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May 19, 2020
Member Number
Central NM
Good stuff. No Affiliation. little pricey.

Me either so far. but I might... :D

They have signs up on the stores in Edgewood, but they haven't been enforcing it at all, so I haven't succumbed to ol' Wuhan Lujan's edict yet.

Not a Facebook dork, but I found this funny:
Yup. Signs everywhere. DGAF. Still shopping as normal.

Yup a store tells me to wear a mask I call them a fascist bitch Or NAZI and walk. Calling a blue haired liberal hipster a NAZI and watching them realize they are acting like one is priceless. I don't stick around long as its not worth getting trespassed from the entire property.

I am supposed to wear one while working but nobody has given a fuck yet. So I am not starting now.
I haven't worn one at all. I figure my beard/mustache does just as good of a job filtering particles than a bandanna does. I also go the wrong way down the grocery isles. :flipoff2:
When does our mask edict end? I have been up in the mountains for 3 months and haven’t kept up...I thought it ended June 1?

June 1 on the current PHO. Expect a press conference extending it tomorrow.
We were told yesterday, after Northam gave his illegal order, that our company is requiring us all to wear masks starting Friday. The techs are all pissed about it and are threatening to walk out. I don't blame them, it's hot in the shop and no one but employees are allowed in the shop anyway.
I ordered one of the “America F*ck Yeah!” Ones from Poly Performance yesterday when I ordered one of their Hawse fairleads with the :flipoff2: logo on it. Just to be a dick if I have to go out
Yup. Signs everywhere. DGAF. Still shopping as normal.

Went to Los Lunas last week, other than a woman at Harbour Frieght giving me the evil eye over her bandana, no one said anything as we picked up stuff we can't buy locally.
Imagine how all the deaf lip readers of the world feel ..... their world has gone silent. :laughing:
The underlined "won't protect you" photo mostly

I just just found the post funny, but if we want to play semantics, where does the mask box say "won't protect you?" It says it doesn't protect against viruses.

I fully understand the "logic" of requiring everyone to wear masks. I think it is stupid and an over reach of power to boot, so I am not going to wear one. To my knowledge the enforcement in New Mexico relies on "extreme peer pressure" per Grisham, which isn't going to do it for me. I haven't seen anything saying people are being cited or arrested.

By chance, I happened to read up on why asians were always wearing masks recently prior to all the corona virus hysteria. Everything I read said that masks provided minimal to no health benefit for controlling infectious diseases. The CDC also stated this and discouraged wearing masks at the beginning of all this nonsense. Suddenly they had a change of heart, but based on what? It seems to me they are just pandering to the masses and trying to make it seem like they are doing something. To me, masks are nothing more than a false sense of security. Where is the evidence that supports the mandatory mask decrees that have come about? I am genuinely asking and would be interested in reading if there is any.
My company also started making us wear masks in the shop and take temperatures before we enter the building. Its complete bullshit.
My company also started making us wear masks in the shop and take temperatures before we enter the building. Its complete bullshit.

we have been wearing masks for awhile- just found out they have boxes of digital thermometers sitting at a corporate location....
Imagine how all the deaf lip readers of the world feel ..... their world has gone silent. :laughing:

That's real shit. My daughter has severe hearing loss and even with her hearing aids she had to read lips. She has to go to the grocery store with someone otherwise she can't hardly check out. The people behind the plexiglass wearing masks are rude as shit usually if she puts her head around the glass to try and hear them.
That's real shit. My daughter has severe hearing loss and even with her hearing aids she had to read lips. She has to go to the grocery store with someone otherwise she can't hardly check out. The people behind the plexiglass wearing masks are rude as shit usually if she puts her head around the glass to try and hear them.

That is so completely fucked up.
That's real shit. My daughter has severe hearing loss and even with her hearing aids she had to read lips. She has to go to the grocery store with someone otherwise she can't hardly check out. The people behind the plexiglass wearing masks are rude as shit usually if she puts her head around the glass to try and hear them.

Thats my dad too. He shared a link on the book of faces where nurses were making face masks with clear plastic pieces over the mouths for this reason
She just started school and once they are able to meet in person, the school will be providing similar masks to everyone in the class. Was pretty surprised about that actually.
...until we figure out a decent treatment or vaccine it's going to slow down the spread some.

This is the bit I am not convinced of. If you know of any hard evidence that supports this, I have an open mind and am willing to give consideration. I am not a fan of feel-good measures. Wearing masks are hardly any more effective than covering your mouth when you cough or sneeze, which I already do.

Personally, the numbers don't scare me, and I am perfectly fine with the government giving guidance on what people should do (stay home, avoid large crowds, wear masks, etc.) and people following said guidance if they so choose. I am adamantly opposed to government dictating what people and business can do. If people want to continue living normally, fine, they should be able to do it at their own risk, and business should be free to chose whether they will incorporate government guidance as policy.
They lost me on the mask argument when I watch everybody wearing them. They take them down to scratch their noses or breathe some fresh air then use their now “contaminated” hand to continue shopping, Thats assuming they took the time to either wash it or use hand sanitizer before they went in to the store. So by doing that they have defeated the whole point of the mask. Beside if you read all the fine print of most of the mask laws. Many say you can remove it to talk or eat or drink or etc... but nobody and I mean nobody cares about recleaning their hands. Let alone all that horrible spittle that just got free. I would also guess very few people wash their masks regularly especially the cloth ones. So yea they are helping us be protected from them. Cover your mouth when you cough or sneeze. Wash your hands afterwards, stay home if your sick. If your a symptomatic then thats the luck. But forcing people to do something because what if is just cowardly. Especially after we have seen this has been way iver blown from the start. Its coming out that many of the nursing home deaths were not due to mask or no mask but do to knowingly infected people being allowed to go there.

You want to wear a mask go for it. You want me to wear one because it makes you fell better? Go suck start a shotgun. :flipoff2:
My wife is making masks that say "I smell government bullshit" just in-case she has to ever wear one.
Thats my dad too. He shared a link on the book of faces where nurses were making face masks with clear plastic pieces over the mouths for this reason

Could you share the link. I have a mostly deaf electrician I could use something like that to communicate with instead of texting are writing everything down.
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