Fueds, mystery, and death on the mountain... WWID?

Fueds, mystery, and death on the mountain... WWID?

  • Offer condolences/help

    Votes: 59 54.6%
  • Leave it be

    Votes: 33 30.6%
  • bacon

    Votes: 16 14.8%

  • Total voters
Neighbors suck, but I wouldn't wish a flat wife on anyone.

For real.

I live on a private dirt rd with 8 homes, and I live next door to the grumpy old guy that everyone hates. When his wife died unexpectedly everyone on the road showed up to her funeral to offer support. Grumpy fuck thought they were all stupid for going. And still talks shit. The end
Put me in the olive branch camp. His reaction would set the tone of our relationship from this point on. Either we can get passed our petty problems, or I can give you a few months to grieve then make your life hell on earth from that point on.

So this guy has 5 acres and built his house 50 feet from yours? Like, you can hear his TV cranked, doors slammed, etc? :confused:
Send the gift card and condolences. Offer to help with kids or whatever.

My wife and I both might as well have been raised by wolves (poor wolves) so we have had to figure a lot of stuff out for ourselves. We have a saying to make these sort of decisions easier: We don’t help someone because of who they are. We help because of who we are.
Fucking acronym people. It's hard enough to read and understand a wall of text, don't need fancy acronyms making it worse.

