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Fueds, mystery, and death on the mountain... WWID?

Fueds, mystery, and death on the mountain... WWID?

  • Offer condolences/help

    Votes: 59 54.6%
  • Leave it be

    Votes: 33 30.6%
  • bacon

    Votes: 16 14.8%

  • Total voters


Yellow Skull
May 28, 2020
Member Number
Wild week here for us. We're 40's married, 2 kids, so a martini on date night is pinnacle of excitement usually. Sorry no cliffs:flipoff2:

We bought a distressed house on a mountain, 1 mile from the edge of town. It's a pretty grand house with a view. We've spent a shit load of time, energy and money to make it a home. It's a big deal for us. We both grew up poor. Not on the streets poor, but I lived in the crappy trailer in the trailer park. Wife was barely better, she did grow up in actual house. (young me would have been jealous). We are very successful now, not through education, family, or luck. Through hard work determination and common sense.

Both of our neighbors are Mrs. Dr. and Mr. Dr. The East side neighbor Doctors didn't live here until recently. They owned the property and Mr. Dr. has a small orchard he played on. When he bought it he immediately violated several of the handful of CCR's that do exist here(talking bare bones and 40 years old). Our house was abandoned at the time. His only other close neighbor brought up the CCRs and were immediately threatened with lawsuits. They backed down and Dr. did his thing. We moved in and I BS'd with him here and there and was generally as neighborly as can be. Went and closed up all his friends honeybee hives when I had my field sprayed. Kept his "barn" kittens alive over the winter. (Seriously Dr. Farmer, your tractor shed is not a barn. No feed, no mice, no mice, kittens starve.) Couple years go by and they decided to build a house. It's a mountain and I own about the only place to turn around or park anything bigger than a F150. They ask if they can use our place for their heavy equipment. Sure, no prob! Then water. Sure, no problem. etc, etc.

Then they moved their shop. As they started the foundation, we realized he's moving right in our front yard. 5 acres and that's your choice. OK. We groused to each other a little, BUT we didn't say anything. His land, his rules. County setback is 5'. We'll one day run into our other neighbors, the ones from the previous dispute with Dr Farmer. We small talk and they bring up the shop, I grouse, but again his land his rules, 5' set back etc. "No, it's a 20' setback on the mountain", say whut? He warns me about Dr Farmer, he'll sue you, etc. What? No, we're cool. I immediately go verify the setback and then try to call him. No answer, I go over and stop the crew. I see Dr. Farmer later, and go over. He immediately threatens legal action. I actually laughed. I was very polite, but I told him it was a bad idea. It's very clear cut you're in the wrong. I asked the name of his attorney. I suggested he call him before he continued. Gave him our real estate attorneys name and left. I called our attorney and he actually recommend another litigator type so we did that. Time goes by and we don't hear anything, but they do move the shop.

Problem solved, life goes on. No big deal.

Except Dr Farmer does not feel the same way. He's been wronged! He tries to get petty revenge every chance he gets. Calls the city on my son's dog for coming in his yard. Sets up cameras watching our property. Tries to play the victim in to the Road Association. One day as my wife and I are busting ass on the 1 millionth house project I have to turn my truck and trailer around in between my house and our shared property line. It's weeds, nothing but weeds. But, I know he's a prick, cameras etc. So I do a Austin Powers turn with a trailer on my side, and get to work. Out comes Dr. Farmer to accuse me of driving on his property. I lose it. Dr. Farmer you make me feel like a creep. I have video of you trespassing, driving your tractor on my property, your dogs on several occasions digging holes in my yard, etc. It makes me sick to do it, but I have to thanks to you. I would never call the city on your dogs, as they are both ancient and would probably die. I haven't done anything with any of it, because I am not a prick. We HAD an issue, you FIXED the issue, and as far as I'm concerned that was it! It would have been GREAT if we could have been at least cordial, since we are gonna spend the next 40 YEARS AS NEIGHBORS! Dr Farmer "Well YOU cost me $15k". I walked off. I wanted to give him the benefit of the doubt. But given his earlier issues with our other neighbors it tough. Either he's so dumb, he didn't read or remember the CCR's from his earlier dispute over the same shop. OR he knowingly violated them and hoped to bully us into going along. I read somewhere never attribute stupidity as malice or some shit and it stuck with me. When people do stupid shit, I try not to take it personal.

