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How to attract a better turd sammich

2big bronco

Og irate
May 19, 2020
Member Number
Prunedale ca
I think one of the biggest problems with our presidential choices is that it's just not an attractive choice to anyone successful that has already proven themselves to be intelligent enough for the position.
Nobody in thier right mind except a Carrear politician or someone with trumps ego would want the job.

Maybe it's as simple as upping the salary. I'd have no problem with the president earning 100mil+ a year while in office. Maybe that would fix / help the issue of them taking outside money. $400k is laughable though. If my only goal for a year was to make that much I could probably come close and I bairly graduated high school.

What do you think? What do we do to attract more qualified people?
Maybe it's as simple as upping the salary. I'd have no problem with the president earning 100mil+ a year while in office. Maybe that would fix / help the issue of them taking outside money. $400k is laughable though.

somehow I doubt that. If that were the case, why would anyone continue to run businesses like Apple, Amazon, and so on that are worth trillions. I'd like to say that if I had a few million, I'd quit working and just enjoy life. But somehow I think the greed for $ grows with the more you have.

I think one big reason that reasonable people don't run for office, is because of how their entire life, and the life of their family members will be put under a microscope, picking out the least little flaw in anything they have ever done, even if it's taken completely out of context and twisted to make it seem worse than it actually was. I wouldn't want that, and I'm sure most people wouldn't.

As for how we get more qualified and rational people? I have no clue.
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Money isnt a motivator for people seeking that position, power is. I think the question is how do you attract a candidate that's electable that isnt in it for the power, but the service to their country. (I honestly think Trump has fit this more than any other president in the last 30 years plus years) As much as I hate to admit it, Bernie also fits that description but I severely disagree with his ideals. Ron or Rand Paul would have been my choice but how do you make someone like that electable in today's society?
What do we do to attract more qualified people?
Sometimes, the less qualified the better.

Lotto system, draw a social security number.
Men in suits go knock on that door.
"Hi, congratulations. You're fucked and now President for the next 4 years. Please come with us."

Be it a mother holding a baby with soup stains on her apron, or a dad that just crawled out from under the truck with oil on his face.
You want an outsider, a non politician? This is how you get it.
I agree with Yota Up. No more elections. Politicians are chosen by national lottery. Your current employer continues to pay you, it's their national obligation. No benefits. Just 1 term and your name doesn't go back in the lotto.
Yep, one term. No political party affiliation to pull your strings. One million dollar salary and if you take a dime from anywhere else during your term it’s treason.
No one wants to be president because of the baggage that comes with it. Who wants to be drug thorough the mud all day every day and have their entire life under a microscope. Also have to deal with people who's only job that day is to trip you up or railroad whatever you are trying to get done. They may even agree with you but stopping you will help them more than helping you.

I've talked to a few people that would be good for it, well rounded grew up middle/lower class then with hard work have made themselves massively successful. Some are more left than my views and some are more right but too a man they all said 'why would you want to do that, there is not enough money in the world to make me deal with that circus/shit show.' These are people involved in politics that donate tens of thousands to the pacs and candidates.

It has become a position that only attracts the people that want the presidency for all the wrong reasons, mainly power.
I agree with Yota Up. No more elections. Politicians are chosen by national lottery. Your current employer continues to pay you, it's their national obligation. No benefits. Just 1 term and your name doesn't go back in the lotto.

Seriously?You would be OK with an Overbear or Arty45sn or any number of other wackjobs with the keys to the big house? Personally there are people I know and are friends with that IRL I would be hesitant to let have the keys to a toolshed much less allow to run this country.
I don't think money is as important to someone that would want that position as much as power is.

You wouldn't want to influence big events, play on the International stage, and steer the future of Humanity? POTUS is unironically the coolest job on the planet, up there with test pilot, astronaut, or nipple-fluffer for Margot Robbie.
Someone like Mike Roe would clean sweep the election from both sides. The power's at be could never let such a thing occur.
Start by reducing the federal budget by 90%. Then it's a part time gig like it should be and anyone can run and not have much influence on anything. Incredibly wealthy people who like the sound of their own voice are the only ones who can run. If we elect 2big_bronco his boyfriend will leave him and he'll forget how to do his job by the time he gets back in 1 or 2 terms. I think two 4-6yr terms is OK for a max. If we can chop down the fed budget (and we can't) then nothing can change unless all the states start ratifying some new constitutional amendments.
Sometimes, the less qualified the better.

Lotto system, draw a social security number.
Men in suits go knock on that door.
"Hi, congratulations. You're fucked and now President for the next 4 years. Please come with us."

Be it a mother holding a baby with soup stains on her apron, or a dad that just crawled out from under the truck with oil on his face.
You want an outsider, a non politician? This is how you get it.

This is interesting. Maybe a guy could run on that platform. He gets elected, replaces his VP with rando guy, then steps aside and he becomes president. Kinda like Kaymara Heiress.
Start by reducing the federal budget by 90%. Then it's a part time gig like it should be and anyone can run and not have much influence on anything. Incredibly wealthy people who like the sound of their own voice are the only ones who can run. If we elect 2big_bronco his boyfriend will leave him and he'll forget how to do his job by the time he gets back in 1 or 2 terms. I think two 4-6yr terms is OK for a max. If we can chop down the fed budget (and we can't) then nothing can change unless all the states start ratifying some new constitutional amendments.

Sorta, maybe... it used to be an institution that handled the affairs of the fifty states that they couldn't/shouldn't handle alone, now it's an employer of a couple million with a budget over a couple trillion dollars hell bent on getting their thumb on the scale.
The electorate is stupid. We want to vote for someone who makes us feel good and then we want to make a demi-god rockstar out of them once they are elected. I don't think it is fixable without a generational shift in thinking.
The electorate is stupid. We want to vote for someone who makes us feel good and then we want to make a demi-god rockstar out of them once they are elected. I don't think it is fixable without a generational shift in thinking.

A war on poverty and drugs could fix that. You could call it a New Deal or a Great Society.
I like the someone gets voted in but cant run. They are stuck with it, no give backsises

Other option - each party gets two candidate. Seperate, no a pres/vp. Election happens. Winner gets their choice of president, vp, ag, head of senate or head of house. Next gets their choice and so on till all are filled.

No party can run all 3 branches as there are not enough slots. Parties will have to pick people who are more capable of working together since they probably won't have any combo of seats they want. Also pushes the importance of the heads of congress and courts, which seems to be missed by most people

And it should help stop the butt hurt when someone loses. Second place still gets something, just not something as desirable
somehow I doubt that. If that were the case, why would anyone continue to run businesses like Apple, Amazon, and so on that are worth trillions. I'd like to say that if I had a few million, I'd quit working and just enjoy life. But somehow I think the greed for $ grows with the more you have.

I think one big reason that reasonable people don't run for office, is because of how their entire life, and the life of their family members will be put under a microscope, picking out the least little flaw in anything they have ever done, even if it's taken completely out of context and twisted to make it seem worse than it actually was. I wouldn't want that, and I'm sure most people wouldn't.

As for how we get more qualified and rational people? I have no clue.

That's pretty much the reason neither Condoleezza Rice or Colin Powell ran for president. Two reasonable and qualified people, but they had no desire to put themselves through that bullshit.
That's pretty much the reason neither Condoleezza Rice or Colin Powell ran for president. Two reasonable and qualified people, but they had no desire to put themselves through that bullshit.

A lack of interest in the presidency shows how smart those two really are.
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