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** Meme **

Not that I trust Wikipedia, but FBI has been spying on US citizens for years over the Internet:

I've known about that project close to inception, and like all Government programs the names eventually change in an attempt to make people forget.


That was kind of my point. They dont need the subterfuge of a corporation anymore. They just listen in or hack what they want then come get the rest.
Not that I trust Wikipedia, but FBI has been spying on US citizens for years over the Internet:

I've known about that project close to inception, and like all Government programs the names eventually change in an attempt to make people forget.


See also: Five Eyes


That was kind of my point. They dont need the subterfuge of a corporation anymore. They just listen in or hack what they want then come get the rest.
and the point made above is that without private corporations cooperating, you don't get in the backdoor to listen.

Why do you think there's laws about allowing access to encrypted messaging services in australia, and why do you think that law enforcement has been lobbying for those same laws here since the 90's?

Cause the technology can lock them out without legal threats to the companies making it.

queue your "I'll get anything with a warrant" bullshit, but I'd bet I have a better grasp on network security and encryption than you do, and your warrant doesn't mean shit if someone doesn't want to cooperate and give you the keys and access.

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