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I want to go hog hunting for Yankees.


Red Skull Member
May 20, 2020
Member Number
Some friends and I want to kill some pigs and possibly deer down south later this fall, don’t mind paying for a lodge etc. Maybe 3 nights, 4 or 5 of us, thinking south cacalaki.
Any recommendations?
Do yall want to still hunt, run dogs, run thermals... details man, details. I may be able to put you on some of give you a lead of two.

I might still have some access to some property later this fall depending on when they harvest the corn. It's still up in the air a bit, but I've killed hundreds over the years.
I cannot help you on the deer, but if you were interested in hogs after duck season... We can work something out
Yankees have an obsession with hog hunting. I've got to put together a late october hunt for half-dozen fisherman from long island.

But yes, elaborate. Personally I'd throw down for a helicopter hunt. Dogs are ghey.
Yankees have an obsession with hog hunting. I've got to put together a late october hunt for half-dozen fisherman from long island.

But yes, elaborate. Personally I'd throw down for a helicopter hunt. Dogs are ghey.

Obviously you’ve never hunted pigs Hawaiian style. Those dogs are fucking badass.
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My buddy goes to Texas once a year. He says they use thermals and hunt in neighborhoods. Folks leave porch lights on if there's a hog nearby. Not sure of the accuracy of those statements, but yea.

Travelling for a elk hunt would be neat.
Details of course, still hunt most likely. Is most of the hunting done at dawn, dusk night? None of us currently own thermals although I have been to a 4 day class on thermography, so I’ve got that going for me:flipoff2: ar15s and 10s if they don’t get lost in that boating accident. More into filling coolers than getting trophies.
Hogs are something us poor boys hunt because deer leases are cost prohibitive in Tx. I can't imagine actually paying big bucks to hunt them unless it was a helo hunt or something. But if it's on your list to do, more power to you. I know a guy that does knife hunts. Supposedly, they're pretty fun. I've only hunted them with dogs or just posted up around the rooted up places under pecan trees and waited till dusk when they come home to start taking them out. The smaller sows and shoats are damn good eating, but leave the boars for coyote food. Nasty creatures, they are.
Figured on getting some 80-100 pounders to bring home Knock off the hooves and heads, throw them in the crock pot?
Obviously you’ve never hunted pigs Hawaiian style. Those dogs are fucking badass.

I know folks who think they're Boone and Crockett and get off jumping out of trees and stabbing them with knives. I had a Catahoula, cool dogs, I just think theres more efficient ways of harvesting pigs.

The smaller sows and shoats are damn good eating, but leave the boars for coyote food. Nasty creatures, they are.

it's a crapshoot. I've shot 100lb+ pure bred (looking) Hamps and Durocs. Boar or sow they were well formed and good looking pigs. Good eating too.

Then I've shot <50lb pigs that arent worth the trouble of throwing in the brush. You can see the fleas and ticks swarming them 10 ft away.

Little tap tap action the other night, green tip dropped them on the run. You dont need a howitzer like some people claim.
I know folks who think they're Boone and Crockett and get off jumping out of trees and stabbing them with knives. I had a Catahoula, cool dogs, I just think theres more efficient ways of harvesting pigs.

Hunting hogs with dogs is more of an experience than pop control. It you want to control the pop, the only really feasible way is the monitored remote gates. If you trap, 20 out of 22 pigs, in 6 months, they have made just as many. You have to trap entire Sounders. If you do not trap, you have to still hunt morning, day evening and night along with trolling in vehicles and or hoppers if your terrain works.

If you want to catch them and stab em... Sweet. If you want to shoot them... awesome. If you want to hit them with your truck... Send it. Basically... Put foreign objects into their bodies at high speeds. Fuck em in their neck.
People pay to hog hunt? I didn't think anybody wanted those things, never mind pay to kill one.... When I first moved to Texas one of my buddies here would take me hog/coyote hunting on his farm almost every night. I got pretty good at shooting them. The first year I was down here I must have killed 25-30 hogs on his farm, all in the name of pest control. I was shocked at how much damage hogs can do to a field in a few nights! You would swear sombody came by with a plow and hit various parts of the field. It got boring playing out there all the time so I stopped going.

Never ate one though, my buddy said most of them are very gamey tasting and it wasn't worth the work to process them.
People pay to hog hunt? I didn't think anybody wanted those things, never mind pay to kill one.... When I first moved to Texas one of my buddies here would take me hog/coyote hunting on his farm almost every night. I got pretty good at shooting them. The first year I was down here I must have killed 25-30 hogs on his farm, all in the name of pest control. I was shocked at how much damage hogs can do to a field in a few nights! You would swear sombody came by with a plow and hit various parts of the field. It got boring playing out there all the time so I stopped going.

Never ate one though, my buddy said most of them are very gamey tasting and it wasn't worth the work to process them.

It is crazy to me too... I could not even count how many I have killed in the past 15 years. I will say tho, the rule of thumb is, they taste like they smell. A big ol bore is not worth dragging off usually, but most all does are good. Having said that, I usually do not clean them unless it is cold outside. If it is summer and someone wants one, I will hunt close to the camp, shoot one in the ear hole and be on the way to pick it up before the sound of the shot is gone. Too much risk of getting sick to let one sit for any time. They are delicious tho. The 100-150# does are perfect. If you shoot one in the winter, clean one and get the hams, loins and ribs... Good stuff.
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