Now your pretty much caught up to this week.

Yesterday, I'm coming home from the gym and see a cop car and a city car on our road. That's not a thing. 1.5 mile posted private road, dead end. 11 houses, all respectable, mostly elderly.

Wife says 2 cops were at Dr Farmers house... Lots of cars there now

I say, no a cop and a...? Detective? No... The guy in the city car wasn't a cop.

Why do the police come to your house?

Generally only 2 reasons.

The second guy was a chaplain. 21 years in the military, I know how notifications go.

Wife and I both kinda laughed it off. it's all purely conjecture. We've seen a cop, and a "not a cop" in a city car...But...damn it looks like one of them died...

We had a historic wind storm Wed night. Power out everywhere. Trees down. We both had to wind our way to the gym that AM around downed trees.

Only 1 fatality...a lone unidentified female was crushed under a falling tree only a few miles from our house.

Mrs Dr (Dr)Farmer is dead. The lone fatality from the storm. Crushed on her way to work,

Now the rest of our neighborhood are salt of the earth good people. They are calling US to see what they can do for Dr. Farmer and his kids...You see our houses are the closest two houses on the mountain. BY FAR. 5 acres and he builds 50' away. We're about the same age, kids are close. 1 boy and 1 girl each. OF COURSE we're friends...right?

Shit...we'd still help. Prick or no, his wife died, his kids lost their mom. But..he HATES us...

So leave em alone? Offer? We wanted to drop a card and a meal, but then thought maybe a uber eats gift card so he can use it whenever? ( I wouldn't eat anything he offered me.)

So finally cliffs:

Neighbor is prick, his wife dies unexpectedly 1 in a freaking million accident( I guess technically based on population 1:500,000).

Do you

A: Offer condolences and help.

B: Leave it

(Epilogue: Yesterday is also trash day. He hauled his garbage down to the hard top. Saw him, so I knew it wasn't him that died. Wife was shocked, but I've seen people handle grief all different ways. His wife wasn't a fan of living up here, but he liked to play farmer. Betting he's staying. We may start a pool on date for the new wife. Hope she's cool or at least hot. Not gonna speak ill of the dead... )
Do something small like a card/flowers or possibly a small dinner. Leave it at that. The guy may be an asshole but if you feel you want to do something then do it and don’t let him being an asshole get in the way. At the same time you don’t need to coordinate everyone’s efforts. Do what you want or nothing and leave him be.
bummer to hear about his wife.

personally, i wouldn't do shit about it. if wants to be not a prick, then be not a prick back. the reason you live on a mountain is for a good view, not to bullshit with neighbors you don't like because you feel obligated.

seriously, let him make the first move. he can be bitter until it kills him if he wants :flipoff2:
Offer condolences, if there is something you know he needs done that he'd 'get' that you did a kindness, do it. He is a shitbird, but people can change and can see things differently in different circumstances. You will be glad you did the right thing.
Slide this under his door!!!!!

Fuck that guy.

but, I always try to take the high road, and i sleep like a baby.

Flowers, and a few meals that can be reheated. Don't need to say much, just that you're sorry for his loss.
Jesus christ short story long. Fuck him and fuck his flat wife.


You DO have to put up with him for 40 years, assuming no more windstorms. A casserole and a card is a cheap investment.

