Generators. Predator vs Ryobi


Not a Junior Member
May 24, 2020
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Looking at Facebook Marketplace, Im finding Predator generators for less then $300. A Ryobi 1800/2300 watt one popped up. Looking at the specs on HD's website, it seems pretty decent. Has a bluetooth connectivity feature that allows me to monitor fuel level and load.

All Im really gonna use this for is running a small space heater in my semi and a few other small electrical devices while Im parked overnight. Im probably splitting hairs over this, just haven't seen the Ryobi generators before.
I used the Predator 2000W for two summers for fridge and freezer duties with PGE power outages. It has been rock solid running it for three to four days straight at a time. Wake up in the morning, fill the tank while it is running... just before sleeping, fill the tank. Roughly 3/4 of a tank will run for 1/2 day.
For what its worth, I have a 1,200 watt Honda inverter generator that is going into its seventh year being used as a wintertime APU for my truck. Running a small ceramic heater in the sleeper/cab plus the engine block heater and battery maintainer pretty much maxes it out.

Also using a six gallon outboard gas tank with the gas cap adapter on the generator. Can easily get 30 hours of constant runtime under full load. 48 hours plus with just running the engine block heater and battery maintainer.

For the abuse I've put this Honda through with minimal oil changes and one carburetor swap and having it still kicking, if I had to replace it today, without question it would be another Honda. That Predator might be 1/3 the price of a Honda equivalent, but I seriously wonder about the long term reliability.
Figured the Predator was the way to go. Im gonna run the 2000w through the winter, then upgrade to the 3500w in the spring to run an rv style roof mount ac unit.
I have neither but have been impressed with other HF Predator stuff. my MIL have a bigger HF Predator generator and loves it. Just a tip. Look into a trifuel carb and see if its something your interested in.

We are setting our portable 5500 watt up as a tri fuel since all generacs are either 4 months backordered or massively over priced. We are having a propane tank set down, they wont set it down unless they can hook it up and test it. Installer seems good with hooking it up to my generator so game on. All I will need to do is Install a switch box and input plug. Then when we can get a true whole house unit swap it over when available.
I bought a Ryobi from HD around 4-5 years ago (no bluetooth, that must be a newer thing). Something let go in the engine within the first few hours of use, so they ended up giving me a replacement unit under warranty. Had to go through the local Ryobi warranty center and it took a few months, but they eventually came through.

The replacement was fine at first, but started running like crap after a while. Not wanting to go through the warranty BS again, I opened it up and found the float bowl corroded and jet plugged from ethanol mix fuel. I drained the bowl after every use, but apparently that wasn't enough. There's a sticker on the thing that says E10 is okay to use, but don't believe it.

The thing does work and is reasonably quiet. Not up to the quality of a Honda or Yamaha, but it's also around 1/2 the price. Don't know how it stacks up against an equivalent Predator, though. If I were shopping for another one, I wouldn't go Ryobi again.
I have neither but have been impressed with other HF Predator stuff. my MIL have a bigger HF Predator generator and loves it. Just a tip. Look into a trifuel carb and see if its something your interested in.

We are setting our portable 5500 watt up as a tri fuel since all generacs are either 4 months backordered or massively over priced. We are having a propane tank set down, they wont set it down unless they can hook it up and test it. Installer seems good with hooking it up to my generator so game on. All I will need to do is Install a switch box and input plug. Then when we can get a true whole house unit swap it over when available.

The tri fuel set up won't work for me since it'll be with me in my semi 100% of the time.
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