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How far could you git? Sorta Spinoff


Involuntary Chest Slapper
Oct 23, 2020
Member Number
Reading the how long could you last thread, I'm surprised how many people say they would have to, or at least prefer to leave their homes in order to survive long term. I think people give plenty of consideration on where to go, but not ow they would get there. I've been in emergency evacuation situations before (regional fires) and when it comes time to leave, stopping for gas on the way out of town is not really an option. I don't see gas stations surviving through a long term infrastructure failure either. So for those of you who hoard ammo, food, TP, and personal lubricant in preparation for having to barter/whore to get by after SHTF, is fuel part of your plan?

I just went out and looked, econobox has a quarter tank which would probably get me about 90 miles on paved road. My truck is near empty. I have no other fuel on hand, and I'm realizing that has been a blind spot in my prepping.

Anyone else?
I've got plenty of fuel in my many cars, plus all the neighbors shit will be ripe for me to poke holes in their tanks.
Add a transfer pump, hose and some 55gal drums to your prepper gear. Worst case, you go down to the local gas station and suck it straight out of the tanks.

About 10-15yrs ago there was a crew doing this up in the Northeast. They used a box van with a trap door and a large capacity home heating oil tank. Pull up over the station fill caps at night and park, use trap door in floor to open caps without raising suspicion and then run the hose down into the tanks to suck the fuel out. Easy peasy and pretty slick. I can't remember exactly how they ended up getting caught but it took quite a while for the cops to figure out what was going on.
I usually have about 4 five gallon cans and the motorhome has about 40 gallons at any given time plus all the other vehicles. Not enough but enough to get somewhere.

I don't bring project cars home without putting 5 gallons in them

the quads are full

5 propane tanks are full

the 50 gallon tank in the bed of the tow rig is full

I have a bevy of vehicles I can pump from, think 30 plus

I will likely buy some IBC totes and stash 1000 gallons of diesel this year

Then some rich old preppers moved last week and begged me to haul away 25 Jerry cans full of stabilized gas, still smells good:homer:

my focus is on storable protein and fuel, my friends are on wells, not real concerned about running out of water in a week

Reading the how long could you last thread, I'm surprised how many people say they would have to, or at least prefer to leave their homes in order to survive long term. I think people give plenty of consideration on where to go, but not ow they would get there. I've been in emergency evacuation situations before (regional fires) and when it comes time to leave, stopping for gas on the way out of town is not really an option. I don't see gas stations surviving through a long term infrastructure failure either. So for those of you who hoard ammo, food, TP, and personal lubricant in preparation for having to barter/whore to get by after SHTF, is fuel part of your plan?

I just went out and looked, econobox has a quarter tank which would probably get me about 90 miles on paved road. My truck is near empty. I have no other fuel on hand, and I'm realizing that has been a blind spot in my prepping.

Anyone else?

Put an auxiliary tank on it , back in the day I had a fifty gallon tank on my K5.
I generally have a few hundred gallons of poop to dump in my shitbox's tank
so I could easily get to mexico and back twice

the problem with going anywhere is that roads will not be cleared of dead cars, and if they are cleared then whoever cleared them probably won't take too kindly to you utilizing their newfound property
The problem with keeping lots of gas on hand is that it goes bad...I don't mind having a couple cans full for the generator that I dump in the vehicles every 6 months and re-fill, but trying to keep a lot would become a pain.

Really though, if I can stay home I'm going to stay home and in an emergency situation I've got 100 hectares of forest, a creek, and a big pond behind my house that's a public natural area that I'd be getting supplies (wood, water, maybe some food) out of. My other thread was the hypothetical that we were "locked down".
I usually have a couple hundred gallons of diesel/waste oil on hand.
The problem with keeping lots of gas on hand is that it goes bad...I don't mind having a couple cans full for the generator that I dump in the vehicles every 6 months and re-fill, but trying to keep a lot would become a pain.

Really though, if I can stay home I'm going to stay home and in an emergency situation I've got 100 hectares of forest, a creek, and a big pond behind my house that's a public natural area that I'd be getting supplies (wood, water, maybe some food) out of. My other thread was the hypothetical that we were "locked down".

Yeah, gas really only keeps for maybe 3-4 years tops before it becomes crap. Maybe there's value in dual fuel vehicles. Propane doesn't seem to go bad and almost every home will have tanks stashed around for grilles and patio heat.
I keep my DD on the top half of the tank, GF is the same, so that's at least 150 miles or so in my truck, her fusion probably 180-200. Three wheeler is full, no idea how far it'll go on it but it's got 2 gallons in it. My bikes are all small displacement machines, the AT-1 will do 200+ miles on a tank at the kind of speed you're going to run on a 50 year old 125. I got options. Even if I didn't, I live in the city, plenty of shit to pillage through.
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Yeah, gas really only keeps for maybe 3-4 years tops before it becomes crap. Maybe there's value in dual fuel vehicles. Propane doesn't seem to go bad and almost every home will have tanks stashed around for grilles and patio heat.

put your gas into a tank seals as good as a propane tank and it'll last just as eternally as the propane
My only vehicle right now is a motorcycle, which has 3gal in it. There's 2 2.5 gal gas cans in the garage for lawn and snow blower, so those would get ratchet strapped on there somehow.

My house is indefensible (too many windows and in town) so I'd load up my backpacking gear, what guns/ammo I could carry, and git.
Years if I rationed it properly and depending on how full everything is when the shtf. Got 12,000 gallons in diesel tanks in the back yard, a 2400 gallon fuel truck and probably another 2-3000 gallons in all the machinery. This is the reason for the 335d :).
Horses can get us where we need to go.

