Or am I going to burn my house down?
came home to a blank screen on my thermostat. Changed batteries, still blank.
have been wanting a smart thermostat for awhile so checked all the box stores and decided on a Honeywell RTH9585WF.
after doing some reading learned that I needed a common wire on the “c” terminal. No big deal, there was an extra conductor not hooked to anything.
swapped wires from old to new one by one until I got down to a white and blue wire. White went to W on the old t-stat, blue went to 0/B.
problem is, those are both the same terminal on the new t-stat. I checked the labeling on the furnace control board connections and saw white was on W1 and blue on W2
so my connections are as follows :
photo is the connection at the furnace. There is an extra red/white for a humidifier.
furnace seems to be working. Hopefully when it’s time to turn on the AC I don’t blow anything up.
came home to a blank screen on my thermostat. Changed batteries, still blank.
have been wanting a smart thermostat for awhile so checked all the box stores and decided on a Honeywell RTH9585WF.
after doing some reading learned that I needed a common wire on the “c” terminal. No big deal, there was an extra conductor not hooked to anything.
swapped wires from old to new one by one until I got down to a white and blue wire. White went to W on the old t-stat, blue went to 0/B.
problem is, those are both the same terminal on the new t-stat. I checked the labeling on the furnace control board connections and saw white was on W1 and blue on W2
so my connections are as follows :
photo is the connection at the furnace. There is an extra red/white for a humidifier.
furnace seems to be working. Hopefully when it’s time to turn on the AC I don’t blow anything up.