Sounds like way too much dog/camera/driving boundary interaction. Maybe we've got a fence expert here who can recommend something?
No one think he killed her? :stirthepot:
I might watch ( wife actually) to many of them murder shows on TV
I started to type up some comparisons with our neighbor, but deleted that because it gets me pissed off just to think of it. If their horse was in a fucked spot again or there dog needed to be brought home again I probably would help. Would I go wish my concordances if one of them died no.
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Be the bigger man and offer condolences.

This plus the Uber eats card.

but, I’d also slip subtle tree analogies into my conversations with him like “I’m going to go out on a limb here” or “my beliefs are deeply rooted”. He might not get it, but I’d giggle to myself every time just because he was an asshole.
Fucking acronym people. It's hard enough to read and understand a wall of text, don't need fancy acronyms making it worse.

So, what-the-fuck does CCR mean?
This is what I found.
CCRCenter for Cancer Research (NIH)
CCRCalifornia Code of Regulations
CCRCenter for Constitutional Rights
CCRCentral Contractor Registry
CCRConsumer Confidence Report (safe drinking water)
CCRCreedence Clearwater Revival (band)
CCRCentral Contractor Registration (US DoD contractor/vendor database system)
CCRCustomer Care Representative (various companies)
CCRContinuity of Care Record
CCRChild Care Resources
CCRCode of Colorado Regulations
CCRCounterparty Credit Risk
CCRConcurrency and Coordination Runtime (computing)
CCRCanadian Canoe Routes (resource)
CCRClosed Circuit Rebreather (SCUBA)
CCRCluster Continuous Replication (Microsoft Exchange Server)
CCRCanadian Council for Refugees
CCRCoca-Cola Refreshments (Coca-Cola Company)
CCRCreedence Clearwater Revisited (band)
CCRCovenants, Conditions, and Restrictions (insurance; real estate)
CCRCorporate Citizenship Report
CCRCredit Control Request (online charging)
CCRConference Committee Report
CCRComputer Communication Review (technical newsletter for ACM SIGCOMM)
CCRCentre for Conflict Resolution
CCRCross Canadian Ragweed (band)
CCRCenter for Collaborative Research (various organizations)
CCRChange Control Request
CCRCore Client Registrar
CCRCall Completion Rate
CCRCurrent Cell Rate
CCRCluster Continuous Replication
CCRChannel Control Register
CCRCompanhia de Concessoes Rodoviárias (Portugese)
CCRCatholic Charismatic Renewal
CCRC-C Chemokine Receptor
CCRCenter for Conflict Resolution
CCRCirculatory and Respiratory
CCRCache Control Register (computing)
CCRCentral Coast Region (various locations)
CCRCondition Code Register
CCRCalifornia Cancer Registry
CCRCenter for Computational Research
CCRCoordinated Community Response
CCRCinema Com Rapadura (Portugese)
CCRConsiglio Comunale dei Ragazzi (Italian)
CCRCash-on-Cash Return (finance/investing)
CCRCertified Court Reporter
CCRCoal Combustion Residue
CCRCriteria Change Request
CCRComissão de Cidadania e Reprodução (Portugese, Brazil)
CCRCentral Cancer Registry
CCRCouncil for Chemical Research
CCRCenter for Cardiovascular Research
CCRCherry Creek Radio (various locations)
CCRCenter for Climatic Research (University of Wisconsin-Madison)
CCRCaisse Centrale de Reassurance (French)
CCRClimate Change Research
CCRCalifornia Clapper Rail (species)
CCRCargo Control Room
CCRCross-Cultural Research
CCRCommission on Civil Rights
CCRCentral Control Room
CCRCenter for Clinical Research
CCRCentre for Cultural Research (Australia)
CCRCollege of Court Reporting
