Help finding odd hydro fitting


Thick skull
May 19, 2020
Member Number
Bonners Ferry, ID
I'm trying to adapt a power steering pump from a 16mm banjo bolt to a male - 6 jic like is so common with most aftermarket hydro assist or full hydro setups.

Option 1:

16mm x 1.5 male (with crush washer seal like the banjo) to - 6 jic male.

Option 2: 16mm banjo fitting to - 6 jic

I've found both in aluminum, but I don't really feel comfortable with aluminum on the pressure side of a pump.
Option 3:

16mm to 1/4 npt then a 1/4 npt to - 6 jic. Not my favorite, but would probably work fine. I also haven't found the 16mm to 1/4 npt in steel yet.

Option 4:

Braze whatever jic fittings to existing banjo

Option 5:

This has the correct threads, but has an o ring boss.

Would it be dumb to cut the o ring part off and add a crush washer to the mix? I'm thinking yes, but I'm also thinking it would probably work.

Any body better at Google than me? Or no the correct term for a crush washer fitting?
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This came up, I just had never heard of inch sized jic, only dash sized so I glazed over them. Went back and Google it - 6 = 3/8 :homer::homer::homer:
Sounded like you needed a face seal washer? :confused:

Whatever, if you found what you need - good :beer:

OK, I wasn't sure of the correct term. Like I said, replacing a banjo bolt.

I think that's it, looks like it has a small o ring and a crush washer? :confused: as long as it seal idgaF :laughing:​​​​​​
I'm running a banjo to -6 on my power steering in the aluminum flavor. It works fine. I put all of the part numbers for everything in my build thread because I had such a hard time finding everything.
I'm running a banjo to -6 on my power steering in the aluminum flavor. It works fine. I put all of the part numbers for everything in my build thread because I had such a hard time finding everything.

I figured it would. Just wanted to avoid it. Especially right on the pump.

I was going to post it on mine also. Although I'm probably the only idiot running a $900 psc Saginaw assist box with a stock suzuki 2.0 power steering pump.
I figured it would. Just wanted to avoid it. Especially right on the pump.

I was going to post it on mine also. Although I'm probably the only idiot running a $900 psc Saginaw assist box with a stock suzuki 2.0 power steering pump.

I'm FJ80 box and sidekick pump. I plumbed it all -6 so that I can go with a PSC TC pump with -6 fittings later on without too much trouble. Gotta start somewhere.
I'm FJ80 box and sidekick pump. I plumbed it all -6 so that I can go with a PSC TC pump with -6 fittings later on without too much trouble. Gotta start somewhere.

That's my plan as well, I figured $10 for a fitting, was cheap enough to give it a shot. From what I read some guys actually ran then 2.0 pump with decent results.
I took a stock PS hose and brazed on a steel 6-AN fitting. Dirt cheep and it never failed.

That was plan c or d. But the correct fitting was the same price as a donor fitting. The other end of that looks like it goes into a Saginaw box maybe? I found those fittings for cheap. Like $4
I'm running a banjo to -6 on my power steering in the aluminum flavor. It works fine. I put all of the part numbers for everything in my build thread because I had such a hard time finding everything.

I also felt like a banjo would be a flow restriction. I'll let you know for sure if that fitting works in case you want to switch over.

No shit. I can already go back to bed. Learned something early today.

No kidding, I'm extra embarrassed being an equipment operator :laughing::homer:​​​​​​

Of course I'm so smooth I hardly ever break anything :flipoff2:
Fucking "A".... Found this in my toy box.

16MM- AN6 sweep. I also have a couple of 18mm-AN8 banjos

If this will work for you; PM your address and I will send it out to you pro-bono. The sweep is free; banjos are $$$$

Fucking "A".... Found this in my toy box.

16MM- AN6 sweep. I also have a couple of 18mm-AN8 banjos

If this will work for you; PM your address and I will send it out to you pro-bono. The sweep is free; banjos are $$$$

Your generosity is greatly superior to your reading comprehension :flipoff2:​​​​​​

The fitting pictured would have worked for the steering box, but I already ordered everything. Thank you though.
Fitting showed up, screwed right in, crush washer looks correct. But it necked down to like 3/16" ID :homer:​​​​​​

-6 is just shy of 5/16" so I drilled the neck down to 5/16"
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