Updates (1)
TODAYby Wyatt Pemberton, OrganizerFrom April:
Monday 4:00 pacific time.
It’s been a long day. Friends and family it’s been a long couple of days. Im at the hotel in Palm Springs now. Unfortunately I don’t have an update for you about his surgery yet. He was held up in pre op for a while. So his surgery was a couple hours late. I have not gotten confirmation that he’s out yet. I left instructions for them to call me. To be honest, they aren’t really calling me and when I call it’s hard to get anyone. This is leaving James feeling like he can’t really take pain meds because he doesn’t want to be too out of it to understand what’s going on with news about his situation. I did however talk to our primary care dr today and I’ve never met the nurse Brook before but I have a 100% feeling she’s a redhead. She’s already been on the phone fussing at the hospital up here for not letting me in and giving them explicit orders to make sure that both their office and myself are updated ASAP. She also told me I have to take a nap. she’s either my mom or my best friend but y’all she took over complete control.
Actually, we have had so many close friends helping us the past few days. From watching our kids, arranging flights, picking me up at the airport and having a hotel and flight taken care of, helping me pack, setting up gofundmes, helping me not panic when I didnt know what was going on, laughing with me to keep my mind clear, writing me texts/messaging me, literally the past few days we’ve been so blessed. And we really do appreciate you all thinking of us. James is hurt yes. BUT at the end of the day he’s going to be ok and he was having a great time when he got hurt. It’s just the luck of the draw sometimes. I’ll let you all know when I find out anything. I get messages sometimes with people maybe thinking I forgot to update. I promise I didnt. I’m just so so so busy.
8:00 pacific time.
James surgery went well. He’s hurting and they’ve given him something to try and make him feel better and sleep. He’s tired and a little cranky . But I mean I miss a meal and I get cranky so I guess he can have this moment . They took X-rays of his back before he went into surgery today. So hopefully we hear more about those decisions tomorrow. I’ll update whenever I know details.