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Everboob is a ****.


Part time dumbass
May 19, 2020
Member Number
U.S.S.A. (Washington St.)
Like the title says, he’s a ****. He is over politicizing in a tragic thread. I say he is the biggest **** on the board. Is there a bigger **** here? Beside me for posting this thread of course. :flipoff2:
Look at all the fragile flowers.
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Like the title says, he’s a ****. He is over politicizing in a tragic thread. I say he is the biggest **** on the board. Is there a bigger **** here? Beside me for posting this thread of course. :flipoff2:

I can't understand how someone can be such a ****, fuck him.

So did you shut down the State Capitol for your Firearms Rights, or did you make threats and piss and moan about me on a msg board?

You got me curious so I looked it up.

He's pretty much right, but comes off a little strong.

Because nobody will listen to reason.

Nothing but a litany of these Deaths of Despair and Illnesses of Despair on PBB, and now it's showed up here for the first time, and I wont to go down, ON RECORD, for calling it out.

Calling out society for being objectively and viciously against White Men does not make me or anyone else a racist. We've been bamboozled by the idea that you have to join some militia or get a swastika tattoo, they do it to our kids, make them believe that.

That Uncle who did himself in is a Victim, and I'm fucking angry about it and everyone here should be too. It's a fucking obscentiy. Nothing I can say can be more obscene that that man's suicide and what he did to his kid. It's fuckin gross.
evernoob is certainly a ****, but not really for any one particular reason :flipoff2: it's just a part of the mask he wears so that he can face the world every day
evernoob is certainly a ****, but not really for any one particular reason :flipoff2: it's just a part of the mask he wears so that he can face the world every day

Nah, I'm actually congenial and gregarious as hell. The Internet is literally for NOT acting polite and congenial, that's the fucking point, as I've pointed out again and again.

To act with the same restrictions that face-to-face Social Contract has is stupid. Many of you guys, but not you or you forgot, were on the Internet when it was the Wild Fucking West, totally open conversation on newsgroups and IRC.

It is WRONG to be polite and congenial on the Internet, in many cases. It is a SACRED DUTY to be inflammatory, edgy, and contrarian on the last remaining bastion of real free speech.

It is a SACRED HONOR handed down and slicked up with the blood of our ForeFATHERS who fought, bled, and died for this SACRED RIGHT.

I am not drunk, and everything I say above is true. They are the truest words that can possibly be spoken.

The idea of FREE SPEECH should literally start bringing tears to your eyes if you sit back and contemplate it.

I am BOUND by my prior military service, which was easy as fuck, to uphold this SACRED HONOR.

Of being an asshole on the internet.
Nah, I'm actually congenial and gregarious as hell. The Internet is literally for NOT acting polite and congenial, that's the fucking point, as I've pointed out again and again.

To act with the same restrictions that face-to-face Social Contract has is stupid. Many of you guys, but not you or you forgot, were on the Internet when it was the Wild Fucking West, totally open conversation on newsgroups and IRC.

It is WRONG to be polite and congenial on the Internet, in many cases. It is a SACRED DUTY to be inflammatory, edgy, and contrarian on the last remaining bastion of real free speech.

It is a SACRED HONOR handed down and slicked up with the blood of our ForeFATHERS who fought, bled, and died for this SACRED RIGHT.

I am not drunk, and everything I say above is true. They are the truest words that can possibly be spoken.

The idea of FREE SPEECH should literally start bringing tears to your eyes if you sit back and contemplate it.

I am BOUND by my prior military service, which was easy as fuck, to uphold this SACRED HONOR.

Of being an asshole on the internet.

conflict drives traffic.

conflict drives thought.

conflict fertilizes growth.

as long as you are a proud ****, i guess :flipoff2:
conflict drives traffic.

conflict drives thought.

conflict fertilizes growth.

as long as you are a proud ****, i guess :flipoff2:

It's Memorial Day. I'm cringey enough to take that shit seriously. Instead of going down to be with the old Veterans today, as I usually do, I'm going to be an asshole on the internet.

I literally think I am honoring the War Dead by being a **** on the internet. I am right in this case.

If this puts money in Austin's pocket, all the better. I believe regulated Free Markets and Free Speech go hand-in-hand.

Click image for larger version  Name:	HeftyGeneralAidi-size_restricted.gif Views:	0 Size:	4.12 MB ID:	12262

Edit: here's that video if you want to see it. SS John Burke.

He might be a **** and a woman beater, hell he probably brought all that shit up in the wrong place at the wrong time in the wrong way, BUT he is 100% correct.

​​​​​​I withhold judgement of the father and I will keep the son in my thoughts. Anger has no place in the situation. I lost one of my best friends to suicide in 2014 and I think of him daily. He fit evernoob's post exactly 100%. I miss you Nick.
He might be a **** and a woman beater, hell he probably brought all that shit up in the wrong place at the wrong time in the wrong way, BUT he is 100% correct.