CCRCurly Coated Retriever (dog breed)
CCRCoordinated Compliance Review
CCRCentre Commun de Recherche (French: Joint Research Center; EU)
CCRChris Craft Roamer (boats)
CCRCardiocerebral Resuscitation (cardiac arrest)
CCRConstant Current Regulator
CCRCenter for Coastal Resources (Massachusetts Institute of Technology; Boston, MA)
CCRCommunity College Review (publishing)
CCRCoyote Creek Ranch (Colorado)
CCRCedar County Republican (est. 1886; Stockton, MO)
CCRCorporate Community Relations
CCRCredit Card Relief (consumer finance)
CCRCritical Customer Requirement
CCRCenter for Communications Research
CCRCancer Control Research (Canada)
CCRCoriell Cell Repositories
CCRConfiguration Change Request
CCRCreatinine Clearance Rate
CCRCurrent Cell Rate (ATMF)
CCRCape Cod Railroad (Massachusetts)
CCRCall Center Review (software)
CCRCaisse Centrale de Reescompte (French)
CCRCredit Card Receivables
CCRCorporate Crime Reporter (Washington, DC)
CCRClosed-Cycle Refrigerator
CCRCapital Collateral Representative
CCRCall Center Representative
CCRCost Credit
CCRChina Chemical Reporter
CCRConradson Carbon Residue
CCRContinuing Certification Requirement
CCRCertificat de Changement de Résidence (French: Certificate of Change of Residence; various nations)
CCRCorrect Classification Rate (statistics)
CCRCenter for Consumer Research
CCRCross-Cutting Review (of Science and Research; UK)
CCRClone-Controlled Replication
CCRCardiac, Circulatory and Respiratory
CCRCompagnie des Contractants Régionaux (French: Regional Contracting Company)
CCRCorner Cube Reflector
CCRCriminal Courts Review (UK)
CCRCentral Consultancy Register (EU Phare and Tacis Programmes database)
CCRCork Campus Radio
CCRCafeteria Conference Room (various organizations)
CCRCapacity Constrained Resource
CCRCenter for Cooperative Resolution
CCRCall Completion Rate (telephony)
CCRCentre Català del Reciclatge (Spanish)
CCRCustomer Controlled Reconfiguration (Sprint)
CCRConseils Consultatifs Régionaux (French)
CCRComputer-Communications Research
CCRCorner Cube Retroreflector
CCRChild Care Registration (software)
CCRCrab Creek Review (literature)
CCRComision Clasificadora de Riesgo (Spanish)
CCRCentral Commission for Navigation on the Rhine
CCRChop Cut Rebuild (TV show)
CCRCream City Review
CCRCenter for Creative Retirement
and because there is a 10,000 character limit on posts, here's the second half:
CCRCircle Computer Resources (Iowa)
CCRCloud Cover Radiometer
CCRClub Codes and Regulations
CCRComparison Category Rating
CCRChu Chu Rocket! (video game)
CCRCentre for Critical Realism
CCRComputer Competency Requirement
CCRClient Configuration Request (Microsoft SMS)
CCRCourse Concepts Review
CCRCanadian Consortium for Research
CCRCross Country Running
CCRCitroen Club Rijnmond (The Netherlands)
CCRChristus Centrum Ruhrgebiet (German)
CCRCash Conversion Rate (ratio of free cash flow to income)
CCRCommitment, Concurrency, & Recovery
CCRCaulobacter Vibrioides
CCRCentre de Calcul Recherche et Réseau Jussieu (French)
CCRCombat Crew
CCRCivic and Community Relations
CCRCenter for Community Resources (various locations)
CCRConstraint Contextual Rewriting
CCRConsigli Consultivi Regionali (Italian)
CCRComité Consultatif sur la Recherche (French: Consultative Committee on Research, Canada)
CCRCitizens for Civic Renewal
CCRCertified Community Researcher
CCRCitizens for Civil Rights
CCRCarrier Commercial Refrigeration, Inc
CCRCambridge Clinical Research (UK)
CCRCertified Construction Reviewer (Delaware)
CCRCenter for Ceramic Research
CCRContext Control
CCRCarrefour Culturel Régional (French, Quebec)
