacticool gear their mom's bought them off Amazon.
This is stupid and I do not support it. It doesn't matter how right your cause is or how peaceful you may be. If the media can paint you as a Trump supporter, you might as well be a terrorist. That's what they will call you anyway, and the American public will believe it. Nothing good can come from this. Not now.

That is the problem and worth fighting against, media has to much sway and is far too leftist. When there is direct censorship (what FB, Tweeter are doing) we will quickly slip into Nazi Germany.
people need to take a deep breath. they need to look at their own situation and ask themselves honestly and openly what it is that they are angry enough about to kill people. If they are willing to lose everything AND be seen as a traitor in a country they love (as I do) well, I guess that is a choice. But, think through what comes after IF you survive it. Watching some of these folks whose lives are getting completely turned over after wednesday should make anyone take a moment and think it through.

youre the fucking traitor you worthless fucking scumbag
Well they're at it again.

I really hope nothing fucking stupid happens. All the calls for "get off the porch" are being misconstrued as Trump supporters rallying again because of retardation.

Right message, wrong time. I hope the elected officials don't turn this into a more anti 2A reason to take away our rights.

EDIT: added link for our resident retard. https://www.theday.com/article/20210110/NWS13/210119965

Whether or not its the right or wrong time...
Its the correct time NOW.
That is the problem and worth fighting against, media has to much sway and is far too leftist. When there is direct censorship (what FB, Tweeter are doing) we will quickly slip into Nazi Germany.

This are where the real protests need to happen.
media headquarters. BLM tried burning the CNN offices in Atlanta, we should have let them.
That is the problem and worth fighting against, media has to much sway and is far too leftist. When there is direct censorship (what FB, Tweeter are doing) we will quickly slip into Nazi Germany.

Fine then, let's fucking rally at FB headquarters, then CNN, then Google, then Twitter, etc. Or all of them at the same time. That I can get behind. Going to DC and raising hell during the inaguration won't do any good. In fact, it will just hasten the destruction.
Regardless of what happens, the media will spin it since they're the real enemy.

This. This is where the problem is. Protesting inDC does nothing with a biased media. When you have corrupt media filling the airways and blocking conservative voices there is no freedom and justice. Until those issues are resolved there can be no free and fair elections, no freedom of speech, no just America. These people want to accomplish something thats where they need to start.
Fear of riots from the left has been effecting our government for roughly a year. The SCOTUS refused to hear the election case out of fear of riots from blm and antifa. The right should make use of similar leverage.
Fear of riots from the left has been effecting our government for roughly a year. The SCOTUS refused to hear the election case out of fear of riots from blm and antifa. The right should make use of similar leverage.

Great plan, except most of us have jobs to be at.....and stuff to lose.

We are prisoners of our lives and success.
Great plan, except most of us have jobs to be at.....and stuff to lose.

We are prisoners of our lives and success.

We may have to take a few days off of work to make ourselves heard. I am planning to. If it’s not worth it to you that’s cool.

Voting is broken. Rioting is the new voting.
Many have claimed this to be a false flag op to get people out and paint the 2a supporters in even worse light than they (falsely) are now.
We may have to take a few days off of work to make ourselves heard. I am planning to. If it’s not worth it to you that’s cool.

Voting is broken. Rioting is the new voting.

Everyone that was there on 1/6 can now be painted as a domestic terrorist. Be careful. Things will probably get out of hand. It's not the couple days of vacation you need to take--it's the chance of repercussions--that's what it really costs you. Not even repercussions for what you do, but for what other retards do. The only thing that we know for sure is that EVERYTHING will get painted with a very broad brush.

I know, I'm championing cowardice here. But everyone needs to be eyes-wide-open on this sort of stuff.

Symbolic acts that will have the symbolism ruined by the media, but will still have real repercussions for the symbolic actor--that seems like a poor strategy.
This is stupid and I do not support it. It doesn't matter how right your cause is or how peaceful you may be. If the media can paint you as a Trump supporter, you might as well be a terrorist. That's what they will call you anyway, and the American public will believe it. Nothing good can come from this. Not now.

Not saying I support this at all, but you say not now, when is the right time in your opinion?

I have to say I never thought I’d see the crazy shit that’s going on right now. The censorship isn’t right. Specially when there are hate groups that don’t get censored. Conform or be cast out
people need to take a deep breath. they need to look at their own situation and ask themselves honestly and openly what it is that they are angry enough about to kill people. If they are willing to lose everything AND be seen as a traitor in a country they love (as I do) well, I guess that is a choice. But, think through what comes after IF you survive it. Watching some of these folks whose lives are getting completely turned over after wednesday should make anyone take a moment and think it through.

After Wednesdwy huh?
Everyone that was there on 1/6 can now be painted as a domestic terrorist. Be careful. Things will probably get out of hand. It's not the couple days of vacation you need to take--it's the chance of repercussions--that's what it really costs you. Not even repercussions for what you do, but for what other retards do. The only thing that we know for sure is that EVERYTHING will get painted with a very broad brush.

I know, I'm championing cowardice here. But everyone needs to be eyes-wide-open on this sort of stuff.

Symbolic acts that will have the symbolism ruined by the media, but will still have real repercussions for the symbolic actor--that seems like a poor strategy.

There were over 500,000 people there on 1/6. Maybe 100 broke the law. We need to keep pushing and police our own (as was done on 1/6) until it is time to ratchet things up.
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