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James Schofield, KOH Racer Wreck Recovery GoFundme


Can we get this stickied along with a better, more informative thread title?

Not everyone knows who James is (I didnt), but they may know about the KOH wreck and want to help.
Updates (1)

TODAYby Wyatt Pemberton, OrganizerFrom April:

Monday 4:00 pacific time.
It’s been a long day. Friends and family it’s been a long couple of days. Im at the hotel in Palm Springs now. Unfortunately I don’t have an update for you about his surgery yet. He was held up in pre op for a while. So his surgery was a couple hours late. I have not gotten confirmation that he’s out yet. I left instructions for them to call me. To be honest, they aren’t really calling me and when I call it’s hard to get anyone. This is leaving James feeling like he can’t really take pain meds because he doesn’t want to be too out of it to understand what’s going on with news about his situation. I did however talk to our primary care dr today and I’ve never met the nurse Brook before but I have a 100% feeling she’s a redhead. She’s already been on the phone fussing at the hospital up here for not letting me in and giving them explicit orders to make sure that both their office and myself are updated ASAP. She also told me I have to take a nap. she’s either my mom or my best friend but y’all she took over complete control.
Actually, we have had so many close friends helping us the past few days. From watching our kids, arranging flights, picking me up at the airport and having a hotel and flight taken care of, helping me pack, setting up gofundmes, helping me not panic when I didnt know what was going on, laughing with me to keep my mind clear, writing me texts/messaging me, literally the past few days we’ve been so blessed. And we really do appreciate you all thinking of us. James is hurt yes. BUT at the end of the day he’s going to be ok and he was having a great time when he got hurt. It’s just the luck of the draw sometimes. I’ll let you all know when I find out anything. I get messages sometimes with people maybe thinking I forgot to update. I promise I didnt. I’m just so so so busy.

8:00 pacific time.
James surgery went well. He’s hurting and they’ve given him something to try and make him feel better and sleep. He’s tired and a little cranky . But I mean I miss a meal and I get cranky so I guess he can have this moment . They took X-rays of his back before he went into surgery today. So hopefully we hear more about those decisions tomorrow. I’ll update whenever I know details.

updates :smokin:
damn. It's always a possibility. I wish him and his family the best. Hoping for a speedy and full recovery.

What is his username here?

You all should know that when you sign up for KOH you get extra health insurance for the event, its was a requirement when I race there both times. I am not implying he wont need financial help, I bet he will, just letting you guys know he has coverage.

Was this the wreck JP and Shannon came up on and both the occupants were out cold?
details on crash? curious what goes wrong if youre 5 point strapped in a cage

Seat. and seat belt angle. We can hit it in a different thread if you want but there is a long running debate on if the broken backs are coming from suspension seats.
Up date from gofundme...

TODAYby April Schofield, BeneficiaryTuesday 3:30 pm eastern time.
I’m sorry to have kept everyone waiting, but today a lot of decisions have had to be made, and that included us getting a few second opinions.

After speaking with the doctors today we know a few things. His knee is doing great and doing what they want it to. It’s going to be completely non weight baring for a while. His shoulder/clavicle surgery did go well yesterday. He’s in a brace for that now and had a plate and some screws put in.
They’ve done a lot of X-rays on his back at this point. Several times a day in fact. The dr now feels confident to give her opinion on what we should do. So here we go....

Today we were given two options.
1- Go ahead and open him up and fix the areas that need to be fixed. No guessing. End of story.
2- Put him in a couple of back braces that completely keep his torso from moving at all and then wait a week or so to try and give his body a break from surgery but also to see if his body is going to do it’s own thing and try to heal up with those braces holding everything in place for it.

After weighing the pros and cons, and talking to a few others, we have opted for option 2. There are risks that go with having 3 surgeries 3 days in a row. And if we can give his body a chance to heal itself let’s try that. We’ve been assured that being in these braces will keep him from injurying the area more as long as he keeps them on. So if we can’t hurt it, let’s try to not rush to the extremes of surgery.

That brings us to the next decision.
Because of covid there are a lot of rules and procedures in the hospital. That’s understandable. However, that let the dr tell us they if we followed some specific guidelines she feels ok in not holding him there for the week or two, but instead letting him leave the hospital in the morning.
- Wound care is going to be super important.
- James has to adhere to special rules about moving around and even how many times a day for so many minutes (it’s very few) they want him using his walker. (To me this will be the hardest part because he’s hardheaded)
- The dr isn’t willing to release us to travel yet. She wants to release him to come directly to the hotel and stay here through the week. They will be checking in with us and then will give us the ok about traveling home. We feel good about him coming home via a regular flight, but we have to wait to make any of those decisions.

So after discussing it we decided that part was a no brainer. He does not want to stay in that hospital. And we feel confident we will be able to abide by the rules.

We had to have a second dr sign off on the plan. His stipulation was that James had to have the braces fitted on, then X-rays done and then he had to go to 2 rounds of physical therapy that consist of them teaching him to get from the wheel chair to the walker and how to stand in the walker.
The dr reviewed the X-rays and has confirmed that the plan is ok.

So now James will come back to the hotel sometime early tomorrow (I’ve already moved into a handicap room) and we will stay here through the week. After getting home we will follow up with the physicians there and they will decide if his back is healing up correctly or if we have to have surgery.

On another note,
The amount of prayers we have gotten over the last 3 days we could feel it. We are really blessed that things have been good news. Recovery is going to be long. But we feel good about the outcome and are hoping for his body to pull through and not require surgery on his spine! Thank you. And also, the blessings that you all have poured on us with the go fund me , PayPal and Venmo have been huge. I wish I had the words to say because I don’t think thank you really does it justice. The off-road community is a close group and they have been nothing short of amazing. We are so very lucky to have you all.
On the other side of that coin our other friends and family have helped in the same way and we couldn’t be more grateful and humbled.

We truly love you all. I read every message. I tell him everything that’s going on and he’s feeling so many emotions right now.
ALL OF YOU with your prayers, texts, calls, messages, donations and help are really lifting us up through such an unsure time. Quite frankly, even with my upbeat posts, it’s been a scary time. Again, thank you doesn’t do it justice...but I dont have any other words to express our gratitude right now.
Venmo @James-Schofield-6

If anyone wants to donate without using GFM.
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Anyone else get a thank you note from April? Very sweet, but not necessary.
responded with this:

April, you are too kind. While I appreciate the thank you note, I am sure you are busy and needed elsewhere.

Wishing all the best for James, as are all of us at Irate4x4.com

Praying for a speedy recovery.

Thanks again.
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