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Flu shot


In Hell
May 20, 2020
Member Number
So since the corona virus is so bad and were all weraing masks and social distancing why the fuck does anybody need a flu shot? I had a run in with an individiual from a certain gov agency that deals with these things and they mentioned reminding my office to get their flu shots. So I asked him the above question and he had no answer. Complete blank stare. He didnt have a clue how to answer the question. This whole things a joke.
So since the corona virus is so bad and were all weraing masks and social distancing why the fuck does anybody need a flu shot? I had a run in with an individiual from a certain gov agency that deals with these things and they mentioned reminding my office to get their flu shots. So I asked him the above question and he had no answer. Complete blank stare. He didnt have a clue how to answer the question. This whole things a joke.

Could it be that he just thought you were a fucking idiot?

What’s so bad about taking out a potential contributing factor in contracting another deadly disease?

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I'm wondering what's going to actually in it. Perhaps a trial run of the beer flu vaccine to see what it does to people or maybe random doses of the beer flu so's they can pump up the numbers for a full nationwide lockdown. In any case I am not going to get one just like every other year, I am a gambler so I'll roll the dice instead.
Had the flu 1x ever, not inviting any reasons to get it on purpose. At 50 I’d say I’m gonna live.

So no, not getting a shot.
Had the flu 1x ever, not inviting any reasons to get it on purpose. At 50 I’d say I’m gonna live.

So no, not getting a shot.

I’ve never had one. First time I’m considering it.
Used to get the shot every year and always got a winter long cold. Forgot the shot one year and got a cold that knocked me out of commission for half a day and then I was fine the rest of the season. Haven't had one since, haven't been sick for more than a day since
..........the why keep getting it?

I don't keep getting it. I'll go without for a year or two, wife with bitch and moan about it, I'll get it, boom, sick. Go another two years, etc. I think I skipped last year.
Never had one. They are injecting you guys with shit that’s turning you gay I think :flipoff2:

I don't know about that, I got to sit behind a screen with a pretty girl dressed up like a nurse at the cvs. Started having Tijuana flashbacks.:rolleyes:
Mom is 92 will be 93 in Oct, anything I can do keep her well I will so yeah we'll be getting shots this year if she wants
No shots, my kids don't get shots either, from birth, all healthy, I've taken a bunch of shit from drs, family, the lady after the baby momma, the Karen's and their memes. 3/3 healthy the girls are in the honor roll, the boy is a PITA but gifted af, and probably the tallest in his class, even though he's the youngest

I'm not trusting big pharma big medicine or big gov.

The same family practice doctors that try and convince me I'm wrong are the same ones that ask me if I have guns in my house.

Let that sink in.

*in my state a child is more likely to drown in a pool than be shot - longstanding statistic

*we have phenomenal emergency medical care, as we should
Never had one and never will. I even pick up medical biowaste all week long for work and I'm still not going to get one.
Had 1 flu shot and got the flu that year. Haven’t got one since and only had the flu 2 times in the last 15+ years. Why wpuld I do my immune system a disservice by intentionally attempting to bypass it.

Besides how often to they break .500 when GUESSING what strains to do?

I always hear people who swear by it say “Well I am sure my flu this year would have been worse without it...”
Seems funny almost every year they say "well, we missed, this year, it's an entirely different strain of flu that was not included in our vaccine" so who the fawk knows? I got one last year for the first time in my life, ended up with some sort of sickness that seemed to just hang on and was told it was the common cold, I think it was the rona.
I’ve already gotten emails about “flattening the curve” on flu season.

Nope. No shot for me.

Flattening the flu curve, WTF:lmao::homer:??

I would get them through work when I was working at the airline and flying all the time, the last thing I needed was to get the flu in some shithole like Houston or Newark and have to stay there longer than absolutely necessary.

I dont get the passion either way with flu shots, either get one or dont, who cares?

I'm pro vaccine, anti COVID vaccine for a few years, we can let the Twitter virtue signalers be the Guinea pig for that one.
Seems funny almost every year they say "well, we missed, this year, it's an entirely different strain of flu that was not included in our vaccine" so who the fawk knows? I got one last year for the first time in my life, ended up with some sort of sickness that seemed to just hang on and was told it was the common cold, I think it was the rona.

But we can surely trust them that COVID vaccine will be safe and effective.
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