Have you disputed with a seller on PayPal and seller won?


May 26, 2020
Member Number
Down By The River
spin off: PSA on canceling PayPal auto payments.

Have you made a legitimate disputed on a seller on PayPal and you lost?

I placed an order on $99 tools kit on Facebook (via ads), paid through PayPal (with gov'ts watered down "free" $$$). The tool kit never show up. I disputed the purchase on PayPal. The seller responded via a tracking# and it shows the package was delivered. This also finally answer my mystery package that showed up (a single N95 mask shipped from China :laughing:). PayPal ultimately decided that I did receive the tool kit & closed the dispute. :shaking:
spin off: PSA on canceling PayPal auto payments.

Have you made a legitimate disputed on a seller on PayPal and you lost?

I placed an order on $99 tools kit on Facebook (via ads), paid through PayPal (with gov'ts watered down "free" $$$). The tool kit never show up. I disputed the purchase on PayPal. The seller responded via a tracking# and it shows the package was delivered. This also finally answer my mystery package that showed up (a single N95 mask shipped from China :laughing:). PayPal ultimately decided that I did receive the tool kit & closed the dispute. :shaking:

Find the phone number and call and re-open it. They'll auto close a claim if the seller provided a valid tracking number. If you get a real person to look at it and explain what happened, they'll re-open it and you'll usually win. The last one I had to do, the seller shipped the item to TX and the fedex tracking showed it as under 1lb when it should have been 40+. When I disputed it, they closed it immediately because the tracking number showed something was delivered somewhere.
Yep, once. I bought a used cell phone from a company on egay that sells “refurbished” phones. I got nothing for about $100 bucks. The dispute I filed sided with the seller because I let the seller run out the clock while we bickered back and forth.

I’ve bought a lot of stuff on eBay, some of it very niche and weird and the used cell phone is currently my only loss.
I got my $20 back from Vertical Scope for my old PBB annual subscription I forgot to cancel after I left. I had to "escalate" the dispute after no response from VS for about 2 weeks. PayPal gave me my $20 back. :grinpimp:
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