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FBI insurance policy


Well-known member
Jun 21, 2020
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Southern Wisconsin
From Glenn Beck last night:


Apparently some FBI people took out personal liability insurance when CNN broke their story. I wonder if this is the policy the Struck/Paige were chatting about? Like anything they do won't personally affect them? What a bunch of crooks.


Now, new leaked texts and communications from FBI agents within the department at the time of the entire Russian collusion effort were disclosed in federal court filings on Thursday. According to the court documents, FBI agents purchased "professional liability insurance" to protect themselves in January 2017, just weeks before Donald Trump was inaugurated president, because they were concerned about the agency's potentially illegal activity during the Russia collusion investigation.

"Trump was right," one FBI employee wrote in response to then-President-elect Trump's Jan 3, 2017 tweet which read: "The 'Intelligence' briefing on so-called 'Russian hacking' was delayed until Friday, perhaps more time needed to build a case. Very strange!"
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That is disturbing to think about and frankly I haven't investigated it too much. If the FBI is corrupt then why hasn't there been a bloodbath? They are nothing more than the DOJ's bitch, why guys like Comey so prominent? He's not J. Edgar Hoover.

Wtf is going on at the FBI? Why isn't everybody fired? What the fuck are they doing these days, any actual law enforcement?
That was all over hannity last night along with some really disturbing texts
That is disturbing to think about and frankly I haven't investigated it too much. If the FBI is corrupt then why hasn't there been a bloodbath? They are nothing more than the DOJ's bitch, why guys like Comey so prominent? He's not J. Edgar Hoover.

Wtf is going on at the FBI? Why isn't everybody fired? What the fuck are they doing these days, any actual law enforcement?

It is one of the things I think the Donald has handled terribly, after all the nonsense that occurred the entire leadership of the FBI should have been dismantled and put on trial. Enough of them being an arm of the left.
It is one of the things I think the Donald has handled terribly, after all the nonsense that occurred the entire leadership of the FBI should have been dismantled and put on trial. Enough of them being an arm of the left.

I don't think he could have gotten away with it with all the Mueller bullshit going on. Look how much shit he got just for firing Comey. I'd expect a big FBI shake up if he gets re-elected.
They (DOJ/AG Barr) are slow-rolling the intel and stuff now. They are letting it out a little at a time. Hunter Biden, FBI, more and more until the election.
It is one of the things I think the Donald has handled terribly, after all the nonsense that occurred the entire leadership of the FBI should have been dismantled and put on trial. Enough of them being an arm of the left.

I actually don't mind that he did not take this on in his first term. I would really like to see him go scorched earth on the FBI this term. The actions of a few have tarnished the entire FBI.
The actions of a few have tarnished the entire FBI.

I hope that's the case. I want to believe that most of the FBI will uphold whatever law happens to govern them. Maybe the problem is in the lawyer arm of the DOJ? I don't know.

I still want to like G-men. They're supposed to be above all of this. Who is attacking our Institutions?
The actions of a few have tarnished the entire FBI.

And those that remained silent while knowing what was going on around them are just as bad. :mad3:

Its going to take a total reset to fix that mess. That will never happen, so just move along......Nothing to see here. :rolleyes:
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