CCRCanal-Calcar Ratio
CCRCanalside Community Radio (MacClesfield, UK)
CCRCategory Cued Recall
CCRChopper City Records
CCRCriminal Conviction Review
CCRCumulative Continuation Rate
CCRConservative's Chat Room
CCRChocolate-Covered Raisins
CCRCenter for Child Care Resources
CCRCentro Cristiano Restauracion (Spanish: Christian Center Restoration)
CCRCarbon-Carbon Radiator
CCRContinuity Check Request Signal (CCS #7 & ITU-T)
CCRCoordinating Committee on Remuneration
CCRCommittee on Chicano Rights
CCRCity Civil Registrar
CCRContract Change Request
CCRCentralized Control Room
CCRCircular Chart Recorder
CCRCanadian Coastal Radar(s)
CCRCenter for Craniofacial Regeneration
CCRComplex Coordinate Rotation
CCRCruel Children's Room
CCRCross Country Rentals (New Zealand)
CCRContractor Change Request
CCRContent Control Room
CCRCitizen Crime Report
CCRConsistency Check Request
CCRCaritas Czech Republic
CCRCountry Clearance Request
CCRControl Center Rack (NASA)
CCRCriss Cross Row
CCRCentral Contracts Register (South Africa)
CCRConstruction Compliance Report
CCRCenter for Comparative Research
CCRCommand Conference Room
CCRCompetitive Climbing Rank (rock climbing)
CCRCommission Centrale du Rhin (French)
CCRCool Cat Racing, Inc (Macon, GA)
CCRCenter for Celiac Research
CCRCentro Cristao de Recreacao (Portugese)
CCRChair Command Release/Refuse
CCRContinuous Catalytic Regenerator
CCRCape Cod Recreation (website)
CCRCentre for Catalogue Research (UK)
CCRCorinth & Counce Railroad Company
CCRCoherent Correlation Receiver
CCRCommunity Covenants & Restrictions (homeowners associations)
CCRCouncil of Chapter Representatives
CCRCommitment, Concurrence, and Redundancy
CCRCeppad, Cammice and Rapid (Experiments)
CCRCapitol Commitment Requisition
CCRCorridor Circuit Rider
CCRCarroll Creek Remedies
CCRCultural Creative Ring
CCRCritical Computer Resource
CCRClub Cyclo Roussillonnais (French cycling club)
CCRCold-Circadian Rhythm-RNA Binding
CCRCross-Correlation Reduction
CCRController Controller Revolution (Dance Dance Revolution)
CCRChest Compression Resuscitation (CPR without rescue breathing)
CCRClose-Coupled Representation
CCRCanonical Commutation Relations Algebra
CCRCommunauté de Communes du Ribéracois (French: Community of Communes of Ribéracois; Ribérac, France)
CCRConfiguration Change Report
CCRCost of Corrective Replacement
CCRCreed's Computer Repair
CCRCenter for Complexity Research
CCRCruise Control Resume
CCRCenter for Corpus Research (University of Birmingham, UK)
CCRCustom Component Replacement
CCRCyclo Club Rivesaltes (French cycling club)
CCRContinuous Certification Requirement
CCRComponent Characteristics Record
CCRCentral Contract for Registration
CCRCash Control Record
CCRCombined Casualty Report
CCRConnection Challenge Response
CCRConcord, CA, USA - Municipal (airport code)
CCRContinuous Claim Reserve (insurance)
CCRCitroën Club Romand (automobile club; Switzerland)
CCRCadet College Rangpur (Bangladesh)
CCRCorse Centrale de Restauration (French: Central Corsica Restoration)
CCRComputability, Complexity and Randomness (conference)
CCRCentre de Conduite Régional (French: Regional Operation Center)
CCRCyclotourisme Club du Roumois (French cycling club)
Offer condolences and leave it at that if you don't really want to help.
I'd probably leave him alone. He made his bed. Hopefully, the isolation will make him want to move. If you feel like you need to do something then get a basked and put in things that the kids will enjoy and a $100 gift card to a moving service.
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