I strongly recommend this book. I am not religious, but it is a pretty decent rundown on Armageddon, and I think sometimes fabrications sometimes tell us things that factual non-fiction doesn't.
Hal Lindsey may unironicly believe that Gog and Magog are going to come out of the east and north to fight The Mother of all Battles in the near east, but since 1976 this scenario is actually really good.
Russia is China's gas station, and China started the Belt & Road initiative to give them access to their oil, which comes from the Middle East.
They can't get through Russia, nor Afghanistan and the other Stans except Pakistan, which is now a Chinese puppet state. America could wreck Russian access to their own oil, by dominating the ARctic Ocean and wrecking Russian infrastructure. It's a struggle to get oil overland out of Siberia in the best of times.
So Russia would finally be out of oil and really face extinction, especially with their birthrate freefall. They'd HAVE to fight for ME oil.
The Chinese as well, cut off by the US Navy.
So they have to go through the Mallaca Strait which is between Java and Malaysia. It's a chokepoint. The US and Western Navies can easily blockade it and starve China out.
So if that happens, then the Kings of the East can ally with the King of the North, and make an overland move on the Middle East which would spark WWIII.
The Antichrist would actually be in charge of the West in this scenario, because only a genocidal madman would FORCE the Chinese and Russians into a battle of conquest. It is literally how we got ourselves into WWII, by cutting off Japan's oil supplies. And that's how Hal Lindsey has it, inspired by Nostradamus interpretations no doubt. The Antichrist would be a UNIVERSALLY LOVED figure, so it can't be Donald Trump
. The AC would probably solve all of the racial and financial tensions to everyone's satisfaction in the West, including the Oligarchs like Zuck and Richard Branson. Everyone would be on board.
Then he would try to force the Chinese and Ruskies into his world order, and led by evil forces of their own they'd fight him in a battle of extinction.
The point of the AC's whole exercise is to fill Hell with fresh souls and hand the keys of Earth to Satan himself.
In extremis, after 1/3 of Men have been felled by fire from the sky and plagues and pestilence, Christ would physically descend from Heaven on the battlefield of Meggido and put a stop to the bloodletting. 1,000 years of Utopia would follow after which ostensibly God (the Aliens) would show up and transport us to 'Heaven' (the stars).