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LS intake threaded holes for throttle bracket


Well-known member
Nov 17, 2020
Member Number
marshalltown iowa
good am,

so i am getting ready to hook up my throttle bracket and on the 2005 intake there is only one threaded hole, the other two have a metal ring or something put into the plastic intsead of threads. is there a kit or do i just tap them?


No kit, you need a 02 down intake if you want to do this.

Other option is to fill it with JB weld and drill/tap
The intakes from 2002 and below year models with a DBC TB will have the threaded inserts
Could you use a threaded nut zert or something similar? Epoxy it in and be done?
Could attempt using a keen sert.
I used one of these kits when I swapped on a TBSS intake on my drive by cable engine. They may make other throttle body size brackets, just first one that came up

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