Homeschooling this year or from now on?

Homeschooling this year or from now on?

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Pure Blood
May 20, 2020
Member Number
Star Valley, Wyoming
They just released the guidelines here. Here are the most lenient guidelines, they didn't post what it actually could be.
Split classes to reduce size , face masks highly recommended, no leaving the classroom all day accept for bathroom, no water bottles, no lunch from home, no recess, no PE, no extra curricular classes (music, art, etc) no hugging or physical touching between kids.
They can get fucked.
Suggestions on curriculum if you are knowledgeable, we purchased the Ron Paul Curriculum.
What say the IBB?
The worst part about the situation is I'm guessing a high percentage of parents out there that would like to homeschool this year, but can't afford it, or can't afford for one parent to not work and stay home with the kids.
We are lucky we have a decent school district. They are all ready back to in person summer school. Had a case of the Rona last week and they followed their protocols.

When the administrator was questioned by the news they asked if this was gonna affect the fall classes. Said nope it just showed our protocols are working. He is awesome in that he cares about the kids and knows they need school to further their education. He knows the kids who need it the most are the ones whose parents will not do the at home learning.
Kid would've started kindergarten this year, but with the shit they're teaching kids even his age around here plus all this beer-flu bullshit we're home schooling. I don't see that changing in the future unless we move somewhere else.
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I just got a text from my eldest neice who is a grade school teacher in Deming Nm
From the 3rd to the 11th of August, kids will go to the school in groups no larger than 7 to pick up thier school issued laptops and get training on how to use them.

From August 12 to September 8 all students will be learning on line
After the 8th students whose parents have opted for a hybred model of school will attend two days a week
All others will continue learning at home
And in her words "It is a Cluster fuck"
The wife got her bachelors in sociology. Then got her masters in elementary education.

We're good either way. The kids go to school, she gets to work. The kids don't go to school, she gets to work. :laughing:

The only real bummer here is it is my 5yo's first year of kindergarten. She will be bummed if she doesn't get to go.
We send our daughter to a private school. She is entering the final week of her school summer camp program tomorrow. We have not gotten word from the school just yet what the fall plans are. Before Newscums announcement earlier this week we were told we would have full details at the beginning of August. Now with the governing idiot declaring thou shall not open again who the hell knows? Her school did a pretty good job with the distance stuff last semester once they got it dialed in. My daughter did ok with it amazingly at 5 years old. I know she is missing the social aspect and playing with her friends though. She is set to start 1st grade. If it were up to us like it should be we would send her to school. At this age group it is very difficult to get her to focus and stay on task with the online stuff. I also question just how much she is actually absorbing from it.

ive been a big proponent of keeping the elementary and grade school kids doing in person classroom learning. If anything, I think they should have the middle school and high school kids doing the online stuff. At that age they are far more able and likely to self focus and do the work online and get more out of it. I really don’t understand this all or nothing approach to the schools being open. By moving the middle school age kids and up to online that allows more rooms and less kids in the school buildings to more easily follow these social distancing guidelines. It really does make sense.
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