We'll be on horses quick as the problem is not liquid fuel it's vulcanized tires that last worth a shit. We're all pretty damned spoiled by the tire situation.

As for my plan, it is to pack my backpack with the bag I have assembled full of calories, water, and med supplies, and walk out the door into the woods. I am ducking low while all you Survivalists get yourselves sorted out. Because the fallout between who is the Top Dog socially now, and who sill be the Top Dogs after SHTF is the main SHTF phenomenon I'm aiming to avoid.

Let's look at 2 different ethnic groups, Black and White. The beauty of Liberal thinking is that they rarely use negative examples to prove we're all human. It's always some painting or toothbrushing bullshit on TV that they use to prove to us we're all equal.

No, it's the faggotry of Men Who Think They Are In Charge, and both black and white cultures produce their worse ****s in that regard. If you've been around black people, particularly young black men, there is an overweening obsession with Authority. It's been observed before to be a low trick in order to weaken the Black Man. That's why blacks, but especially worshipful young white women, who throw in that extra 'DOCTOR... if you please.... Martin Luther King Junior'. Because among the lower classes, the longer the title, the taller the man, and the more resounding their Preacher voice, the more authority they have.

Among whites it'll be some Christian faggot who starts with a group prayer then asks God for the strength to be our leader. This faggot is a pure fuckup with a SXS, a 1/2 top-trim pickup truck, a McMansion, and a job like Chemical Sales Supervisor or Software Developer.

Both those faggots are dangerous in a real-world situation and I mean to avoid the ****s. Either a shouting wannabe Rapstar declaiming at length (you saw these ****s during the BLM riots and autonomous zones, always a Black declaiming shit while >50% of blacks nod along because being black demands it), or the White Father, maybe a guy in his late 30s or early 40s who figures Now Is His Time.

These faggots need to be avoided more than the zombie hordes or aliens, I'm fucking telling you man. Seriously, let about 12 or 18 months go by, live in a hole, AVOID ALL HUMANS and their panicky, devolving psychology. Devolve yourself to animal level in your hole while observing the Rhesus Monkeys when you can to see how they work. Then if you absolutely HAVE to, make friends with some. AFTER those initial faggots get killed, then the criminals that killed them, then the corrupt Sheriffs that kill them, then sensible heads prevail. Deal with those sensible heads after the 'Alpha Males' have eaten each other.
I don't prep, Both vehicles get topped up at the 1/2 mark out of habit. Worst case scenario I have a half tank and have to drop everything and leave right away. Trucks range would be 185mi, cars would be 250mi.

That said, I've thought it through and there's no realistic scenario that would require an immediate evacuation from my area.
I'm not going anywhere unless I absolutely have to. If I do I have a place about 50 miles or so away that's extremely defendable. Getting there might be a challenge...
In reality, you'll have time to top off your shit, but, if it goes on, will you be able to buy a Jerry can after a week of panic? Day the grid is down for 30 days, can you refuel again?

In March, when this b.s. started, I topped off all my cars, my bbq tanks and bought a bunch of frozen burger patties and filled the chest freezer. Things calmed down and we grilled all summer, now it's top off time again because the man behind the curtain is starting up his shit stirring again
So whats the best way to store fuel long term outdoors (ie. 1 year)? Drums? Totes? Will drums rust? Do i really need stabil (Ive ran 1 year old gas with no issues)?

I have space, and a forklift. Looking to keep maybe 200 gallons of gas on hand.
I have a mechanical dt466 international parked out back. 06lj would go behind it on a trailer. All our shit in the bed of the truck. 100 gallons of diesel on board, plenty of oil pans to empty and filter through a sock to get where I'm going.
Could probably load some cleaned out 375 gal chemical totes with diesel from farm tanks. Already have about 800 gallons of used motor oil that would get loaded up as well. And have a 1000 gal fuel trailer full of #2 that is not reliant on electricity to pump.
So whats the best way to store fuel long term outdoors (ie. 1 year)? Drums? Totes? Will drums rust? Do i really need stabil (Ive ran 1 year old gas with no issues)?

I have space, and a forklift. Looking to keep maybe 200 gallons of gas on hand.

None ethanol with stabil is about as good as you're going to get with gas. Preferably in something that won't rust and can vent.

Think about getting something you can convert to run dual fuel. Propane never goes bad. 100lb tanks or even a 500lb tank installed.
So whats the best way to store fuel long term outdoors (ie. 1 year)? Drums? Totes? Will drums rust? Do i really need stabil (Ive ran 1 year old gas with no issues)?

I have space, and a forklift. Looking to keep maybe 200 gallons of gas on hand.

just get you an old 250 gallon propane tank, they're worth little more than scrap value if they got the tag chiselled off
nothing can evaporate off, so it'll store forever in there
Right now if I were to just load up and drive I could probably drive any direction I wanted until I ran out of land.
I generally don't let my vehicles get to less than half a tank. Slacked off on that this year since I'm working from home and driving way less than normal.

Shit really hits the fan I'll figure it out. I don't have any moral hangups about killing for survival, I'll get what I need or die trying if the risk of ending up in prison isn't there anymore.
My only vehicle right now is a motorcycle, which has 3gal in it. There's 2 2.5 gal gas cans in the garage for lawn and snow blower, so those would get ratchet strapped on there somehow.

My house is indefensible (too many windows and in town) so I'd load up my backpacking gear, what guns/ammo I could carry, and git.

What happened to the Nissan?
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