So, what-the-fuck does CCR mean?
This is what I found.
CCRCenter for Cancer Research (NIH)
CCRCalifornia Code of Regulations
CCRCenter for Constitutional Rights
CCRCentral Contractor Registry
CCRConsumer Confidence Report (safe drinking water)
CCRCreedence Clearwater Revival (band)
CCRCentral Contractor Registration (US DoD contractor/vendor database system)
CCRCustomer Care Representative (various companies)
CCRContinuity of Care Record
CCRChild Care Resources
CCRCode of Colorado Regulations
CCRCounterparty Credit Risk
CCRConcurrency and Coordination Runtime (computing)
CCRCanadian Canoe Routes (resource)
CCRClosed Circuit Rebreather (SCUBA)
CCRCluster Continuous Replication (Microsoft Exchange Server)
CCRCanadian Council for Refugees
CCRCoca-Cola Refreshments (Coca-Cola Company)
CCRCreedence Clearwater Revisited (band)
CCRCorporate Citizenship Report
CCRCredit Control Request (online charging)
CCRConference Committee Report
CCRComputer Communication Review (technical newsletter for ACM SIGCOMM)
CCRCentre for Conflict Resolution
CCRCross Canadian Ragweed (band)
CCRCenter for Collaborative Research (various organizations)
CCRChange Control Request
CCRCore Client Registrar
CCRCall Completion Rate
CCRCurrent Cell Rate
CCRCluster Continuous Replication
CCRChannel Control Register
CCRCompanhia de Concessoes Rodoviárias (Portugese)
CCRCatholic Charismatic Renewal
CCRC-C Chemokine Receptor
CCRCenter for Conflict Resolution
CCRCirculatory and Respiratory
CCRCache Control Register (computing)
CCRCentral Coast Region (various locations)
CCRCondition Code Register
CCRCalifornia Cancer Registry
CCRCenter for Computational Research
CCRCoordinated Community Response
CCRCinema Com Rapadura (Portugese)
CCRConsiglio Comunale dei Ragazzi (Italian)
CCRCash-on-Cash Return (finance/investing)
CCRCertified Court Reporter
CCRCoal Combustion Residue
CCRCriteria Change Request
CCRComissão de Cidadania e Reprodução (Portugese, Brazil)
CCRCentral Cancer Registry
CCRCouncil for Chemical Research
CCRCenter for Cardiovascular Research
CCRCherry Creek Radio (various locations)
CCRCenter for Climatic Research (University of Wisconsin-Madison)
CCRCaisse Centrale de Reassurance (French)
CCRClimate Change Research
CCRCalifornia Clapper Rail (species)
CCRCargo Control Room
CCRCross-Cultural Research
CCRCommission on Civil Rights
CCRCentral Control Room
CCRCenter for Clinical Research
CCRCentre for Cultural Research (Australia)
CCRCollege of Court Reporting
CCRCurly Coated Retriever (dog breed)
CCRCoordinated Compliance Review
CCRCentre Commun de Recherche (French: Joint Research Center; EU)
CCRChris Craft Roamer (boats)
CCRCardiocerebral Resuscitation (cardiac arrest)
CCRConstant Current Regulator
CCRCenter for Coastal Resources (Massachusetts Institute of Technology; Boston, MA)
CCRCommunity College Review (publishing)
CCRCoyote Creek Ranch (Colorado)
CCRCedar County Republican (est. 1886; Stockton, MO)
CCRCorporate Community Relations
CCRCredit Card Relief (consumer finance)
CCRCritical Customer Requirement
CCRCenter for Communications Research
CCRCancer Control Research (Canada)
CCRCoriell Cell Repositories
CCRConfiguration Change Request
CCRCreatinine Clearance Rate
CCRCurrent Cell Rate (ATMF)
CCRCape Cod Railroad (Massachusetts)
CCRCall Center Review (software)
CCRCaisse Centrale de Reescompte (French)
CCRCredit Card Receivables
CCRCorporate Crime Reporter (Washington, DC)
CCRClosed-Cycle Refrigerator
CCRCapital Collateral Representative
CCRCall Center Representative
CCRCost Credit
CCRChina Chemical Reporter
CCRConradson Carbon Residue
CCRContinuing Certification Requirement
CCRCertificat de Changement de Résidence (French: Certificate of Change of Residence; various nations)
CCRCorrect Classification Rate (statistics)
CCRCenter for Consumer Research
CCRCross-Cutting Review (of Science and Research; UK)
CCRClone-Controlled Replication
CCRCardiac, Circulatory and Respiratory
CCRCompagnie des Contractants Régionaux (French: Regional Contracting Company)
CCRCorner Cube Reflector
CCRCriminal Courts Review (UK)
CCRCentral Consultancy Register (EU Phare and Tacis Programmes database)
CCRCork Campus Radio
CCRCafeteria Conference Room (various organizations)
CCRCapacity Constrained Resource
CCRCenter for Cooperative Resolution
CCRCall Completion Rate (telephony)
CCRCentre Català del Reciclatge (Spanish)
CCRCustomer Controlled Reconfiguration (Sprint)
CCRConseils Consultatifs Régionaux (French)
CCRComputer-Communications Research
CCRCorner Cube Retroreflector
CCRChild Care Registration (software)
CCRCrab Creek Review (literature)
CCRComision Clasificadora de Riesgo (Spanish)
CCRCentral Commission for Navigation on the Rhine
CCRChop Cut Rebuild (TV show)
CCRCream City Review
CCRCenter for Creative Retirement
[TD]Covenants, Conditions, and Restrictions (insurance; real estate)[/TD]

I bet it's that one. But OP can fuck right off with his stupid acronyms.
Nope, he's a prick. Literally tried to sue you for his wrong. Fuck him. Do something for the kids, like a play date or some other shit kids might be into:confused:Anyway, they are the ones who will suffer the most. Dr prick will probably treat them like shit now.
So this guy has 5 acres and built his house 50 feet from yours? Like, you can hear his TV cranked, doors slammed, etc? :confused:

And all sorts of headboard on wall because single men who make doctor money don't stay single for long at that age. :laughing:

Considering that it cost him 15k to move from 5ft to 20ft setback and OP's house is clearly already at the property line for this to be an issue I'm assuming there's a key detail OP is leaving out like the only easily/cheaply build-able land in the vicinity being at the property line
Send the gift card and condolences. Offer to help with kids or whatever.

My wife and I both might as well have been raised by wolves (poor wolves) so we have had to figure a lot of stuff out for ourselves. We have a saying to make these sort of decisions easier: We don’t help someone because of who they are. We help because of who we are.

