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Lost my cousin yesterday.

Roc Doc

May 20, 2020
Member Number
Way out West.
I don't have a huge family, so this is a pretty big loss. My cousin James died of a heart attack at 59. I haven't seen him since we were kids, but both James and John moved to Phoenix in 2015, and we have tried several times to get together, but I guess we all just gave up/wrapped up in our own doings, I dunno. John called me, right after my Mom notified me in our weekly zoom call, and I was looking all over the place for John's contact info, when he called. James was very overweight and put up with a real **** of a wife for most of his adult life, and finally divorced her and got remarried in 2017 to a really great woman by all accounts.

Anyway, take care of yourselves and don't be a widowmaker.
Sorry for your loss.
It's sad how many of us lose touch with family members, and then realize it when it's too late. Makes me want to connect with my family members whom I used to stay in contact with.
Sorry for your loss.
It's sad how many of us lose touch with family members, and then realize it when it's too late. Makes me want to connect with my family members whom I used to stay in contact with.


I've seen John a couple times as adults, but they lived in NW WA until State Farm transferred them here in 2015, only about 9 months after I moved here, and I thought great can invite them for Superbowl, or for a swim in high summer, but they live near 60 miles from me so it just never happened. Damn.
Prayers for your family. It's awkward with distant relatives but the loss is real.
wow! sorry to hear about that. dang, 59.

He just got his first grandkid a few months ago.

My Dad (his uncle) died at 60, and my nephew was only a few months old at the time. Weird coincidences, John and I agreed we have to break that chain.
Damn, 59 is way too young. Sorry for your loss. This hits home for me since I have a cousin I am close with in San Diego that I haven't seen if a few years just because of distance/life. I'll be heading down that way at the end of the month, I'm going to make a point of visiting him.

We have a 101 year old window who lives across the street from us. She outlived her husband and daughter(who died of some freak strain of cancer). She refuses to go to assisted living and lives alone. All of us in the neighborhood try to help her out and visit with her as much as we can(it got harder since COVID and everyone worried about infecting her). After meeting her, I decided that I wanted to outlive my wife, just so that she never has to be old and alone in the world.
Condolences. Go see your remaining cousin,and other relatives. I should do the same.
Condolences. Go see your remaining cousin,and other relatives. I should do the same.

Yup, kinda why I posted this up. I think there are definitely things worse than death, but that we should make the most of life while we have it.
Sorry for your loss.

This reminds me that we need to try to plan some get togethers with my family and the in-laws now that the weather is getting nicer.
Sorry for your loss. Yes life goes by so quickly, take the time to hug your loved ones.
So a woman badgered him into an obese early death. He sounds like a man who took one for the team and kept one of these evil temptresses occupied instead of harassing you and I. For that, he is a hero. I am sad to hear of his passing. :beer:
So a woman badgered him into an obese early death. He sounds like a man who took one for the team and kept one of these evil temptresses occupied instead of harassing you and I. For that, he is a hero. I am sad to hear of his passing. :beer:

Could be. I only know what I've heard from the rest of his family, but maybe food was his only pleasure, I've seen that in others.
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