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Gatos Brothers under attack!


E. Spengler
May 19, 2020
Member Number
Spenard Ak
I dunno how this isn't all over already...

Sign this, and share it- they're at 3500 out of 5k signatures.

These guys collect RUNNING old iron, sell high-end dirtbike parts they engineer and machine, and are being run out of town on a rail.

You might remember their 'Mah Deuce' thread from PBB.

They were arrested in Barstow for refusing to show ID, took the local PD to court, and won a $30k judgement.

They also owned a tanker firetruck, and used it to fight local wildfires (saving a number of homes), before they were forced to sell it to pay for lawyers.


STOP Santa Clara County From Seizing GatosGardens
Click image for larger version Name:	GatosGardens.jpg Views:	85 Size:	91.9 KB ID:	122193

...Santa Clara County is now threatening to seize our farm over non-existent code violations. To be sure, there is nothing illegal or nefarious happening here, we haven't been charged with any crimes, don't owe the government any money, and we're not even growing marijuana...

Click image for larger version Name:	GatosFiretruck.jpg Views:	84 Size:	73.9 KB ID:	122194

We've had to sell a lot of our most valuable possessions to fund the fight to keep Santa Clara County from seizing everything else we own, but watching Bonny Doon burn brought me to tears, knowing we could have saved a bunch more homes if the County hadn't forced us to sell one of our firetrucks last month to pay legal bills.

The family owns a collection of antique, historic and military vehicles, which they restore as a hobby. According to the city’s municipal code and enforcement officers, these allegedly unregistered, abandoned, oversized or inoperable vehicles that cannot be parked anywhere in Morgan Hill, even on private property, unless they are obstructed by a fence, garage or similar structure.`

Click image for larger version Name:	do-you-want-5b368f.jpg Views:	84 Size:	42.5 KB ID:	122195
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signed, i think i saw that firetruck forsale fairly recently

didnt know who and why they were selling it :frown:
Do out of state signatures count or is it CA only thing? It would be a shame to pump up the #s with worthless names!
Lol that petition is gonna do jack shit for their problem. Kinda feel bad for them that they are learning a lesson the hard way but educations are not cheap.

I had a long response typed out but it made me sound like a royal dick so I deleted it. I wish them luck as they are so far along in the process the only thing that’s gonna help them clear this up now is a to spend a ton of cash on a high power lawyer.
Lol that petition is gonna do jack shit for their problem. Kinda feel bad for them that they are learning a lesson the hard way but educations are not cheap.

I had a long response typed out but it made me sound like a royal dick so I deleted it. I wish them luck as they are so far along in the process the only thing that’s gonna help them clear this up now is a to spend a ton of cash on a high power lawyer.

Yeah, I keep thinking "Well, California- what did you expect?"

But clicks are free and easy, so why not?
Yeah, I keep thinking "Well, California- what did you expect?"

But clicks are free and easy, so why not?

The only petition worth the paper is a official recall petition. It’s the only ones that get elected peoples attention. Non-elected administrators are a ton harder to deal with. The only real way to get them out is in a set of handcuffs ;(.
Lol that petition is gonna do jack shit for their problem. Kinda feel bad for them that they are learning a lesson the hard way but educations are not cheap.

I had a long response typed out but it made me sound like a royal dick so I deleted it. I wish them luck as they are so far along in the process the only thing that’s gonna help them clear this up now is a to spend a ton of cash on a high power lawyer.

im curious on your thoughts. i think this the 3rd time theyve had issues with the gov't which leads me to believe they may be a large part of the problem. do i think they should be able to do what they want on their land, help those around them and have whatever vehicles they want, you bet. but i feel like there is more to the story than being told
im curious on your thoughts. i think this the 3rd time theyve had issues with the gov't which leads me to believe they may be a large part of the problem. do i think they should be able to do what they want on their land, help those around them and have whatever vehicles they want, you bet. but i feel like there is more to the story than being told

Maybe if I have some time tonite I can share some insight on my experiences dealing with this exact subject. Once again I don’t want to be the dick to them.
im curious on your thoughts. i think this the 3rd time theyve had issues with the gov't which leads me to believe they may be a large part of the problem. do i think they should be able to do what they want on their land, help those around them and have whatever vehicles they want, you bet. but i feel like there is more to the story than being told

I used to be friends with them on FB and ended up deleting them, nice guys with great intentions but just too intense for me
Feel free to correct me if I'm wrong, but they've always seemed kind of full of shit. Not really intentionally, but more just out of their depth, almost naive. There's got to be some fault on their end with as often as they seem to have problems.

The way I read the 2015 article, the neighbors keep complaining, and the Gatos Bros are breaking some laws, so the police are on the side of the neighbors. The Gatos Bros want to fight the law, because it is unjust, not because they aren't breaking it. Seems to me that building some fences would be cheaper/easier than fighting the law, but then the law would have won. It also references "Fleet Count Court" which I actually think is Count Fleet Court, and doesn't look like where you'd be able to get away with storing a deuce and a half for more than a couple days.

The Chage.org petition says that they started a farm in 2016, sound like they finally moved out of town to somewhere more appropriate for a bunch of old iron, and are still pissing the county off.
Feel free to correct me if I'm wrong, but they've always seemed kind of full of shit. Not really intentionally, but more just out of their depth, almost naive. There's got to be some fault on their end with as often as they seem to have problems.

You might have missed the thread from the other place.
Morgan Hill is uppity area of SF Bay Area... not quite Los Altos Hills south. I'm not sure if they are the western slope or eastern slope. I was always under the impression that eastern slope was ultra uppity.

If you read the article, some of it is neighbors complaining. Not shocking given the area.

For the fence issue, Calif has some screwed up permitting issues. My county says 6' and under don't require a permit... will 6' cover some of the rigs blocked? I doubt it. Over six requires a permit and it wouldn't shock me if they require engineer stamps. The permit is a % of build cost. And it wouldn't shock me if the county is trying full vehicle coverage especially if there is an uphill neighbor is bitching.
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