:flipoff2:You might be an enabler
I wouldn't go out of my way to do anything, if I saw him maybe I would say sorry for loss and that's about it. If the dude is a sue happy asshole to evreyone, especially ones that helped him out, karma's a bitch and now his wife's dead the universe has a way of balancing things out.
:flipoff2:You might be an enabler

Definitely not an enabler. Our other saying is be kind to everyone but have a plan to kill them.

The guy is an asshole but he lost his wife and his kids lost their mother.
Definitely not an enabler. Our other saying is be kind to everyone but have a plan to kill them.

The guy is an asshole but he lost his wife and his kids lost their mother.

:laughing:Too early, i know.

The guy is an asshole, that's why i said to try to help his kids, but the Dr gets nothing... simply because he won't appreciate it.
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The shitty thing- the wife was probably the only decent/sane adult in the house, and now the kids are stuck being raised by psychopath dad and a long series of gold digging stepmoms.

That's entirely plausible but now we'll never know. She could have been the psycho bitch from hell driving his every motivation to be a buttfuck.
The shitty thing- the wife was probably the only decent/sane adult in the house, and now the kids are stuck being raised by psychopath dad and a long series of gold digging stepmoms.

Eh I guess, then again she's gotta have some screws loose to allow pysco put food and drink in here in a romantic manner.
That's entirely plausible but now we'll never know. She could have been the psycho bitch from hell driving his every motivation to be a buttfuck.

If thats the case the Doc will get better? Worked for the PO of our house by all accounts. He used to walk around and threaten to shoot anyone on his property. His wife died and suddenly he mellowed out. Apparently got of the doctors pills she made him take. By all account his last few years on this earth he was a nice guy.

Personally having Drs as neighbors as well I find they are the smartest and most important people in the room. All you have to do is ask them. Mine pretty much wont talk to us because they can’t manipulate my wife or myself. Everybody knows their true colors and being part timers in towns most locals dont even like them.

I voted for bacon because fuck those guys. Yea I feel for the kids, lost my dad at a younger age and it sucks. But life deals cards, play youR hand and hope you can get a wild card now and agin and use it for you. If you could help just the kids that would be great but usually thats going to draw a lot of red flags from any parent. “I am only here to help your kids...” Bacon it is:flipoff2:
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I am in a similar situation. Private rd, neighbor who thinks every ones land belongs to them. I got drunk and told them to stay off my property at 2 am. They saw that as a challenge, and called cops, building inspector, electric utility... I now have 130 ft of fence and a boathouse, basically in their front yard since they built their place sideways looking up the lake through my property. Since there is nothing left for them to complain about they put their place up for sale for 4 times it's value, then dropped it to twice it's value. Not going to sell because no view. I wouldn't piss on them if they were on fire.
Dr Dick, I am sorry for your loss. I know we have had our differences, but if you need help, especially with the kids, you know where to find us.

Turn and walk away. Just like 45ACP, his response would define the rest our time being neighbors.
You should stop addressing him as Dr, unless he is your Dr. I would call him by his first name, farmer or prick or dick or whatever the fuck it is. From here on out, if you choose to help him, he is your equal imo. If he is your equal, he does not deserve a prefix to his name in common conversation. That will bring him down a notch or two, still above you, but more common ground. I've found that Dr's you address by their first name come back to earth, and act more cordial.
You should stop addressing him as Dr, unless he is your Dr. I would call him by his first name, farmer or prick or dick or whatever the fuck it is. From here on out, if you choose to help him, he is your equal imo. If he is your equal, he does not deserve a prefix to his name in common conversation. That will bring him down a notch or two, still above you, but more common ground. I've found that Dr's you address by their first name come back to earth, and act more cordial.

This is true although I always addressed dr Tony as dr Tony because he was nearly 80 years old and I was 20-something years old and he let us hunt his property and gave us his homemade wine. In retrospect it’s funny, I never saw him doing dr stuff. He was always making wine or wrenching on an old car or being angry at canda geese.
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