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Employee proximity tracking

Tin Roof

May 20, 2020
Member Number
I learned last week that there are construction projects requiring that all workers onsite wear proximity sensors to monitor proper social distancing. Specifically projects for big tech customers like Microsoft.

I didn’t know this was a thing. Apparently the unions are pushing back against it. Here’s the catch, they are not against it because it’s overreach, they are against it because it wasn’t negotiated with them....:rolleyes:

Any of you have to wear this shit at work?
I learned last week that there are construction projects requiring that all workers onsite wear proximity sensors to monitor proper social distancing. Specifically projects for big tech customers like Microsoft.

I didn’t know this was a thing. Apparently the unions are pushing back against it. Here’s the catch, they are not against it because it’s overreach, they are against it because it wasn’t negotiated with them....:rolleyes:

Any of you have to wear this shit at work?

:rolleyes:Unions will push back about it because using the companie's wants against them gives the union bargaining tools to get what they want. Unions are not about, and don't care about over reach, nor do they care about individual workers. They just want to pad their pockets with more of your money.
Our company bought them, union got shot down because the company considers it ppe. Its dumb to have them but when someone pops hot for covid they make it easy for the company to isolate everyone with who was exposed to that person.
I toured a new Amazon facility recently. They have cameras that display on large TVs. Everyone in view has a circle around them. If you get to close to each other, the circles turns red. They have cameras mounted above the entrance that also display temp readouts and an employee is tasked with ensuring that no one enters with elevated temps.
I don't see how it's such a big deal, I mean after the minimally invasive procedure I do want to buy Tasty Cakes Brand Products a little bit more often than I otherwise would have, and I want to cry a little bit whenever I overhear anyone disparaging MegaCorp ltd.

But on the plus side, they'll let me see my family again during the bi-weekly 30 minutes of scheduled safe interpersonal recreation time!
Wife says they wore them for a few days and now only when the higher ups are around. They have an app to log temp before coming to work too.
I would like some that incorporate a shock collar. I'll hold on to the proximity sensor and my coworkers can wear the shock collars:grinpimp:
They were talking about them at work, but with how slow and cheap the place is I doubt they will ever show up. They are trying to incorporate them into forklift telematics and preventing people from getting creamed by a lift. See my first sentence:laughing:
They have cameras mounted above the entrance that also display temp readouts and an employee is tasked with ensuring that no one enters with elevated temps.

We got that at work too. (Not Amazon)
I would like some that incorporate a shock collar. I'll hold on to the proximity sensor and my coworkers can wear the shock collars:grinpimp:

What about a collar that was comprised of 2 big magnets fitted around ones neck, and razor sharp steel discs mounted at the perimeter. When 2 of these magnetized bodies get to close to each other, the collars send a signal to the electronic warden, who releases the discs.?

I've been working on cal trans jobs since August. Nobody really gives a fuck. Every now and then a cal Trans inspector shows up with a mask, but even then they usually take it off once they see that no one else is wearing them.

There's no way you can do certain tasks without being within 6' :rolleyes:
I worked for Motorola in the early 2000s and they put trackers in our company vehicles with the equipment locked in boxes under the seat. We just put needles into the antenna cable to short the shielding and conductor then cut the needle off. After every vehicle kept not working they gave up after about 3 months.

Radio guys know how to make shit work and not work.
Welcome to the new Amerika. Cant share opinions as we break down social Interactions pushing more people towards censored social media. We are past this being about the virus.
Indeed. This is about controlling people, not a virus, the switch occurred sometime in about July 2020. Some folks will say wear your proxy collar, don’t be selfish, what do you have to hide? Those folks do not deserve freedom and should be wearing collars “voluntarily”. Then you’ve got the folks that say, well the employer can enforce any rule they like and if you don’t like it, just quit. Those folks make good wage slaves and won’t have freedom either.

On the other hand, most employees have a smart phone with GPS and a company vehicle with the same, so we’re all pretty easy to track when anyone wants to. They know where you had lunch, what you ate, how much it cost and how long you were there (carry out or otherwise). My buddy drives a tow truck, they just put cameras in the cab focused on the driver. He’s pretty pissed about that and gives them the one finger salute occasionally in case they happen to be watching.

None of this ends well. I’m lucky, I only have to work if I want to, so I won’t be a party to the employee collars and I’ll be dead a few decades. So glad I’m not starting my career now. Remote working with a camera trained on you, well I won’t be doing it.
Indeed. This is about controlling people, not a virus, the switch occurred sometime in about July 2020. Some folks will say wear your proxy collar, don’t be selfish, what do you have to hide? Those folks do not deserve freedom and should be wearing collars “voluntarily”. Then you’ve got the folks that say, well the employer can enforce any rule they like and if you don’t like it, just quit. Those folks make good wage slaves and won’t have freedom either.

On the other hand, most employees have a smart phone with GPS and a company vehicle with the same, so we’re all pretty easy to track when anyone wants to. They know where you had lunch, what you ate, how much it cost and how long you were there (carry out or otherwise). My buddy drives a tow truck, they just put cameras in the cab focused on the driver. He’s pretty pissed about that and gives them the one finger salute occasionally in case they happen to be watching.

None of this ends well. I’m lucky, I only have to work if I want to, so I won’t be a party to the employee collars and I’ll be dead a few decades. So glad I’m not starting my career now. Remote working with a camera trained on you, well I won’t be doing it.

Quoted for the motherfucking truth. I never have nor will I ever become a slave. I have enough smarts and skills that I can fend for myself without becoming yet another lemming.
I have to wear something similar at work so certain pieces of equipment will not operate if you get to close. If someone were to make a case out of a pop can, it could be defeated
Are the bathroom stalls within 6ft, or do they tape off every other one?
Curious if this is automatic thing that sets off alarms if any two sensors get within 6ft.
2 married employees can't kiss?
FIRE is the answer.

Our union went along with them. I have received a couple of phone calls reminding me to charge mine up as the battery is dead. Have not had a reported covid case at work since weeks before having these issued so I do not think that they have actually used them for their stated purpose. Have left mine home and in the car several times and never heard a peep about it
[486 said:
;n342697]I don't see how it's such a big deal, I mean after the minimally invasive procedure I do want to buy Tasty Cakes Brand Products a little bit more often than I otherwise would have, and I want to cry a little bit whenever I overhear anyone disparaging MegaCorp ltd.

But on the plus side, they'll let me see my family again during the bi-weekly 30 minutes of scheduled safe interpersonal recreation time!

Don't forget to thank your overlords for being so gracious with that interpersonal recreation time!
Amazon warehouse workers were a device that buzzes if they go the wrong direction towards whatever they're supposed to pull. Make a left, when you should have made a right, bzzzzzz.
Amazon warehouse workers were a device that buzzes if they go the wrong direction towards whatever they're supposed to pull. Make a left, when you should have made a right, bzzzzzz.

That would be cool for hotels and hospitals.
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