Hats off to the mods


Blame Canada
May 1, 2020
Member Number
St.Louis, MO
The free speech and allowing fake account for humor purposes has backfired on me, so for that I apologize to the members and the mods.

This by no means means that free speech is dead here. This isn’t FB, I wouldn’t have it. It means if your’re constantly being an ass to people or constantly derailing topics you will get infractions. Infractions add up to pink broccoli for days, possibly permanently. We are rebuilding the infraction system this weekend and will post what it is and how it works ASAP.

Several have been temp banned yesterday and today. Hopefully they come back with a better attitude, if not they’ll be gone for good. Don’t make the mistake thinking a certain mod has it out for you. There is a private mod forum where we track and address issues. Any action taken upon you has been a group decision, nobody is picking on you.

I’ve been in the shop every second I can and the mods have been fire lately. I probably owe them all new keyboards with the msgs they have been getting. They have been doing everything as they should to deal with the a-holes all while unknowingly having their hands tied behind their backs. We just realized that this VB software has a bug that’s been limiting mods infractions from automatically giving temp broccoli as its set up to. Basically they were trying to take care of the a-holes as of late, and it wasn’t working, they were allowed to continue to be a-holes. vBulliten is addressing it and this should be fixed in the next release. A work around is being implemented in the meantime. Until then, I’ve been manually passing out the temp or permabans. This has (unknowingly) effected everybody’s experience as the penalty system wasn’t working for the mods to do what they needed to do to protect the rest of the members.

Thanks again to the mods. :beer:

:nuke: users, get your shit together or just F-off.

Fuck off troll:mad3:


Thanks to the mods and Austin. Im pretty good at just skipping their BS, but it was getting OLD real fast.

Amen Austin. It was getting to the point even I was going to put up $300 for someone to shit in their sunroof.
Thanks for the place and the mods. As much as I enjoy arguing with people on occasion, the few asshats
made this place an e-cesspool.

I’ve modded and staffed a handful of forums before and understand how much of a PITA it can be. The Mod room and Admin forum can be as entertaining as the rest of the place. :laughing:
Glad to see someone step in finally, half the political threads felt like I was on reddit with the trolls ****ing up everything. I don't have a problem with opposing view points, but going out of your way just to rile people up is fucking annoying.
Thank you for addressing it, thank you for the transparency, and most of all, thank you for maintaining this as an uncensored platform, I don't know that many understand how valuable that truly is these days, i am grateful for that.

I understand there will be accusations of censoring differing opinions, but there's a difference between disagreeing and just being disruptive. Blm screams into a megaphone, in a debate you pass the mic back and forth.

anyways, thanks
Thanks to the mods and Austin. Im pretty good at just skipping their BS, but it was getting OLD real fast. [/QUOTE]

Thanks guys. Glad to see it get done before it started to effect the site
Can we get that list of who's gone? I see chucklenuts is still not band and I haven't looked to see about surfer gurl or miguel gonzalez either...
I dont post too much in chit chat, more of a lurker I guess. But I did notice a while back, someone called out a troll on here "Surf80" . I looked at the profile stats and the user had been on 2 months and had only posted in chit chat, nothing related to tech in any way, and every single post was in a thread they started about Trump or responding in a thread about Trump.

I think it is goddamn weird to go on a 4x4 tech site and have no interest in 4x4 tech. So I put my tinfoil hat on. The user was probably one of two things, a second handle for a user already on here, or, was a profile created just to troll politics and influence public opinion/voting - possibly a paid troll by china/iran/russia. That stuff is real. It has been proven. Foreign trolls are a thing.

Some of the stuff from other users was humerous. The Al Gore vs Internet thing was clever. But I just cant wrap my head around how someone has the time to make a second profile to troll others. I barely have enough time in the day to post this
Can we get that list of who's gone? I see chucklenuts is still not band and I haven't looked to see about surfer gurl or miguel gonzalez either...

which makes the claims of multiple permabannings dubious at best.

lot's of people registered their old usernames and made new ones to keep them from getting "highjacked" now or later, and lot's of people also intentionally hijacked several other members names at the outset.

if those unused accounts are the only ones getting thwacked, this is going to be a whole thread of disappointment for some of you :flipoff2:
which makes the claims of multiple permabannings dubious at best.

lot's of people registered their old usernames and made new ones to keep them from getting "highjacked" now or later, and lot's of people also intentionally hijacked several other members names at the outset.

if those unused accounts are the only ones getting thwacked, this is going to be a whole thread of disappointment for some of you :flipoff2:

Yea I dunno about permanent, dummage is a 7 day at this point I believe.

I don't post outside of chit chat so I guess according to Fishnbeer I'm weird but that's ok with me. :laughing: I'll do a build thread if I ever make my DD a 4x4 but until then I'm just here for the shit shat. :flipoff2:​​​​​​​
I dont post too much in chit chat, more of a lurker I guess. But I did notice a while back, someone called out a troll on here "Surf80" . I looked at the profile stats and the user had been on 2 months and had only posted in chit chat, nothing related to tech in any way, and every single post was in a thread they started about Trump or responding in a thread about Trump.

I think it is goddamn weird to go on a 4x4 tech site and have no interest in 4x4 tech. So I put my tinfoil hat on. The user was probably one of two things, a second handle for a user already on here, or, was a profile created just to troll politics and influence public opinion/voting - possibly a paid troll by china/iran/russia. That stuff is real. It has been proven. Foreign trolls are a thing.

Some of the stuff from other users was humerous. The Al Gore vs Internet thing was clever. But I just cant wrap my head around how someone has the time to make a second profile to troll others. I barely have enough time in the day to post this

don’t get too tinfoily. You likely won’t see me post much if at all in the tech forums. Even when I did have a 4x4 I was mostly a GCC guy on the other board. There are probably a few like me.

i also try not to be an asshole.
Fuck yea chucklenuts is gone for at least a while. Happy Thanksgiving indeed!
Thank you. I come here for a bit of my news and when "news" threads get shit on, it becomes not even worth the effort of opening them. Difference of opinion is always welcome.
Can we get that list of who's gone? I see chucklenuts is still not band and I haven't looked to see about surfer gurl or miguel gonzalez either...

don't get greedy :laughing:

The mod hangout is just that, a hangout. Issues are addressed (and users...) but in a similar format to what you see publicly in the chat sections. Basically, no mod is above another... a consensus is reached, then someone else posts additional info, so it becomes a rehash. We disagree and agree with each other until it's played out. The only unspoken rule is... no trolling one another. :lmao:

Austin is doing incredible amounts of work across this whole platform. Some of you have no idea, really. The vB version he's working with has bugs, some of which come to him by surprise, as he stated in the OP so hats on to the mods and hats off to him and the continued transparency he illicits for all of us. :beer:

Any chance of a call out on who is/was how? :stirthepot:
Sincere appreciation to our punch bowl's turd-skimmers :beer: :beer:

All hail the return of rational discourse (and discord :laughing: )
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