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GPS Tracker without cellular


Awesome, Busted.
May 19, 2020
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Is there any cheap (sub $100) devices or apps (I have a spare Moto G8 Power with a huge battery but without a SIM card) that I can setup to record their location for review later? Basically want to stash the device somewhere in the vehicle when it's in for service and be able to review it afterwards to see where the vehicle went (if anywhere).

Worst case I can write my own app for Android, but figured if there's something already out there I'd go with that...just don't want some app with a shit ton of spy crap on it.
If it's not needed real time, why not an old handheld GPS like a Garmin or Magellen? You just pull the SD card later and see where it went.
Im thinking the timeline option in google maps will work if you download the offline maps for your area
we use geotab. it will do cellular and gps or one or the other. It will also do it real time or download a log when it arrives back in your network, wifi. If it loses cellular and gps it will calculate based on last location to now.
https://www.geotab.com/vehicle-tracking-device/ This is obd2 they also have a pass through harness

aswell as a rugged radio which is hard wire


There are some ebay options, i dont know which. But i wired a little one the size of a stick of gum in coworkers wifes car...they are divorced now, she was cheating you know blah blah blah
Wife cheating on you:confused:

No, getting a new Porsche in a few weeks, need to take it for PPF and although the shop that's doing it is part of a large dealer group (reputable and the most trusted place in town), never know if some kid is going to take it on a joy ride, too many bad stories out there. So want to at least know if it ever leaves the dealer parking lot, they'd have zero reason to take it anywhere.
No, getting a new Porsche in a few weeks, need to take it for PPF and although the shop that's doing it is part of a large dealer group (reputable and the most trusted place in town), never know if some kid is going to take it on a joy ride, too many bad stories out there. So want to at least know if it ever leaves the dealer parking lot, they'd have zero reason to take it anywhere.

Record odometer reading when you drop it off?
Record odometer reading when you drop it off?

Yup, will definitely snap a picture of the odometer too.

I mean sure, they probably can't do any legit damage on a quick rip in the vehicle, but I'd rather the car not being beat on until after break in is done...call me paranoid lol
Yup, will definitely snap a picture of the odometer too.

I mean sure, they probably can't do any legit damage on a quick rip in the vehicle, but I'd rather the car not being beat on until after break in is done...call me paranoid lol

Dashcam showed my truck being driven by a dealer tech with the parking brake set. :shaking: Dinger was going nuts and dude completely ignored it. Might be something to think about as well.
Avenza. Grab whatever free map is near the area, turn on tracking, and export to google earth when done.
If you're going the android route, go with an app that will record speed (like an old school hand held garmin did) so if they do joyride, you can see how fast they were going. Backcountry navigator might save speed in its track recording.
I used to leave $200k cars parked with valets at hotels everywhere.

Get over it dude.

People you leave it with (mechanics, valets) are going to take spins in it, life goes on.
Yup, will definitely snap a picture of the odometer too.

I mean sure, they probably can't do any legit damage on a quick rip in the vehicle, but I'd rather the car not being beat on until after break in is done...call me paranoid lol

You know they beat on them before they ever leave the factory, right?
I used to leave $200k cars parked with valets at hotels everywhere.

Get over it dude.

People you leave it with (mechanics, valets) are going to take spins in it, life goes on.

Why should I just accept that? I guess you'd be ok with another man taking your wife for a spin, life goes on after all and arguably less wear and tear lol

You know they beat on them before they ever leave the factory, right?

Part of the process....but some punk driving recklessly on the street is another matter.
check with your local laws. your car or not, in some states you have to notify the person there is a recording device in it
My kids and I use Sportler (free android ski tracker app) that records location and speed to its own onboard datalog. I don't know how long it'll run continuously, but it has a quasi-playback feature and max speed. It'll also upload realtime info if you let it have mobile data and permission, supposed to be for seeing where your friends are on the mountain.
check with your local laws. your car or not, in some states you have to notify the person there is a recording device in it

Devil's advocate a little here, but... there already is, OP just can't access the OEM one. Bet the dealer didn't/doesn't notify him about it, though I suppose they could use the dodge of that it's in the manual if you read the tiny print on page whatever-hundred-n-something. Not sure how well the argument would work to say the same back to them, but as long as you leave the manual in the car, well, it tells you so in the manual. :evil:

I'd think (hope) the embarrassment of getting caught letting their guys hotrod customers' cars around would be worse than any legal ramifications, but I guess that depends on the ethics of those involved.
I'd think (hope) the embarrassment of getting caught letting their guys hotrod customers' cars around would be worse than any legal ramifications, but I guess that depends on the ethics of those involved.

When the Viper first came out, some dude valet'd it at The Mirage in Las Vegas, which was the king-shit property at the time. The valet parking area is down a level from the guest parking garage and there is a short curving "tunnel" to access it. Valet punched that big old V10 right in the puss, broke the tires loose and put a nice long red strip on the tunnel wall. Hotel had to buy the guy a new car and pull a lot of strings to even get one. Ooops.
I think you're overestimating how much dealer staff is going to care about driving a Macan. Put a cheap dash cam in it if you want to record a whole lot of nothing.
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