​​​​​​I withhold judgement of the father and I will keep the son in my thoughts. Anger has no place in the situation. I lost one of my best friends to suicide in 2014 and I think of him daily. He fit evernoob's post exactly 100%. I miss you Nick.

suicide is a natural occurrence.

to say that it is 100% due to a the destruction of the white man? false

edit: also, he said he would shoot a cat with a 10/22 and then goes on rants about gun control and such as he is a prohibited person. To keep some sort of consistency, i.e. less ****y, he should have said he would shoot cats with a pellet gun (same effect) but it would have then been legal. <- easy things to keep straight, it's like canada going with a dark gray background and calling it the same as black. **** for no reason :flipoff2:
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My friend struggling to find work after military service and having the drive to work and refusing social handout programs was the beginning of his end. One work injury later and he's prescribed oxycodone for pain, gets addicted, loses job, turns to heroin, turns to crime to get heroin, lossless wife, house, cars. The downward spiral was unstoppable once started. He came in and out of it over the years, but right at 10 years after his injury he shot himself in the head alone in a hotel room.

It was not a natural occurance and indeed was helped along by a broken system. Once his downfall began the only social program that seemed interested was the county jail. He is a veteran and NO veteran programs gave two shits about him.

He died alone and broken, probably due to shame and sickness. There's no real way of knowing, but it was not a natural occurance.

EN is entitled to his opinion.....
Suicide sucks.....
The dead... are dead.... prayers for the survivors trying to figure this shit out!!!!!
suicide is a natural occurrence.

to say that it is 100% due to a the destruction of the white man? false

edit: also, he said he would shoot a cat with a 10/22 and then goes on rants about gun control and such as he is a prohibited person. To keep some sort of consistency, i.e. less ****y, he should have said he would shoot cats with a pellet gun (same effect) but it would have then been legal. <- easy things to keep straight, it's like canada going with a dark gray background and calling it the same as black. **** for no reason :flipoff2:

How do you know that I shot a cat after I had my gun rights removed?

And you are nothing BUT a Concern Troll. You do nothing BUT concern troll every time.

OH, it's not 100% Deaths of Despair, let's all be reasonable about this....

Shut your Concern Troll mouth, why doncha? No you can't do that, it's Free Speech, and you provide a good example of how the War on the Working Class has proceeded. Gee, why don't you take our Kool Aid for your ills, Rural Man? All the guys that are Rural at heart in the cities and suburbs.

We moved away from the Democrats and got Trump elected BECAUSE WE KNOW SOMETHING IS WRONG.
Your old staid "gee let's be reasonable about this" killed that guy's uncle, the guy I know who murder/suicided his kid and himself, put 80lbs of fat on me, caused that PBB member's stroke and all the other shit we CONSTANTLY see on here.

Deaths of Despair.

And you fucking bullshit "Yeah but let's not be racist" is the most cucked thing ever, so just shut up. You are what's wrong.

It is not racist to point out that there is a directed effort against Whties in this country, rapidly accelerated by the Communist Chinese infesting every single Institution from Academia to Disney.

You are the fucking problem, with your bullshit concern trolling "AWwww let's just wait and see fellas, c'mon let's be reasonable".

The evidence refutes your horse-shit.


Fuck. You.
evernoob is certainly a ****, but not really for any one particular reason :flipoff2: it's just a part of the mask he wears so that he can face the world every day

You better watch out before he pops a cap in yer ass with his stock 10/22 :lmao:
How do you know that I shot a cat after I had my gun rights removed?

And you are nothing BUT a Concern Troll. You do nothing BUT concern troll every time.

Shut your Concern Troll mouth, why doncha? No you can't do that, it's Free Speech, and you provide a good example of how the War on the Working Class has proceeded. Gee, why don't you take our Kool Aid for your ills, Rural Man? All the guys that are Rural at heart in the cities and suburbs.

We moved away from the Democrats and got Trump elected BECAUSE WE KNOW SOMETHING IS WRONG.
Your old staid "gee let's be reasonable about this" killed that guy's uncle, the guy I know who murder/suicided his kid and himself, put 80lbs of fat on me, caused that PBB member's stroke and all the other shit we CONSTANTLY see on here.

Deaths of Despair.

And you fucking bullshit "Yeah but let's not be racist" is the most cucked thing ever, so just shut up. You are what's wrong.

It is not racist to point out that there is a directed effort against Whties in this country, rapidly accelerated by the Communist Chinese infesting every single Institution from Academia to Disney.

You are the fucking problem, with your bullshit concern trolling "AWwww let's just wait and see fellas, c'mon let's be reasonable".

The evidence refutes your horse-shit.

Fuck. You.

Racist Coward, that doesn’t say what you are attempting to pretend it says.
Read the Suicide thread, Don't know how you made the leap from OP's post to this.
check your Meds.
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